# Author: Robert J. Hijmans
# Date : October 2018
# Version 1.0
# License GPL v3
## from stars
#stars:::st_as_raster is used
#setAs("stars", "SpatRaster") is provided by stars via st_as_raster
from_stars <- function(from) {
isProxy <- inherits(from, "stars_proxy")
natts <- length(from)
#from[i] recursion does not work with proxy
if (!isProxy && (natts > 1)) { # not sure what attributes represent
ra <- list()
for (i in 1:natts) {
ra[[i]] <- from_stars(from[i])
if (all(sapply(ra, function(i) inherits(i, "SpatRaster")))) {
nl <- sapply(ra, nlyr)
ra <- rast(ra)
nms <- names(ra)
names(ra) <- paste(rep(names(from), nl), nms, sep="_")
} else if (all(sapply(ra, function(i) inherits(i, "SpatRasterDataset")))) {
ra <- do.call(c, ra)
} else {
ra <- lapply(ra, function(i) if (!inherits(i, "SpatRasterDataset")) {sds(i)} else {i})
ra <- do.call(c, ra)
dims <- attr(from, "dimensions")
dd <- dim(from)
# x, y
hasBands <- "band" %in% names(dd)
hasTime <- "time" %in% names(dd)
timev <- NULL
if (hasTime) {
tim <- dims$time$offset
tseq <- dims$time$from:dims$time$to
if (dims$time$refsys == "Date") {
timev <- as.Date(tim) + tseq
} else { # for now
timev <- tseq
# no time or variables
if (length(dd) - hasBands == 2) {
return( methods::as(from, "SpatRaster"))
# time, perhaps bands or variables
if (length(dd) - (hasTime + hasBands) == 2) {
r <- methods::as(from, "SpatRaster")
if (hasBands) {
timev <- rep(timev, each=dd["band"])
time(r) <- timev
if (isProxy) {
# currently not setting time dim here
if (natts > 1) {
ff <- sapply(from, function(i) from[i][[1]])
s <- sds(ff)
names(s) <- names(from)
} else {
f <- from[[1]]
s <- sds(f)
nms <- names(dd)[3+hasBands]
if (!is.na(nms)) {
names(s) <- paste(nms, 1:length(s), sep="-")
xmin <- dims$x$offset
nc <- dims$x$to
xmax <- xmin + nc * dims$x$delta
ymax <- dims$y$offset
nr <- dims$y$to
ymin <- ymax + nr * dims$y$delta
from <- from[[1]]
rr <- list()
if (hasTime && hasBands) {
for (i in 1:dd[5]) {
x <- from[,,,,i]
r <- rast(ncols=nc, nrows=nr, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, crs=dims$x$refsys$wkt, nlyr=dd["band"] * dd["time"])
time(r) <- rep(timev, each=dd["band"])
bandnames <- rep(paste("band", 1:dd["band"], sep="-"), length(timev))
names(r) <- paste(bandnames, rep(timev, each=dd["band"]), sep="_")
r <- setValues(r, as.vector(x))
rr[[i]] <- r
} else { #if (hasTime || hasBands) {
for (i in 1:dd[4]) {
x <- from[,,,i]
r <- rast(ncols=nc, nrows=nr, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, crs=dims$x$refsys$wkt, nlyr=dim(x)[3], time=timev)
if (hasBands) {
names(r) <- paste("band", 1:dd["band"], sep="-")
} else {
names(r) <- timev
rr[[i]] <- setValues(r, x)
s <- sds(rr)
names(s) <- paste(names(dd)[4], 1:length(s), sep="-")
setAs("stars", "SpatRasterDataset",
function(from) {
setAs("ggmap", "SpatRaster",
function(from) {
b <- attr(from, "bb")
e <- ext(b$ll.lon, b$ur.lon, b$ll.lat, b$ur.lat)
r <- rast(nrows=nrow(from), ncols=ncol(from), ext=e, nlyr=3, crs="epsg:4326", names=c("red", "green", "blue"))
values(r) <- t(grDevices::col2rgb(from))
RGB(r) <- 1:3
as.list.SpatRaster <- function(x, geom=NULL, ...) {
if (!is.null(geom)) {
