
Defines functions debug_this placeholder_definition print.gradethis_placeholder resolve_placeholder assert_placeholder_resolved is_placeholder placeholder detect_grade_this grade_this

Documented in grade_this

#' Grade a student's submission using custom logic
#' @description
#' `grade_this()` allows instructors to write custom logic to evaluate, grade
#' and give feedback to students. To use `grade_this()`, call it directly in
#' your `*-check` chunk:
#' ````
#' ```{r example-check}
#' grade_this({
#'   # custom checking code appears here
#'   if (identical(.result, .solution)) {
#'     pass("Great work!")
#'   }
#'   fail("Try again!")
#' })
#' ```
#' ````
#' `grade_this()` makes available a number of objects based on the exercise and
#' the student's submission that can be used to evaluate the student's submitted
#' code. See `?"grade_this-objects"` for more information about these objects.
#' As the instructor, you are free to use any logic to determine a student's
#' grade as long as a [graded()] object is signaled. The check code can also
#' contain \pkg{testthat} expectation code. Failed \pkg{testthat} expectations
#' will be turned into [fail()]ed grades with the corresponding message.
#' A final grade is signaled from `grade_this()` using the [graded()] helper
#' functions, which include [pass()], [fail()], among others. `grade_this()`
#' uses condition handling to short-circuit further evaluation when a grade is
#' reached. This means that you may also signal a failing grade using any of the
#' `expect_*()` functions from \pkg{testthat}, other functions designed to work
#' with \pkg{testthat}, such as \pkg{checkmate}, or standard R errors via
#' `stop()`. Learn more about this behavior in [graded()] in the section
#' **Return a grade immediately**.
#' @examples
#' # For an interactive example run: gradethis_demo()
#' # Suppose we have an exercise that prompts students to calculate the
#' # average height of Loblolly pine trees using the `Loblolly` data set.
#' # We might write an exercise `-check` chunk like the one below.
#' #
#' # Since grade_this() returns a function, we'll save the result of this
#' # "chunk" as `grader()`, which can be called on an exercise submission
#' # to evaluate the student's code, which we'll simulate with
#' # `mock_this_exercise()`.
#' grader <-
#'   # ```{r example-check}
#'   grade_this({
#'     if (length(.result) != 1) {
#'       fail("I expected a single value instead of {length(.result)} values.")
#'     }
#'     if (is.na(.result)) {
#'       fail("I expected a number, but your code returned a missing value.")
#'     }
#'     avg_height <- mean(Loblolly$height)
#'     if (identical(.result, avg_height)) {
#'       pass("Great work! The average height is {round(avg_height, 2)}.")
#'     }
#'     # Always end grade_this() with a default grade.
#'     # By default fail() will also give code feedback,
#'     # if a solution is available.
#'     fail()
#'   })
#' # ```
#' # Simulate an incorrect answer: too many values...
#' grader(mock_this_exercise(.user_code = Loblolly$height[1:2]))
#' # This student submission returns a missing value...
#' grader(mock_this_exercise(mean(Loblolly$Seed)))
#' # This student submission isn't caught by any specific tests,
#' # the final grade is determined by the default (last) value in grade_this()
#' grader(mock_this_exercise(mean(Loblolly$age)))
#' # If you have a *-solution chunk,
#' # fail() without arguments gives code feedback...
#' grader(
#'   mock_this_exercise(
#'     .user_code = mean(Loblolly$age),
#'     .solution_code = mean(Loblolly$height)
#'   )
#' )
#' # Finally, the "student" gets the correct answer!
#' grader(mock_this_exercise(mean(Loblolly$height)))
#' @param expr The grade-checking expression to be evaluated. This expression
#'   must either signal a grade via [pass()] or [fail()] functions or their
#'   sibling functions.
#'   By default, errors in this expression are converted to "internal problem"
#'   grades that mask the error for the user. If your grading logic relies on
#'   unit-test-styled functions, such as those from \pkg{testthat}, you can use
#'   [fail_if_error()] to convert errors into [fail()] grades.
#' @param maybe_code_feedback Should `maybe_code_feedback()` provide code
#'   feedback when used in a [graded()] message? The default value can be set
#'   with [gradethis_setup()].
#'   Typically, [maybe_code_feedback()] is called in the default [fail()]
#'   message (the default can be customized the `fail` argument of
#'   [gradethis_setup()]). If the `maybe_code_feedback` argument is `FALSE`,
#'   `maybe_code_feedback()` returns an empty string.
#' @param ... Ignored
#' @return Returns a function whose first parameter will be an environment
#'   containing objects specific to the exercise and submission (see **Available
#'   variables**). For local testing, you can create a version of the expected
#'   environment for a mock exercise submission with [mock_this_exercise()].
#'   Calling the returned function on the exercise-checking environment will
#'   evaluate the grade-checking `expr` and return a final grade via [graded()].
#' @seealso [grade_this_code()], [mock_this_exercise()], [gradethis_demo()]
#' @export
grade_this <- function(
  maybe_code_feedback = getOption("gradethis.maybe_code_feedback", TRUE)
) {
  expr_quo <- rlang::enquo(expr)
  expr_env <- rlang::quo_get_env(expr_quo)
  expr <- rlang::quo_get_expr(expr_quo)

