replace_with_label <- function(x, v, colnr) {
ff <- is.factor(x)
if (any(ff)) {
cgs <- cats(x)
for (f in which(ff)) {
cg <- cgs[[f]]
if (length(ff) == 1) {
r <- 1:nrow(v)
} else {
r <- which(v[,1] == f)
i <- match(v[r,colnr], cg[,1])
act <- activeCat(x, f) + 1
if (!inherits(cg[[act]], "numeric")) {
v[r, colnr] <- as.character(factor(cg[i, act], levels=unique(cg[[act]])))
} else {
v[r, colnr] <- cg[i, act]
setMethod("zonal", signature(x="SpatRaster", z="SpatRaster"),
function(x, z, fun="mean", ..., w=NULL, wide=TRUE, as.raster=FALSE, filename="", overwrite=FALSE, wopt=list()) {
group <- FALSE
made_unique <- FALSE
grast <- rast()
nlz <- nlyr(z)
znms <- names(z)
if (nlz == 1) {
group <- FALSE
} else if ((!as.raster) && (nlz == 2)) {
grast <- z[[2]]
z <- z[[1]]
group <- TRUE
} else {
ff <- is.factor(z)
if (any(ff)) {
levs <- levels(z)
levels(z) <- NULL
z <- unique(z, as.raster=TRUE)
made_unique <- TRUE
txtfun <- .makeTextFun(fun)
if (inherits(txtfun, "character") &&
(txtfun %in% c("max", "min", "mean", "sum", "notNA", "isNA"))) {
if ((nlyr(z) > 1) && (nlyr(x) > 1)) {
error("zonal", "x and z cannot both have more than one layer")
na.rm <- isTRUE(list(...)$na.rm)
opt <- spatOptions()
if (!is.null(w)) {
if (txtfun != "mean") {
error("zonal", "fun must be 'mean' when using weights")
sdf <- x@pntr$zonal_weighted(z@pntr, w@pntr, na.rm, opt)
} else {
sdf <- x@pntr$zonal(z@pntr, grast@pntr, txtfun, na.rm, opt)
sdf <- messages(sdf, "zonal")
out <- .getSpatDF(sdf)
nz <- 1
if (group) {
out$layer <- out$layer + 1
out <- replace_with_label(z, out, 2)
out <- replace_with_label(grast, out, 3)
if (nlyr(x) > 1) {
out <- split(out[-1], out$layer)
out <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x=x, y=y, by=1:2, all=TRUE), out)
out <- out[order(out[,1], out[,2]), ]
} else {
out <- out[,-1]
colnames(out) <- c(znms, names(x))
nz <- 2
} else if (!as.raster) {
if (made_unique) { # && (!as.raster)) {
ulevs <- cats(z)[[1]][, -c(1:2)]
if (any(ff)) {
for (f in which(ff)) {
i <- match(ulevs[,f], levs[[f]][,1])
ulevs[,f] <- levs[[f]][i,2]
out <- cbind(ulevs, out[,-1,drop=FALSE])
nz <- ncol(ulevs)
} else {
out <- replace_with_label(z, out, 1)
colnames(out)[1] <- znms
colnames(out) <- make.unique(colnames(out))
} else {
if (!is.null(w)) {
error("zonal", "can only use weights when fun=mean")
compareGeom(x, z, lyrs=FALSE, crs=FALSE, ext=TRUE, rowcol=TRUE)
#if (nlyr(z) > 1) {
# warn("zonal", "z can only have one layer with this function")
# z <- z[[1]]
fun <-
nl <- nlyr(x)
nms <- names(x)
if (group) {
gzx <- c(grast, z, x)
v <-, na.rm=FALSE)
out <- stats::aggregate(v[,-c(1:2)], v[,1:2], fun, ...)
colnames(out)[-c(1:2)] <- nms
} else {
for (i in 1:nl) {
xz <- c(x[[i]], z)
v <-, na.rm=FALSE)
d <- stats::aggregate(v[,1], v[,2,drop=FALSE], fun, ...)