e <- as.vector(ext(x))
d <- crs(x, describe=TRUE)
if (!(is.na(d$authority) || is.na(d$code))) {
crs <- paste0(d$authority, ":", d$code)
} else {
crs <- gsub("\n[ ]+", "", crs(x))
nms = paste(names(x), collapse="', '"),
units = paste(units(x), collapse="', '"),
time = paste(time(x), collapse="', '"),
} else {
lapply(1:nlyr(x), function(i) x[[i]])
setMethod("as.list", signature(x="SpatRaster"), as.list.SpatRaster)
as.list.SpatRasterCollection <- function(x, ...) {
out <- lapply(1:length(x), function(i) x[i])
names(out) <- names(x)
setMethod("as.list", signature(x="SpatRasterCollection"), as.list.SpatRasterCollection)
as.list.SpatRasterDataset <- function(x, ...) {
out <- lapply(1:length(x), function(i) x[i])
names(out) <- names(x)
setMethod("as.list", signature(x="SpatRasterDataset"), as.list.SpatRasterDataset)
as.list.SpatVectorCollection <- function(x, ...) {
out <- lapply(1:length(x), function(i) x[i])
names(out) <- names(x)
setMethod("as.list", signature(x="SpatVectorCollection"), as.list.SpatVectorCollection)
# create a "grDevices::raster" (small r) object for use with the rasterImage function
# NOT a raster::Raster* object
setMethod("as.raster", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, maxcell=500000, col) {
if (missing(col)) {
#col <- rev(grDevices::terrain.colors(255))
col <- .default.pal()
x <- spatSample(x, maxcell, method="regular", as.raster=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
x <- as.matrix(x, wide=TRUE)
r <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
x <- (x - r[1])/ (r[2] - r[1])
x <- round(x * (length(col)-1) + 1)
x[] <- col[x]
.as.image <- function(x, maxcells=10000) {
x <- spatSample(x, size=maxcells, method="regular", as.raster=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
X <- xFromCol(x, 1:ncol(x))
Y <- yFromRow(x, nrow(x):1)
Z <- t(as.matrix(x, wide=TRUE)[nrow(x):1,])
list(x=X, y=Y, z=Z)
get_labels <- function(x, p, dissolve=FALSE) {
ff <- is.factor(x)
if (dissolve) {
ff <- ff[[1]]
if (any(ff)) {
ff <- which(ff)
cgs <- levels(x)
for (f in ff) {
cg <- cgs[[f]]
i <- match(unlist(p[[f]]), cg[,1])
p[[f]] <- cg[i, 2]
setMethod("as.polygons", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, round=TRUE, aggregate=TRUE, values=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE, na.all=FALSE, extent=FALSE, digits=0, ...) {
if (isFALSE(list(...)$dissolve)) {
aggregate <- FALSE
p <- methods::new("SpatVector")
if (extent) {
p@pntr <- x@pntr$dense_extent(FALSE, FALSE)
x <- messages(x, "as.polygons")
} else {
opt <- spatOptions()
p@pntr <- x@pntr$as_polygons(round[1], aggregate[1], values[1], na.rm[1], na.all[1], digits, opt)
x <- messages(x, "as.polygons")
if (values) {
p <- get_labels(x, p, aggregate[1])
messages(p, "as.polygons")
setMethod("as.lines", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x) {
p <- methods::new("SpatVector")
opt <- spatOptions()
p@pntr <- x@pntr$as_lines(opt)
messages(p, "as.lines")
setMethod("as.polygons", signature(x="SpatExtent"),
function(x, crs="") {
p <- methods::new("SpatVector")
crs <- character_crs(crs, "as.polygons")
p@pntr <- SpatVector$new(x@pntr, crs)
messages(p, "as.polygons")