  if ("fail_code_feedback" %in% names(list(...))) {
    if (missing(maybe_code_feedback)) {
      maybe_code_feedback <- list(...)$fail_code_feedback

  function(check_env) {
    if (is.list(check_env)) {
      check_env <- list2env(check_env, envir = new.env(parent = globalenv()))

    check_env[[".__gradethis_check_env"]] <- TRUE

    # Ensure that check_env has expr_env as a parent
    local_env_insert_parent(check_env, parent_new = expr_env)

    # Turn the grading code into a function defined in the `check_env`
    do_grade_this <- rlang::new_function(NULL, body = expr, env = check_env)

    # Disable code feedback if not R code
    engine <- tolower(get0(".engine", check_env, ifnotfound = "r"))
    maybe_code_feedback <- identical(engine, "r") && maybe_code_feedback

    # make sure fail calls can get code feed back (or not) if they want
      # capture all pass/fail calls and errors thrown

detect_grade_this <- function(env = parent.frame()) {
  # Is this running in a grade_this_check_env?
  get0(".__gradethis_check_env", envir = env, ifnotfound = FALSE)

# Sentinel Values ----
placeholder <- function(class, ...) {
  structure(list(), class = c(class, ..., "gradethis_placeholder"))

is_placeholder <- function(x, which = "gradethis_placeholder") {
  inherits(x, which)

assert_placeholder_resolved <- function(
  obj_name = NULL,
  throw_grade = TRUE,
  env_return_from = parent.frame(n = 2)
) {
  obj_expr <- rlang::enexpr(obj)

  if (!is_placeholder(obj) && !is_missing(obj)) {

  obj_name <-
    if (is_placeholder(obj)) {
    } else {
      obj_name %||% rlang::expr_label(obj_expr)

  label <- env$.label
  label <- if (!is.null(label)) paste0("In exercise `", label, "`: ")
  msg_obj_not_found <- glue::glue(
    "{label} `{caller}()`: expected `{obj_name}` to be found in its",
    "calling environment or the environment specified by `env`. ",
    "Did you call `{caller}()` inside `grade_this()` or `grade_this_code()`?",
    label = label %||% "",
    caller = as.character(caller[[1]])

  if (isTRUE(throw_grade)) {
    # Signal problem with grading code
    cnd <- rlang::cnd(
      message = msg_obj_not_found,
      call = caller

    signal_grade(grade_grading_problem(error = cnd), env_return_from)


resolve_placeholder <- function(
  env_find = parent.frame(n = 2),
  default = rlang::missing_arg(),
  throw_grade = TRUE
) {
  x_label <- rlang::expr_label(rlang::enexpr(x))

  if (!is_placeholder(x)) {

  placeholder_name <- class(x)[[1]]
  x <- get0(placeholder_name, env_find, ifnotfound = x)

  if (is_placeholder(x) && !rlang::is_missing(default)) {
    # it's still a placeholder and we have a default, return that instead

    obj = x,
    env = env_find,
    caller = rlang::caller_call(),
    env_return_from = rlang::caller_env(),
    obj_name = x_label,
    throw_grade = throw_grade