colnames(d)[2] <- nms[i]
if (i == 1) {
out <- d
} else {
out <- merge(out, d, by=1)
if (as.raster) {
if (is.null(wopt$names) && (nlyr(x) == 1)) {
wopt$names <- names(x)
levels(z) <- NULL
out <- subst(z, out[,1], out[,-1], filename=filename, wopt=wopt)
if (wide) {
if (group) {
nms <- names(out)
isch <- inherits(out[,2], "character")
#out <- stats::reshape(out, direction="wide", idvar=nms[c(1,3)], timevar=nms[2])
out <- stats::reshape(out, direction="wide", idvar=nms[1], timevar=nms[2])
if (isch) {
colnames(out) <- gsub(paste0("^", nms[3], "."), "", colnames(out))
if (inherits(txtfun, "character") && (txtfun == "sum")) {
out[] <- 0
} else if (nz == 1){
nls <- as.character(1:nlyr(x))
colnames(out)[-1] <- nls
if (colnames(out)[1] == "layer") colnames(out)[1] <- "zone"
out <- stats::reshape(out, direction="long", varying=nls, timevar="layer",v.names="value")
out <- out[, c(2,1,3)]
rownames(out) <- NULL
setMethod("zonal", signature(x="SpatRaster", z="SpatVector"),
function(x, z, fun="mean", na.rm=FALSE, w=NULL, weights=FALSE, exact=FALSE, touches=FALSE, small=TRUE, as.raster=FALSE, as.polygons=FALSE, wide=TRUE, filename="", wopt=list()) {
opt <- spatOptions()
txtfun <- .makeTextFun(fun)
if (!inherits(txtfun, "character")) {
error("zonal", "this 'fun' is not supported. You can use extract instead")
} else {
if (txtfun == "table") {
if (!is.null(w)) {
error("cannot use 'w' when 'fun=table'")
v <- x@pntr$zonal_poly_table(z@pntr, weights[1], exact[1], touches[1], small[1], na.rm, opt)
messages(x, "zonal")
v <- lapply(v, function(i) if (length(i) == 0) NA else i)
v <- lapply(1:length(v), function(i) cbind(i, matrix(v[[i]], ncol=2)))
v <-, v)
v <-
colnames(v) <- c("zone", "value", "count")
ff <- is.factor(x)[1]
if (ff) {
cg <- cats(x)[[1]]
i <- match(v$value, cg[,1])
act <- activeCat(x, 1) + 1
v$value <- cg[i, act]
if (as.polygons | wide) {
nms <- names(v)
v <- stats::reshape(v, direction="wide", idvar=nms[1], timevar=nms[2])
names(v) <- gsub("count.", "", names(v))
v[] <- 0
rownames(v) <- NULL
if (as.polygons) {
values(z) <- v
} else {
if (is.null(w)) {
out <- x@pntr$zonal_poly(z@pntr, txtfun, weights[1], exact[1], touches[1], small[1], na.rm, opt)
} else {
if (txtfun != "mean") {
error("zonal", "fun must be 'mean' when using weights")
out <- x@pntr$zonal_poly_weighted(z@pntr, w@pntr, weights[1], exact[1], touches[1], small[1], na.rm, opt)
messages(out, "zonal")
out <- .getSpatDF(out)
if (as.raster) {
if (is.null(wopt$names)) {
wopt$names <- names(x)
x <- rasterize(z, x, 1:nrow(z))
subst(x, 1:nrow(out), out, filename=filename, wopt=wopt)
} else if (as.polygons) {
cbind(z, out)
} else {
setMethod("zonal", signature(x="SpatVector", z="SpatVector"),
function(x, z, fun=mean, ..., weighted=FALSE, as.polygons=FALSE) {
if (geomtype(z) != "polygons") {
error("zonal", "x must be points, and z must be polygons")
if (nrow(x) == 0) {
error("zonal", "x is empty")
isn <- which(sapply(values(x[1,]), is.numeric))
if (!any(isn)) {
error("zonal", "x has no numeric variables (attributes) to aggregate")
x <- x[,isn]
if (geomtype(x) == "points") {
r <- !relate(x, z, "disjoint", pairs=FALSE)
i <- apply(r, 1, function(i) if(any(i)) which(i) else (NA))
if (length(i) == 0) {
error("zonal", "there are no points in x that overlap with the polygons in z")
a <- aggregate(values(x), data.frame(zone=i), fun, ...)
} else {
if (as.polygons) {
zz <- z
values(zz) <- data.frame(zone = 1:nrow(zz))
i <- intersect(zz, x)
} else {
values(z) <- data.frame(zone = 1:nrow(z))
i <- intersect(z, x)
if (nrow(i) == 0) {
error("zonal", "the intersection of x and z is empty")
v <- values(i)
if (weighted) {
if (geomtype(i) == "lines") {
v$w <- perim(i)
} else {
v$w <- expanse(i)
s <- split(v, v$zone)
n <- ncol(v)-2
s <- lapply(s, function(d) {
out <- rep(NA, n)
for (i in 2:n) {
out[i-1] <- weighted.mean(d[[i]], w = d$w)
a <- data.frame(as.integer(names(s)),, s))
colnames(a) <- names(v)[-ncol(v)]
} else {
a <- aggregate(v[,-1,drop=FALSE], v[,1,drop=FALSE], fun, ...)
