
Defines functions quote_poem_addin quote_poem touch_file touch_file_rstudio insert_image_addin update_meta_addin new_post_addin source_addin

source_addin = function(file) in_root(sys.source(
  pkg_file('scripts', file), envir = new.env(parent = globalenv()),
  keep.source = FALSE

new_post_addin = function() {
  if (generator() == 'hugo') find_hugo()

update_meta_addin = function() source_addin('update_meta.R')

insert_image_addin = function() {
  # when the addin is not used inside a site project
  if (xfun::try_error(site_root())) {
    old = opts$get()
    opts$set(site_root = I('.'))
    on.exit(opts$restore(old), add = TRUE)

# use touch to update the timestamp of a file if available (not on Windows);
# otherwise modify a file, undo it, and save it
touch_file_rstudio = function() {
  ctx = rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
  if (!file.exists(ctx$path)) stop('The current document has not been saved yet.')
  p = normalizePath(ctx$path); mtime = function() file.info(p)[, 'mtime']
  m = mtime()
  on.exit(if (!identical(m, m2 <- mtime())) message(
    'The modification time of "', p, '" has been updated from ', m, ' to ', m2
  ), add = TRUE)

touch_file = function(path, time = Sys.time()) Sys.setFileTime(path, time)

# add > to the beginning of every line, and two trailing spaces to every line
quote_poem = function(x) {
  x = paste(x, collapse = '\n')
  if (grepl('^\\s*$', x)) return(x)
  x = gsub(' *\n', '  \n', x)
  x = unlist(strsplit(x, '( *\n){2,}'))
  x = gsub('(^|  \n)', '\\1> ', x)
  x = paste(x, collapse = '\n>\n')
  gsub('  \n> $', '\n', x)

quote_poem_addin = function() {
  ctx = rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
  sel = ctx$selection[[1]]
  if (sel$text == '') {
    message('Please select some text in the editor first.')
  rstudioapi::modifyRange(sel$range, quote_poem(sel$text))
rstudio/blogdown documentation built on Jan. 19, 2025, 7:15 a.m.