
Defines functions gs_bucket_from_gs_uri gs_ensure_storage is_gs_uri gs_data_dir_local gs_data_dir gs_rsync gs_copy

Documented in gs_copy gs_data_dir gs_data_dir_local gs_rsync

#' Copy files to / from Google Storage
#' Use the `gsutil cp` command to copy data between your local file system and
#' the cloud, copy data within the cloud, and copy data between cloud storage
#' providers.
#' @inheritParams gcloud_exec
#' @param source
#'   The file to be copied. This can be either a path on the local
#'   filesystem, or a Google Storage URI (e.g. `gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/[FILENAME.CSV]`).
#' @param destination
#'   The location where the `source` file should be copied to. This can be
#'   either a path on the local filesystem, or a Google Storage URI (e.g.
#'   `gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/[FILENAME.CSV]`).
#' @param recursive
#'   Boolean; perform a recursive copy? This must be specified if you intend on
#'   copying directories.
#' @export
gs_copy <- function(source, destination, recursive = FALSE, echo = TRUE) {

  arguments <- c(
    if (recursive) "-r",

  gsutil_exec(args = arguments, echo = echo)

#' Synchronize content of two buckets/directories
#' The `gs_rsync` function makes the contents under `destination` the same
#' as the contents under `source`, by copying any missing files/objects (or
#' those whose data has changed), and (if the `delete` option is specified)
#' deleting any extra files/objects. `source` must specify a directory, bucket,
#' or bucket subdirectory.
#' @inheritParams gs_copy
#' @param delete Delete extra files under `destination` not found under
#'   `source` By default extra files are not deleted.
#' @param recursive Causes directories, buckets, and bucket subdirectories to
#'   be synchronized recursively. If you neglect to use this option
#'   `gs_rsync()` will make only the top-level directory in the source and
#'   destination URLs match, skipping any sub-directories.
#' @param parallel Causes synchronization to run in parallel. This can
#'   significantly improve performance if you are performing operations on a
#'   large number of files over a reasonably fast network connection.
#' @param dry_run Causes rsync to run in "dry run" mode, i.e., just outputting
#'   what would be copied or deleted without actually doing any
#'   copying/deleting.
#' @param options Character vector of additional command line options to the
#'   gsutil rsync command (as specified at
#'   <https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil/commands/rsync>).
#' @export
gs_rsync <- function(source, destination,
                     delete = FALSE, recursive = FALSE,
                     parallel = TRUE, dry_run = FALSE,
                     options = NULL,
                     echo = TRUE) {

  if (!is_gs_uri(destination) && !utils::file_test("-d", destination))
    dir.create(destination, recursive = TRUE)

  arguments <- c(
    if (parallel) "-m",
    if (delete) "-d",
    if (recursive) "-r",
    if (dry_run) "-n",

  gsutil_exec(args = arguments, echo = echo)

#' Google storage bucket path that syncs to local storage when not
#' running on CloudML.
#' Refer to data within a Google Storage bucket. When running on CloudML
#' the bucket will be read from directly. Otherwise, the bucket will be
#' automatically synchronized to a local directory.
#' @details  This function is suitable for use in TensorFlow APIs that accept
#' gs:// URLs (e.g. TensorFlow datasets). However, many package functions
#' accept only local filesystem paths as input (rather than
#' gs:// URLs). For these cases you can the [gs_data_dir_local()] function,
#' which will always synchronize gs:// buckets to the local filesystem and
#' provide a local path interface to their contents.
#' @inheritParams gcloud_exec
#' @param url Google Storage bucket URL (e.g. `gs://<your-bucket>`).
#' @param local_dir Local directory to synchonize Google Storage bucket(s) to.
#' @param force_sync Force local synchonization even if the data
#'   directory already exists.
#' @return Path to contents of data directory.
#' @seealso [gs_data_dir_local()]
#' @importFrom config is_active
#' @export
gs_data_dir <- function(url, local_dir = "gs", force_sync = FALSE, echo = TRUE) {

  # if we are running on cloudml then just return the url unmodified
  if (is_cloudml()) {


  } else {

    # extract [BUCKET_NAME]/[OBJECT_NAME] and build local path
    object_path <- substring(url, nchar("gs://") + 1)
    local_path <- file.path(local_dir, object_path)

    # synchronize if it doesn't exist (or if force_sync is specified)
    if (!dir.exists(local_path) || force_sync) {
      message("Synchronizing ", url, " to local directory ", local_path)
      gs_rsync(url, local_path, delete = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, echo = echo)

    # return path

#' Get a local path to the contents of Google Storage bucket
#' Provides a local filesystem interface to Google Storage buckets. Many
#' package functions accept only local filesystem paths as input (rather than
#' gs:// URLs). For these cases the `gcloud_path()` function will synchronize
#' gs:// buckets to the local filesystem and provide a local path interface
#' to their contents.
#' @note For APIs that accept gs:// URLs directly (e.g. TensorFlow datasets)
#'   you should use the [gs_data_dir()] function.
#' @inheritParams gcloud_exec
#' @param url Google Storage bucket URL (e.g. `gs://<your-bucket>`).
#' @param local_dir Local directory to synchonize Google Storage bucket(s) to.
#' @return Local path to contents of bucket.
#' @details If you pass a local path as the `url` it will be returned
#'   unmodified. This allows you to for example use a training flag for the
#'   location of data which points to a local directory during
#'   development and a Google Cloud bucket during cloud training.
#' @seealso [gs_data_dir()]
#' @export
gs_data_dir_local <- function(url, local_dir = "gs", echo = FALSE) {

  # return url unmodified for non google-storage URIs
  if (!is_gs_uri(url)) {
  } else {

    # extract [BUCKET_NAME]/[OBJECT_NAME] and build local path
    object_path <- substring(url, nchar("gs://") + 1)
    local_path <- file.path(local_dir, object_path)

    # synchronize
    gs_rsync(url, local_path, delete = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, echo = echo)

    # return path

#' Alias to gs_data_dir_local() function
#' This function is deprecated, please use [gs_data_dir_local()] instead.
#' @inheritParams gs_data_dir_local
#' @seealso [gs_data_dir_local()]
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
gs_local_dir <- gs_data_dir_local

is_gs_uri <- function(file) {
  is.character(file) && grepl("^gs://.+$", file)

gs_ensure_storage <- function(gcloud) {
  storage <- getOption("cloudml.storage")
  if (is.null(storage)) {
    project <- gcloud[["project"]]
    if (!gcloud_project_has_bucket(project)) {
    storage <- file.path(gcloud_project_bucket(project), "r-cloudml")


gs_bucket_from_gs_uri <- function(uri) {
  paste0("gs://", strsplit(sub("gs://", "", uri), "/")[[1]][[1]])
rstudio/cloudml documentation built on Aug. 12, 2020, 8:22 p.m.