# Author: Robert J. Hijmans
# Date : October 2017
# Version 1.0
# License GPL v3
new_rast <- function(nrows=10, ncols=10, nlyrs=1, xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=1, crs, extent, resolution, vals, names, time, units) {
ncols <- round(ncols)
if (ncols < 1) error("rast", "ncols < 1")
nrows <- round(nrows)
if (nrows < 1) error("rast", "nrows < 1")
if (missing(extent)) {
e <- c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
} else {
extent <- ext(extent)
e <- as.vector(extent)
if ((e[1] >= e[2]) || e[3] >= e[4]) {
error("rast,missing", "invalid extent")
if (missing(crs)) {
if (e[1] > -360.01 & e[2] < 360.01 & e[3] > -90.01 & e[4] < 90.01) {
crs <- "OGC:CRS84"
} else {
crs <- ""
} else {
crs <- character_crs(crs, "rast")
r <- methods::new("SpatRaster")
r@pntr <- SpatRaster$new(c(nrows, ncols, nlyrs), e, crs)
r <- messages(r, "rast")
if (!missing(resolution)) {
res(r) <- resolution
if (!missing(vals)) {
if (length(vals) == 1) {
if (is.na(vals[1])) {
vals <- as.numeric(NA)
if (!is.null(ncol(vals))) {
nms <- colnames(vals)
if (length(nms) == nlyr(r)) {
names(r) <- nms
values(r) <- vals
if (!missing(names)) {
names(r) <- names
if (!missing(time)) {
time(r) <- time
if (!missing(units)) {
time(r) <- units
setMethod("rast", signature(x="missing"),
function(x, nrows=180, ncols=360, nlyrs=1, xmin=-180, xmax=180, ymin=-90, ymax=90, crs, extent, resolution, vals, names, time, units) {
new_rast(nrows, ncols, nlyrs, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, crs, extent, resolution, vals, names, time, units)
rast_from_image <- function(x) {
# list representing an "image"
if (! all(dim(x$z) == c(length(x$x), length(x$y)))) {
error("rast", '"z" does not have the right dimensions')
# omitted "-1" bug fix by Barry Rowlingson
resx <- ( x$x[length(x$x)] - x$x[1] ) / (length(x$x)-1)
resy <- ( x$y[length(x$y)] - x$y[1] ) / (length(x$y)-1)
xmn <- min(x$x) - 0.5 * resx
xmx <- max(x$x) + 0.5 * resx
ymn <- min(x$y) - 0.5 * resy
ymx <- max(x$y) + 0.5 * resy
dx <- abs(max(abs((x$x[-1] - x$x[-length(x$x)])) / resx) - 1)
dy <- abs(max(abs((x$y[-1] - x$y[-length(x$y)])) / resy) - 1)
if (is.na(dx) | is.na(dy)) {
error("rast", "missing values in coordinates")
if (dx > 0.01 | dy > 0.01) {
error("rast", "data are not on a regular grid")
# if (xmn > -360.1 & xmx < 360.1 & ymn > -90.1 & ymx < 90.1) {
# crs <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"
# } else {
# crs <- ""
# }
x <- t(x$z)
x <- x[nrow(x):1, ]
rast(x, extent=ext(xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx), crs="")
setMethod("rast", signature(x="list"),
function(x, warn=TRUE) {
i <- sapply(x, function(i) inherits(i, "SpatRaster"))
if (!all(i)) {
if (!any(i)) {
if ((length(x) == 3) && all(c("x", "y", "z") %in% names(x))) {
error("rast,list", "none of the elements of x are a SpatRaster")
} else {
warn("rast", sum(!i), " out of ", length(x), " elements of x are not a SpatRaster")
x <- x[i]
# start with an empty raster (alternatively use a deep copy)
out <- deepcopy(x[[1]])
if (length(x) == 1) {
opt <- spatOptions()
for (i in 2:length(x)) {
out@pntr$addSource(x[[i]]@pntr, warn, opt)
out <- messages(out, "rast")
lnms <- names(x)
if (!is.null(lnms)) {
if (any(lnms != "") && (length(lnms) == nlyr(out))) {
rnms <- names(out)
rnms[lnms != ""] <- lnms[lnms != ""]
names(out) <- rnms
} else if (all(lnms != "")) {
nl <- sapply(x, nlyr)
rnms <- sapply(1:length(nl), function(i) {
if (nl[i] > 1) paste0(lnms[i], "_", 1:nl[i]) else lnms[i]
names(out) <- unlist(rnms)
setMethod("rast", signature(x="SpatExtent"),
function(x, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
r <- do.call(new_rast, dots)
# re-apply extent to avoid mimute differences
ext(r) <- x
setMethod("rast", signature(x="SpatVector"),
function(x, type="", ...) {
if (type == "xyz") {
if (geomtype(x) != "points") {
error("rast", "xyz can only be used with points")
x <- data.frame(crds(x), data.frame(x))
return(rast(x, type="xyz", ...))