if (as.polygons) {
f <- basename(tempfile())
z[[f]] <- 1:nrow(z)
names(a)[1] = f
a <- merge(z, a, by=f, all.x=TRUE)
a[[f]] <- NULL
setMethod("global", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, fun="mean", weights=NULL, maxcell=Inf, ...) {
nms <- names(x)
nms <- make.unique(nms)
txtfun <- .makeTextFun(fun)
opt <- spatOptions()
if (!is.null(weights)) {
stopifnot(inherits(weights, "SpatRaster"))
stopifnot(txtfun %in% c("mean", "sum"))
na.rm <- isTRUE(list(...)$na.rm)
tptr <- x@pntr$global_weighted_mean(weights@pntr, txtfun, na.rm, opt)
messages(tptr, "global")
res <- .getSpatDF(tptr)
rownames(res) <- nms
if (inherits(txtfun, "character")) {
if (any( error("global", "fun cannot be NA")
if (any(txtfun %in% c("anynotNA", "anyNA"))) {
if (length(txtfun) > 1) error("global", "'anynotNA' and 'anyNA' can not be combined with other functions'")
tptr <- x@pntr$globalTF(txtfun, opt)
messages(tptr, "global")
res <- .getSpatDF(tptr)
rownames(res) <- nms
if (all(txtfun %in% c("prod", "max", "min", "mean", "sum", "range", "rms", "sd", "std", "sdpop", "notNA", "isNA"))) {
txtfun[txtfun == "sdpop"] <- "std"
i <- grep("range", txtfun)
if (length(i) > 0) {
txtfun <- txtfun[-i]
txtfun <- c(txtfun, "min", "max")
txtfun <- unique(txtfun)
na.rm <- isTRUE(list(...)$na.rm)
#if (isTRUE(list(...)$old)) {
# ptr <- x@pntr$global(txtfun, na.rm, opt)
#} else {
tptr <- x@pntr$mglobal(txtfun, na.rm, opt)
messages(tptr, "global")
res <- .getSpatDF(tptr)
rownames(res) <- nms
nl <- nlyr(x)
res <- list()
if (is.finite(maxcell)) {
maxcell <- round(maxcell)
if (maxcell < 1) error("global", "maxcell should be positive")
x <- spatSample(x, maxcell, "regular", as.raster=TRUE)
for (i in 1:nl) {
res[[i]] <- fun(values(x[[i]]), ...)
res <-, res)
res <- data.frame(res)
# more efficient but more risky:
#apply(data.frame(x), 2, fun, ...)
if ((ncol(res) == 1) && (colnames(res) == "res")) {
colnames(res) <- "global"
rownames(res) <- nms
setMethod("freq", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, digits=0, value=NULL, bylayer=TRUE, usenames=FALSE, zones=NULL, wide=FALSE) {
if (!is.null(zones)) {
vna <- (!is.null(value) &&[1]))
# if (vna) levels(x) <- NULL
if (inherits(zones, "SpatVector")) {
out <- vector("list", nrow(zones))
for (i in 1:nrow(zones)) {
z <- zones[i,]
e <- align(ext(z), x, snap="near")
if (!is.null(intersect(e, ext(x)))) {
r <- crop(x, zones[i,], mask=TRUE, touches=FALSE)
if (vna) {
ra <- rasterize(zones[i,], r, NA, background=0, touches=FALSE)
r <- cover(ra, r)
out[[i]] <- freq(r, digits=digits, value=value, bylayer=bylayer, usenames=usenames, zones=NULL)
out[[i]]$zone <- i
} else if (inherits(zones, "SpatRaster")) {
compareGeom(x, zones, crs=FALSE)
if (nlyr(zones) > 1) zones <- zones[[1]]
u <- unlist(unique(zones))
out <- vector("list", length(u))
for (i in 1:length(u)) {
r <- mask(x, zones, maskvalues=u[i], inverse=TRUE)
out[[i]] <- freq(r, digits=digits, value=value, bylayer=bylayer, usenames=usenames, zones=NULL, wide=FALSE)
out[[i]]$zone <- i
} else {
error("freq", "zones must be a SpatVector or a SpatRaster")
out <-, out)
if (is.null(out)) return(out)
out <- out[!$count), ]
if (nrow(out) == 0) return(out)
out <- out[order(out$layer), ]
if (wide) {
out$count[$count)] <- 0
if (vna) {
out$value <- "NA"
out <- stats::reshape(out, idvar=c("layer", "zone"), timevar="value", direction="wide")
colnames(out) <- gsub("count.", "", colnames(out))
out[] <- 0
opt <- spatOptions()