setMethod("as.lines", signature(x="SpatExtent"),
function(x, crs="") {
crs <- character_crs(crs, "as.lines")
as.lines(as.polygons(x, crs))
setMethod("as.points", signature(x="SpatExtent"),
function(x, crs="") {
#vect(do.call(cbind, x@pntr$as.points()), "points", crs=crs)
as.points(as.polygons(x, crs))
setMethod("as.lines", signature(x="SpatVector"),
function(x) {
x@pntr <- x@pntr$as_lines()
messages(x, "as.lines")
setMethod("as.lines", signature(x="matrix"),
function(x, crs="") {
p <- vect()
if (ncol(x) == 2) {
nr <- nrow(x)
p@pntr$setGeometry("lines", rep(1, nr), rep(1, nr), x[,1], x[,2], rep(FALSE, nr))
crs(p) <- crs
} else if (ncol(x) == 4) {
p@pntr$setLinesStartEnd(x, crs(crs))
} else {
error("expecting a two or four column matrix", "as.lines")
messages(p, "vect")
setMethod("as.polygons", signature(x="SpatVector"),
function(x, extent=FALSE) {
if (extent) {
as.polygons(ext(x), crs=crs(x))
} else {
x@pntr <- x@pntr$polygonize()
messages(x, "as.polygons")
setMethod("as.points", signature(x="SpatVector"),
function(x, multi=FALSE, skiplast=TRUE) {
opt <- spatOptions()
x@pntr <- x@pntr$as_points(multi, skiplast)
messages(x, "as.points")
setMethod("as.points", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, values=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE, na.all=FALSE) {
p <- methods::new("SpatVector")
opt <- spatOptions()
p@pntr <- x@pntr$as_points(values, na.rm, na.all, opt)
x <- messages(x, "as.points")
if (values) {
p <- get_labels(x, p, FALSE)
messages(p, "as.points")
# mode argument is ignored as mode=mode gave an error on R-devel
setMethod("as.vector", signature(x="SpatExtent"),
function(x, mode="any") {
v <- x@pntr$vector
names(v) <- c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax")
if (mode == "list") {
v <- as.list(v)
setMethod("as.character", signature(x="SpatExtent"),
function(x) {
e <- as.vector(x)
paste0("ext(", paste(e, collapse=", "), ")")
setMethod("as.vector", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, mode="any") {
values(x, FALSE)
as.matrix.SpatRaster <- function(x, wide=FALSE, ...) {
if (!hasValues(x)) {
error("as.matrix", "SpatRaster has no cell values")
# wide <- isTRUE(list(...)$wide)
if (wide) {
if (nlyr(x) > 1) {
m <- values(x, mat=TRUE)
m <- lapply(1:ncol(m), function(i) {
matrix(m[,i], nrow=nrow(x), byrow=TRUE)
m <- do.call(cbind, m)
} else {
m <- matrix(values(x, mat=FALSE),nrow=nrow(x),byrow=TRUE)
} else {
m <- values(x, mat=TRUE)
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x="SpatRaster"), as.matrix.SpatRaster)
as.matrix.SpatExtent <- function(x, ...) {
v <- matrix(as.vector(x), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(v) <- c("min", "max")
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x="SpatExtent"), as.matrix.SpatExtent)
as.data.frame.SpatRaster <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, xy=FALSE, cells=FALSE, time=FALSE,na.rm=NA, wide=TRUE, ...) {
d <- NULL
if (xy) {
d <- xyFromCell(x, 1:ncell(x))
if (cells) {
d <- cbind(cell=1:ncell(x), d)
if (is.null(d)) {
d <- values(x, dataframe=TRUE, ... )
} else {
d <- data.frame(d)
d <- cbind(d, values(x, dataframe=TRUE), ...)