dots <- list(...)
e <- ext(x)
if (all(is.na(pmatch(names(dots), "crs")))) {
dots$crs <- crs(x)
do.call(new_rast, dots)
.fullFilename <- function(x, mustExist=FALSE, vsi=FALSE) {
x <- trimws(x)
x <- x[x != ""]
x <- enc2utf8(x)
i <- substr(x, 1, 5) == "s3://"
x[i] <- paste0("/vsis3/", substr(x[i], 6, nchar(x[i])))
if (all(i)) return(x)
i <- substr(x, 1, 4) == "http"
if (vsi) {
x[i] <- paste0("/vsicurl/", x[i])
if (all(i)) return(x)
i <- grepl(":", x)
if (all(i)) return(x)
p <- normalizePath(x[!i], winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
if (mustExist) {
j <- file.exists(dirname(p))
x[j] <- p[j]
} else {
i <- !file.exists(p)
p[i] <- x[i]
#if (identical(basename(x), x)) {
# x <- file.path(getwd(), x)
#if (expand) {
# x <- path.expand(x)
setMethod("rast", signature(x="character"),
function(x, subds=0, lyrs=NULL, drivers=NULL, opts=NULL, win=NULL, snap="near", vsi=FALSE, raw=FALSE, noflip=FALSE) {
f <- .fullFilename(x, vsi=vsi)
if (length(f) == 0) {
error("rast", "filename is empty. Provide a valid filename")
if ((length(f) == 1) && grepl("\\.rds$", tolower(f[1]))) {
r <- unwrap(readRDS(x))
if (!inherits(r, "SpatRaster")) {
error("rast", "the rds file does not store a SpatRaster")
r <- methods::new("SpatRaster")
#subds <- subds[1]
if (is.null(opts)) opts <- ""[0]
if (raw) opts <- c(opts, "so=false")
if (is.null(drivers)) drivers <- ""[0]
if (length(subds) == 0) subds = 0
if (is.character(subds)) {
#r@pntr <- SpatRaster$new(f, -1, subds, FALSE, 0[])
r@pntr <- SpatRaster$new(f, -1, subds, FALSE, drivers, opts, 0[], noflip)
} else {
r@pntr <- SpatRaster$new(f, subds-1, "", FALSE, drivers, opts, 0[], noflip)
r <- messages(r, "rast")
if (r@pntr$getMessage() == "ncdf extent") {
# could have used opts="IGNORE_XY_AXIS_NAME_CHECKS=YES"
test <- try(r <- .ncdf_extent(r, f), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(test, "try-error")) {
warn("rast", "GDAL did not find an extent. Cells not equally spaced?")
r <- messages(r, "rast")
if (crs(r) == "") {
if (is.lonlat(r, perhaps=TRUE, warn=FALSE)) {
if (!isTRUE(all(as.vector(ext(r)) == c(0,ncol(r),0,nrow(r))))) {
crs(r) <- "OGC:CRS84"
if (!is.null(lyrs)) {
r <- r[[lyrs]]
if (!is.null(win)) {
e <- ext(win)
e <- align(e, r, snap=snap)
window(r) <- e
multi <- function(x, subds=0, xyz=3:1, drivers=NULL, opts=NULL) {
noflip <- FALSE
x <- trimws(x)
x <- x[x!=""]
if (length(x) == 0) {
error("rast,character", "provide a valid filename")
r <- methods::new("SpatRaster")
f <- .fullFilename(x)
if (is.null(opts)) opts <- ""[0]
if (is.null(drivers)) drivers <- ""[0]
if (length(subds) == 0) subds = 1
subds <- subds[1]
if (is.character(subds)) {
r@pntr <- SpatRaster$new(f, -1, subds, TRUE, drivers, opts, xyz-1, isTRUE(noflip[1]))
} else {
r@pntr <- SpatRaster$new(f, subds-1, ""[0], TRUE, drivers, opts, xyz-1, isTRUE(noflip[1]))
if (r@pntr$getMessage() == "ncdf extent") {
test <- try(r <- .ncdf_extent(r), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(test, "try-error")) {
warn("rast", "GDAL did not find an extent. Cells not equally spaced?")