if (!bylayer) usenames <- FALSE
if (!is.null(value)) {
value <- unique(value)
if (length(value) > 1) {
error("freq", "value must have a length of one")
if (is.character(value)) {
value <- value[value != ""]
if (length(value) == 0) {
error("freq", "no valid value")
ff <- is.factor(x)
if (!any(ff)) {
error("freq", "a character value is only meaningful for categorical rasters")
f <- freq(x[[ff]])
if (usenames) {
f$layer <- names(x)[f$layer]
f <- f[f$label == value,]
if ( {
v <- x@pntr$count(value, bylayer[1], FALSE, 0, opt)
} else {
v <- x@pntr$count(value, bylayer[1], TRUE, digits, opt)
value <- round(value, digits)
if (bylayer) {
v <- data.frame(layer=1:nlyr(x), value=value, count=v)
} else {
v <- data.frame(value=value, count=v)
} else {
if ( {
v <- x@pntr$freq(bylayer[1], FALSE, 0, opt)
} else {
v <- x@pntr$freq(bylayer[1], TRUE, digits, opt)
v <- lapply(v, function(i) if (length(i) == 0) NA else i)
v <- lapply(1:length(v), function(i) cbind(i, matrix(v[[i]], ncol=2)))
v <-, v)
v <-
colnames(v) <- c("layer", "value", "count")
ff <- is.factor(x)
if (any(ff)) {
cgs <- cats(x)
v <- data.frame(v)
for (f in which(ff)) {
cg <- cgs[[f]]
j <- which(v[,1] == f)
i <- match(v[j,2], cg[,1])
act <- activeCat(x, f) + 1
if (!inherits(cg[[act]], "numeric")) {
v[j, 2] <- as.character(factor(cg[i, act], levels=unique(cg[[act]])))
} else {
v[j, 2] <- cg[i, act]
if (!bylayer) {
# if (nlyr(x) > 1)
# v <- aggregate(v[,"count",drop=FALSE], v[,"value", drop=FALSE], sum)
# }
v <- v[,-1]
if (usenames) {
v$layer <- names(x)[v$layer]
if (wide) {
v$count[$count)] <- 0
if ((!is.null(value)) && {
v$value <- "NA"
v <- stats::reshape(v, idvar="layer", timevar="value", direction="wide")
colnames(v) <- gsub("count.", "", colnames(v))
v[] <- 0
setMethod ("expanse", "SpatRaster",
function(x, unit="m", transform=TRUE, byValue=FALSE, zones=NULL, wide=FALSE, usenames=FALSE) {
opt <- spatOptions()
if (!is.null(zones)) {
if (!inherits(zones, "SpatRaster")) {
error("expanse", "zones must be a SpatRaster")
compareGeom(x, zones, lyrs=FALSE, crs=FALSE, ext=TRUE, rowcol=TRUE)
v <- x@pntr$sum_area_group(zones@pntr, unit[1], transform[1], byValue[1], opt)
v <- lapply(v, function(i) matrix(i, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE))
v <- data.frame(, v))
colnames(v) <- c("layer", "value", "zone", "area")
v[,1] <- v[,1] + 1
if (byValue) {
v <- replace_with_label(x, v, 2)
v <- replace_with_label(zones, v, 3)
} else {
v <- replace_with_label(zones, v, 3)
v$value <- NULL
if (wide) {
if (byValue) {
v <- stats::reshape(v, idvar=c("layer", "zone"), timevar="value", direction="wide")
colnames(v) <- gsub("area.", "", colnames(v))
} else {
v <- stats::reshape(v, idvar=c("layer"), timevar="zone", direction="wide")
colnames(v) <- gsub("area.", "", colnames(v))
v[] <- 0
} else {
v <- x@pntr$sum_area(unit, isTRUE(transform[1]), isTRUE(byValue[1]), opt)
x <- messages(x, "expanse")
if (byValue) {
v <- lapply(1:length(v), function(i) cbind(i, matrix(v[[i]], ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)))
v <- data.frame(, v))
colnames(v) <- c("layer", "value", "area")
v <- replace_with_label(x, v, 2)
} else {
v <- v[[1]]
v <- data.frame(layer=1:length(v), area=v)
if (wide) {
if (byValue) {
v <- stats::reshape(v, idvar="layer", timevar="value", direction="wide")
colnames(v) <- gsub("area.", "", colnames(v))
v[] <- 0
if (usenames) {
v$layer <- names(x)[v$layer]
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