if (is.na(na.rm)) {
cols <- (1 + cells + xy * 2):ncol(d)
i <- rowSums(is.na(d[,cols,drop=FALSE])) < length(cols)
d <- d[i,,drop=FALSE]
} else if (isTRUE(na.rm)) {
d <- stats::na.omit(d)
attr(d, "na.action") <- NULL
if (!wide) {
nr <- nrow(d)
if (!(xy || cells)) {
d <- data.frame(layer=rep(names(x), each=nr), values=as.vector(as.matrix(d)))
} else {
idv <- NULL
if (xy) idv <- c("x", "y", idv)
if (cells) idv <- c("cell", idv)
add <- d[idv]
rownames(add) <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(idv)) {
d[[idv[i]]] <- NULL
d <- data.frame(add, layer=rep(names(x), each=nr), values=as.vector(as.matrix(d)))
nms <- names(x)
# d <- stats::reshape(d, direction="long", idvar=idv, varying=nms, v.names="values")
# d$time <- nms[d$time]
# names(d)[names(d) == "time"] <- "layer"
rownames(d) <- NULL
if (time) {
# d$time <- NULL
# vals <- d$values
# d$values <- NULL
d$time <- rep(time(x), each=nr)
# d$values <- vals
} else if (time && has.time(x)) {
tm <- as.character(time(x))
nc <- ncol(d)
colnames(d)[(1+nc-length(tm)):nc] <- tm
setMethod("as.data.frame", signature(x="SpatRaster"), as.data.frame.SpatRaster)
setAs("SpatRaster", "data.frame",
function(from) {
setAs("SpatVector", "data.frame",
function(from) {
setMethod("as.array", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x) {
dm <- dim(x)
x <- values(x, TRUE)
a <- array(NA, dm)
for (i in 1:dm[3]) {
a[,,i] <- matrix(x[,i], nrow=dm[1], byrow=TRUE)
setMethod("as.array", signature(x="SpatRasterDataset"),
function(x) {
n <- length(x)
if (n < 2) return(as.array(x[1]))
dm <- sapply(x, dim)
udm <- apply(dm, 1, function(i)length(unique))
if (!all(udm) == 1) {
error("as.array", "cannot make an array from rasters with different dimensions")
a <- array(NA, c(dm[,1], n))
dimnames(a) <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL, names(x))
for (i in 1:n) {
a[,,,i] <- as.array(x[i])
# to sf from SpatVector
# available in sf
#.v2sf <- function(from) {
# txt <- 'sf::st_as_sf(as.data.frame(from, geom=TRUE), wkt="geometry", crs=from@pntr$get_crs("wkt"))'
# eval(parse(text = txt))
# sf bbox
.ext_from_sf <- function(from) {
sfi <- attr(from, "sf_column")
geom <- from[[sfi]]
e <- attr(geom, "bbox")
.from_sf <- function(from, geom, sfi) {
crs <- attr(geom, "crs")$wkt
if (is.na(crs)) crs <- ""
#geom <- st_as_text(geom)
#v <- vect(geom, crs=crs)
v <- vect()
v@pntr <- v@pntr$from_hex(sf::rawToHex(sf::st_as_binary(geom)), crs)
v <- messages(v, "SpatVector from sf")
if (ncol(from) > 1) {
from[[sfi]] <- NULL
values(v) <- as.data.frame(from)
.svc_from_sf <- function(from) {
sfi <- attr(from, "sf_column")
geom <- from[[sfi]]
crs <- attr(geom, "crs")$wkt
if (is.na(crs)) crs <- ""
#geom <- st_as_text(geom)
#v <- vect(geom, crs=crs)
v <- svc()
v@pntr <- v@pntr$from_hex_col(sf::rawToHex(sf::st_as_binary(geom)), crs)
#if (ncol(from) > 1) {
# from[[sfi]] <- NULL
# values(v) <- as.data.frame(from)
setAs("sf", "SpatRaster",
function(from) {
e <- ext(from)
setAs("sf", "SpatVector",
function(from) {
sfi <- attr(from, "sf_column")
if (is.null("sfi")) {
error("as,sf", "the object has no sf_column")
geom <- from[[sfi]]
if (inherits(geom, "list")) {
error("as,sf", "the geometry column is not valid (perhaps first load the sf package)")
v <- try(.from_sf(from, geom, sfi), silent=FALSE)
if (inherits(v, "try-error")) {
error("as,sf", "coercion failed. You can try coercing via a Spatial* (sp) class")
.from_sfc <- function(from) {
v <- vect()
v@pntr <- v@pntr$from_hex(sf::rawToHex(sf::st_as_binary(from)), "")
crs(v, warn=FALSE) <- attr(from, "crs")$wkt
setAs("sfc", "SpatVector",
function(from) {
v <- try(.from_sfc(from), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(v, "try-error")) {