r <- messages(r, "rast")
if (crs(r) == "") {
if (is.lonlat(r, perhaps=TRUE, warn=FALSE)) {
crs(r) <- "OGC:CRS84"
setMethod("rast", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, nlyrs=nlyr(x), names, vals, keeptime=TRUE, keepunits=FALSE, props=FALSE, tags=FALSE) {
if (inherits(nlyrs, "SpatRaster")) {
error("rast", "use 'c()' to combine SpatRasters")
x@pntr <- x@pntr$geometry(nlyrs, props, keeptime, keepunits, tags)
x <- messages(x, "rast")
if (!missing(names)) {
if (length(names) == nlyr(x)) names(x) <- names
if (!missing(vals)) {
values(x) <- vals
setMethod("rast", signature(x="SpatRasterDataset"),
function(x) {
if (length(x) == 0) {
error("rast", "empty SpatRasterDataset")
} else if (length(x) == 1) {
} else {
r <- methods::new("SpatRaster")
r@pntr <- x@pntr$collapse()
nms <- names(x)
if (any(nms != "")) {
names(r) <- paste(rep(nms, nlyr(x)), names(r), sep="_")
setMethod("rast", signature(x="array"),
function(x, crs="", extent=NULL) {
dims <- dim(x)
if (length(dims) < 3) {
error("rast,array", "cannot handle an array with less than 3 dimensions")
if (length(dims) > 3) {
if (length(dims) == 4) {
if (dims[4] == 1) {
x <- x[,,,1]
} else {
error("rast,array", "rast cannot handle an array with 4 dimensions (try 'sds')")
} else {
error("rast,array", "cannot handle an array with more than 3 dimensions")
r <- methods::new("SpatRaster")
if (!is.null(extent)) {
e <- as.vector(extent)
} else {
e <- c(0, dims[2], 0, dims[1])
crs <- character_crs(crs, "rast")
r@pntr <- SpatRaster$new(dims, e, crs)
values(r) <- x
messages(r, "rast")
setMethod("rast", signature(x="ANY"),
function(x, ...) {
if (inherits(x, "sf")) {
out <- rast(ext(x), ...)
if (is.null(list(...)$crs)) {
sfi <- attr(x, "sf_column")
crs(out, warn=FALSE) <- attr(x[[sfi]], "crs")$wkt
} else {
out <- methods::as(x, "SpatRaster")
#g <- gc()
.rastFromXYZ <- function(xyz, digits=6, crs="", extent=NULL) {
ln <- colnames(xyz)
## xyz might not have colnames, or might have "" names
if (is.null(ln)) ln <- rep("", ncol(xyz))
if (any(nchar(ln) < 1)) ln <- make.names(ln)
if (inherits(xyz, "data.frame")) {
xyz <- as.matrix(xyz)
xyz <- matrix(as.numeric(xyz), ncol=ncol(xyz), nrow=nrow(xyz))
x <- sort(unique(xyz[,1]))
# x <- sort(unique(round(xyz[,1], digits+2)))
if (length(x) == 1) {
error("rast", "cannot create a raster geometry from a single x coordinate")
dx <- x[-1] - x[-length(x)]
rx <- min(dx)
for (i in 1:5) {
rx <- rx / i
q <- sum(round(dx / rx, digits=digits) %% 1)
if ( q == 0 ) {
if ( q > 0 ) {
error("raster,matrix(xyz)", "x cell sizes are not regular")
y <- sort(unique(xyz[,2]))
# y <- sort(unique(round(xyz[,2], digits+2)))
if (length(y) == 1) {
error("rast", "cannot create a raster geometry from a single y coordinate")
dy <- y[-1] - y[-length(y)]
ry <- min(dy)
for (i in 1:5) {
ry <- ry / i
q <- sum(round(dy / ry, digits=digits) %% 1)
if ( q == 0 ) {
if ( q > 0 ) {
error("raster,matrix(xyz)", "y cell sizes are not regular")
minx <- min(x) - 0.5 * rx
maxx <- max(x) + 0.5 * rx