# @export
print.gradethis_placeholder <- function(x, ...) {
  type <- class(x)[1]
  desc <- placeholder_definition(type)
  desc <- glue::glue("A placeholder for `{type}` for use in `grade_this()`. {desc}")
  cat(strwrap(desc), sep = "\n")

placeholder_definition <- function(x) {
  if (is_placeholder(x)) {
    x <- class(x)[1]
    .label = "The exercise label.",
    .engine = "The exercise engine, typically 'r'.",
    .last_value = ,
    .user = ,
    .result = "The last value returned from evaluating the user's exercise submission.",
    .user_code = "A string containing the code submitted by the user.",
    .solution = "The last value returned from evaluating the `.solution_code` for the exercise (evaluated in `.envir_prep`).",
    .solution_all = "A list containing all solutions when multiple solutions are provided in the `*-solution` chunk for the exercise. Solutions are separated by header comments, e.g. `# base_r ----`.",
    .solution_code = "A string containing the code provided within the `*-solution` chunk for the exercise.",
    .solution_code_all = "A list containing the code of all solutions when multiple solutions are provided in the `*-solution` chunk for the exercise. Solutions are separated by header comments, e.g. `# base_r ----`.",
    .check_code = "A string containing the code provided within the `*-check` or `*-code-check` chunk for the exercise.",
    .envir_prep = "A copy of the R environment after running the exercise setup code and before the execution of the student's submitted code.",
    .envir_result = "The R environment after running the student's submitted code.",
    .envir_solution = "The R environment after running the solution code.",
    .evaluate_result = "The return value from the [evaluate::evaluate()] function (see learnr's documentation).",
    .stage = "The current checking stage in the learnr exercise evaluation lifecycle: 'code_check', 'error_check', or 'check'",

#' Checking environment objects for use in `grade_this()`
#' @description
#' [grade_this()] allows instructors to determine a grade and to create custom
#' feedback messages using custom R code. To facilitate evaluating the
#' exercise, [grade_this()] makes available a number of objects that can be
#' referenced within the `{ ... }` expression.
#' All of the objects provided by `learnr` to an exercise checking function
#' are available for inspection. To avoid name collisions with user or
#' instructor code, the names of these objects all start with `.`.
#' * `.label`: `r placeholder_definition(".label")`
#' * `.engine`: `r placeholder_definition(".engine")`
#' * `.last_value`: `r placeholder_definition(".last_value")`
#' * `.solution_code`: `r placeholder_definition(".solution_code")`
#' * `.user_code`: `r placeholder_definition(".user_code")`
#' * `.check_code`: `r placeholder_definition(".check_code")`
#' * `.envir_prep`: `r placeholder_definition(".envir_prep")`
#' * `.envir_result`: `r placeholder_definition(".envir_result")`
#' * `.envir_solution`: `r placeholder_definition(".envir_solution")`
#' * `.evaluate_result`: `r placeholder_definition(".evaluate_result")`
#' * `.stage`: `r placeholder_definition(".stage")`
#' In addition, \pkg{gradethis} has provided some extra objects:
#' * `.user`, `.result`: `r placeholder_definition(".user")`
#' * `.solution`: `r placeholder_definition(".solution")`
#' * `.solution_all`: `r placeholder_definition(".solution_all")`
#' * `.solution_code_all`: `r placeholder_definition(".solution_code_all")`
#' @name grade_this-objects

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.result <- placeholder(".result")

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.user <- placeholder(".user", ".result")

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.last_value <- placeholder(".last_value", ".result")

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.solution <- placeholder(".solution")

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.solution_all <- placeholder(".solution_all")

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.user_code <- placeholder(".user_code")

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.solution_code <- placeholder(".solution_code")

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.solution_code_all <- placeholder(".solution_code_all")

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.envir_prep <- placeholder(".envir_prep")

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.envir_result <- placeholder(".envir_result")

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.envir_solution <- placeholder(".envir_solution")

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.evaluate_result <- placeholder(".evaluate_result")

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.label <- placeholder(".label")

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.stage <- placeholder(".stage")

#' @rdname grade_this-objects
#' @export
.engine <- placeholder(".engine")