error("as,sfc", "coercion failed. You can try coercing via a Spatial* (sp) class")
setAs("sfg", "SpatVector",
function(from) {
v <- try(.from_sfc(from), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(v, "try-error")) {
error("as,sfg", "coercion failed. You can try coercing via a Spatial* (sp) class")
setAs("XY", "SpatVector",
function(from) {
v <- try(.from_sfc(from), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(v, "try-error")) {
error("as,sfc", "coercion failed. You can try coercing via a Spatial* (sp) class")
setAs("im", "SpatRaster",
function(from) {
r <- rast(nrows=from$dim[1], ncols=from$dim[2], xmin=from$xrange[1], xmax=from$xrange[2], ymin=from$yrange[1], ymax=from$yrange[2], crs="")
values(r) <- from$v
units(r) <- from$units$singular
if (from$units$multiplier != 1) {
r <- r * from$units$multiplier
flip(r, direction="vertical")
setAs("SpatVector", "Spatial",
function(from) {
hasmethod <- suppressWarnings("geom,data.frame-method" %in% utils::methods("geom"))
if (!hasmethod) {
error("coerce", "first run 'library(raster)' to coerce a SpatVector to a Spatial object" )
g <- geom(from, df=TRUE)
geom(g, values(from), geomtype(from), as.character(crs(from, proj=TRUE)))
geom_SpatialPolygons <- function(x) {
nobs <- length(x@polygons)
objlist <- vector(mode = "list", length = nobs)
for (i in 1:nobs) {
nsubobs <- length(x@polygons[[i]]@Polygons)
ps <- list()
last <- 0
for (j in 1:nsubobs) {
if (!x@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[j]]@hole) {
last <- last + 1
hole <- 0
} else {
hole <- max(1, last)
ps[[j]] <- cbind(j, x@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[j]]@coords, hole)
objlist[[i]] <- cbind(i, do.call(rbind, ps))
do.call(rbind, objlist)
geom_SpatialLines <- function(x) {
nobs <- length(x@lines)
objlist <- vector(mode = "list", length = nobs)
for (i in 1:nobs) {
nsubobj <- length(x@lines[[i]]@Lines)
ps <- lapply(1:nsubobj, function(j) cbind(j, x@lines[[i]]@Lines[[j]]@coords))
objlist[[i]] <- cbind(i, do.call(rbind, ps))
do.call(rbind, objlist)
setAs("Spatial", "SpatVector",
function(from) {
if (inherits(from, "SpatialPolygons")) {
g <- geom_SpatialPolygons(from)
vtype <- "polygons"
} else if (inherits(from, "SpatialLines")) {
g <- geom_SpatialLines(from)
vtype <- "lines"
} else if (inherits(from, "SpatialPoints")) {
g <- from@coords[,1:2,drop=FALSE]
vtype <- "points"
} else {
error("coerce", "cannot coerce this object to a SpatVector")
#the below can change the proj-string when going back to sp
#crs <- attr(from@proj4string, "comment")
#if (is.null(crs))
crs <- from@proj4string@projargs
if (methods::.hasSlot(from, "data")) {
vect(g, vtype, from@data, crs=crs)
} else {
vect(g, vtype, crs=crs)
setAs("SpatialGrid", "SpatRaster",
prj <- attr(from@proj4string, "comment")
if (is.null(prj)) prj <- from@proj4string@projargs
b <- rast(ext=as.vector(t(from@bbox)), nrow=from@grid@cells.dim[2], ncol=from@grid@cells.dim[1], crs=prj)
if (inherits(from, "SpatialGridDataFrame")) {
cls <- sapply(from@data, function(i) class(i)[1])
if (all(cls == "numeric")) {
nlyr(b) <- ncol(from@data)
b <- setValues(b, as.matrix(from@data))
} else {
x <- vector(mode="list", length=ncol(from@data))
for (i in 1:ncol(from@data)) {
x[[i]] <- setValues(b, from@data[,i])
b <- rast(x)
names(b) <- colnames(from@data)
} else {
dim(b) <- c(from@grid@cells.dim[2], from@grid@cells.dim[1])
setAs("SpatialPixels", "SpatRaster",
if (methods::.hasSlot(from, "data")) {
as(as(from, "SpatialGridDataFrame"), "SpatRaster")
} else {
as(as(from, "SpatialGrid"), "SpatRaster")
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