miny <- min(y) - 0.5 * ry
maxy <- max(y) + 0.5 * ry
d <- dim(xyz)
r <- rast(xmin=minx, xmax=maxx, ymin=miny, ymax=maxy, crs=crs, nlyrs=d[2]-2)
res(r) <- c(rx, ry)
ext(r) <- round(ext(r), digits+2)
cells <- cellFromXY(r, xyz[,1:2])
if (d[2] > 2) {
names(r) <- ln[-c(1:2)]
v <- try( matrix(NA, nrow=ncell(r), ncol= nlyr(r)) )
if (inherits(v, "try-error")) {
error(paste("cannot make matrix with ", ncell(r), " rows"))
v[cells, ] <- xyz[, -c(1:2)]
values(r) <- v
if (!is.null(extent)) {
r <- extend(r, extent)
r <- crop(r, extent)
.rastFromXYLZ <- function(x, digits=6, crs="", extent=NULL) {
if (ncol(x) != 4) {
error("rast", "a 'xylz' structure must have 4 columns")
nms <- names(x)
names(x)[1:3] <- c("x", "y", "l")
x <- as.data.frame(x) # so that this also works for tibble #1582
w <- stats::reshape(x, timevar="l", idvar=c("x", "y"), direction="wide")
w <- rast(w, type="xyz", digits=digits, crs=crs, extent=extent)
names(w) <- gsub(paste0(nms[4], "."), "", names(w))
if (inherits(x[,3], "Date") || inherits(x[,3], "POSIXlt") || inherits(x[,3], "POSIXct")) {
time(w) <- unique(x[,3])
names(w) <- paste0(nms[4], ".", 1:nlyr(w))
} else if (inherits(x[,3], "numeric")) {
u <- unique(x[,3])
if (all(u == trunc(u))) {
su <- sort(u)
if ((su[1] == 1) && (su[length(su)] == length(su))) {
if (!all(su == u)) {
w <- w[[order(u)]]
setMethod("rast", signature(x="matrix"),
function(x, type="", crs="", digits=6, extent=NULL) {
stopifnot(prod(dim(x)) > 0)
if (type == "xyz") {
r <- .rastFromXYZ(x, crs=crs, digits=digits, extent=extent)
} else if (type == "xylz") {
r <- .rastFromXYLZ(x, crs=crs, digits=digits, extent=extent)
} else if (type != "") {
error("rast", 'argument type should be one of "", "xyz", or "xylz"')
} else {
if (is.null(extent)) {
r <- rast(nrows=nrow(x), ncols=ncol(x), extent=ext(c(0, ncol(x), 0, nrow(x))), crs=crs)
} else {
r <- rast(nrows=nrow(x), ncols=ncol(x), crs=crs, extent=extent)
values(r) <- as.vector(t(x))
messages(r, "rast")
setMethod("rast", signature(x="data.frame"),
function(x, type="xyz", crs="", digits=6, extent=NULL) {
if (type == "xyz") {
.rastFromXYZ(x, crs=crs, digits=digits, extent=extent)
} else if (type == "xylz") {
r <- .rastFromXYLZ(x, crs=crs, digits=digits, extent=extent)
} else if (type != "") {
error("rast", 'argument type should be one of "", "xyz", or "xylz"')
} else {
rast(as.matrix(x), type=type, crs=crs, digits=digits, extent=extent)
setMethod("rast", signature(x="stars"),
function(x) {
x <- from_stars(x)
if (inherits(x, "SpatRasterDataset")) {
} else {
setMethod("rast", signature(x="stars_proxy"),
function(x) {
x <- from_stars(x)
if (inherits(x, "SpatRasterDataset")) {
} else {
setMethod("NAflag<-", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, value) {
value <- as.numeric(value)
if (!(x@pntr$setNAflag(value))) {
error("NAflag<-", "cannot set this value")
setMethod("NAflag", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x) {
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