#' Debug an exercise submission
#' When used in a `*-check` chunk or inside [grade_this()], `debug_this()`
#' displays in the \pkg{learnr} tutorial a complete listing of the variables
#' and environment available for checking. This can be helpful when you need
#' to debug an exercise and a submission.
#' @section Debugging exercises:
#' ```{r child = "man/fragments/debug_this-usage-setup.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' \if{html}{
#' The debug output will look like the following when used as described
#' below.
#' \Sexpr[echo=FALSE,results=rd,stage=build]{
#' submission <- gradethis::mock_this_exercise("# user submits\nx + 2", "x + 3", setup_exercise = "x <- 1", .label = "example")
#' paste("\\\out{\n<blockquote>", gradethis::debug_this(submission)$message, "</blockquote>}", sep = "\n")
#' }
#' }
#' ```{r child = "man/fragments/debug_this-usage.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' @examples
#' # Suppose we have an exercise (guess the number 42). Mock a submission:
#' submission <- mock_this_exercise(.user_code = 40, .solution_code = 11 + 31)
#' # Call `debug_this()` inside your *-check chunk, is equivalent to
#' debug_this()(submission)$message
#' # The remaining examples produce equivalent output
#' \dontrun{
#' # Or you can call `debug_this()` inside a `grade_this()` call
#' # at the point where you want to get debug feedback.
#' grade_this({
#'   pass_if_equal(42, "Good stuff!")
#'   # Find out why this is failing??
#'   debug_this()
#' })(submission)
#' # Set default `fail()` message to show debug information
#' # (for tutorial development only!)
#' old_opts <- options(gradethis.fail = "{debug_this()}")
#' grade_this({
#'   pass_if_equal(42, "Good stuff!")
#'   fail()
#' })(submission)
#' # default fail() will show debug until you reset gradethis.fail option
#' options(old_opts)
#' }
#' @param check_env A grade checking environment. You can use
#'   [mock_this_exercise()] to prepare a mocked exercise submission
#'   environment. Otherwise, you don't need to use or set this argument.
#' @return Returns a neutral grade containing a message that includes any
#'   and all information available about the exercise and the current
#'   submission. The output lets you visually explore the objects available for
#'   use within your [grade_this()] grading code.
#' @export
debug_this <- function(check_env = parent.frame()) {

  if (!exists(".result", envir = check_env) || is_placeholder(get(".result", envir = check_env))) {
    # most likely called outside of grade_this(), so return
    # debug_this directly to be used as a checking function

  tags <- htmltools::tags
  html <- htmltools::HTML
  collapse <- function(...) paste(..., collapse = "\n")

  str_chr <- function(x) {

  str_env <- function(env) {
    vars <- ls(env)
    names(vars) <- vars
    x <- str_chr(lapply(vars, function(v) get(v, env)))

  code_block <- function(value, engine = "r") {
      class = engine,
      tags$code(collapse(value), .noWS = "inside"),
      .noWS = "inside"

  get_check_env <- function(x, otherwise = I(paste0("<no ", x, ">"))) {
    get0(x, envir = check_env, ifnotfound = otherwise)

  prnt <- function(x) {
    if (is_AsIs(x)) return(x)

  solution_code <- get_check_env(".solution_code")

  message <- htmltools::tagList(
      tags$strong(html("Exercise label (<code>.label</code>):")),
      tags$strong(html("Engine (<code>.engine</code>):")),
      html("Submission (<code>.result</code>, <code>.user</code>, <code>.last_value</code>):"),
    if (!is.null(solution_code)) tags$p(
      html("Solution (<code>.solution</code>):"),
      code_block(str_env(get_check_env(".envir_prep")), engine = NULL)
      code_block(str_env(get_check_env(".envir_result")), engine = NULL)
      code_block(str_env(get_check_env(".envir_solution")), engine = NULL)
      code_block(get_check_env(".user_code"), get_check_env(".engine", otherwise = "r"))
      if (is.null(solution_code)) {
        "No solution."
      } else {
    if (!is.null(get_check_env(".error", NULL))) {

  graded(logical(0), message = message, type = "custom", location = "replace")
rstudio-education/grader documentation built on July 6, 2023, 8:48 a.m.