
Defines functions check_debug connect

Documented in connect

#' Class representing a Connect API client
#' @name PositConnect
#' @section Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' client <- Connect$new(server = 'connect.example.com',
#'   apiKey = 'mysecretkey')
#' client$get_apps()
#' client$get_tags()
#' }
#' @section Details:
#' This class allows a user to interact with a Connect server via the Connect
#' API. Authentication is done by providing an API key.
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @family R6 classes
#' @export
Connect <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @field server The base URL of your Posit Connect server.
    server = NULL,
    #' @field api_key Your Posit Connect API key.
    api_key = NULL,
    #' @field tags The initial set of tags.
    tags = NULL,
    #' @field tag_map The initial tag map.
    tag_map = NULL,
    #' @field httr_additions An initial set of `httr` configuration added to each HTTP call.
    httr_additions = list(),
    #' @field using_auth Indicates that the API key is added to each HTTP call.
    using_auth = TRUE,

    #' @description Return this connect.
    get_connect = function() {

    #' @description Initialize a new connect.
    #' @param server The base URL of your Posit Connect server.
    #' @param api_key Your Posit Connect API key.
    initialize = function(server, api_key) {
      message(glue::glue("Defining Connect with server: {server}"))
      if (is.null(httr::parse_url(server)$scheme)) {
        stop(glue::glue("ERROR: Please provide a protocol (http / https). You gave: {server}"))
      self$server <- base::sub("^(.*)/$", "\\1", server)
      self$api_key <- api_key

    #' @description Set additional `httr` configuration that is added to each HTTP call.
    #' @param ... Set of httr configurations.
    httr_config = function(...) {
      self$httr_additions <- rlang::list2(...)

    # helpers ----------------------------------------------------------

    #' @description Print details about this instance.
    #' @param ... Ignored.
    print = function(...) {
      cat("Posit Connect API Client: \n")
      cat("  Posit Connect Server: ", self$server, "\n", sep = "")
      cat("  Posit Connect API Key: ", paste0(strrep("*", 11), substr(self$api_key, nchar(self$api_key) - 3, nchar(self$api_key))), "\n", sep = "")
      # TODO: something about API key... role... ?
      # TODO: point to docs on methods... how to see methods?

    #' @description Raise an error when the HTTP result is an HTTP error.
    #' @param res HTTP result.
    raise_error = function(res) {
      if (httr::http_error(res)) {
        err <- sprintf(
          "%s request failed with %s",
          error = function(e) {

    #' @description Returns HTTP authorization headers, or NULL when none are used.
    add_auth = function() {
      if (self$using_auth) {
        httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Key ", self$api_key))
      } else {

    #' @description Build a URL relative to the API root
    #' @param ... path segments
    api_url = function(...) {
      paste(self$server, "__api__", ..., sep = "/")

    #' @description General wrapper around `httr` verbs
    #' @param method HTTP request method
    #' @param url URL to request
    #' @param parser How the response is parsed. If `NULL`, the `httr_response`
    #' will be returned. Otherwise, the argument is forwarded to
    #' `httr::content(res, as = parser)`.
    #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the request function
    request = function(method, url, ..., parser = "parsed") {
      httr_verb <- get(method, envir = asNamespace("httr"))
      res <- rlang::exec(

      if (is.null(parser)) {
      } else {
        httr::content(res, as = parser)

    #' @description Perform an HTTP GET request of the named API path.
    #' @param path API path relative to the server's `/__api__` root.
    #' @param ... Arguments to `httr::GET()`
    #' @param url Target URL. Default uses `path`, but provide `url` to request
    #' a server resource that is not under `/__api__`
    #' @param parser How the response is parsed. If `NULL`, the `httr_response`
    #' will be returned. Otherwise, the argument is forwarded to
    #' `httr::content(res, as = parser)`.
    GET = function(path, ..., url = self$api_url(path), parser = "parsed") {
      self$request("GET", url, parser = parser, ...)

    #' @description Perform an HTTP PUT request of the named API path.
    #' @param path API path relative to the server's `/__api__` root.
    #' @param body The HTTP payload.
    #' @param ... Arguments to `httr::PUT()`
    #' @param url Target URL. Default uses `path`, but provide `url` to request
    #' a server resource that is not under `/__api__`
    #' @param encode How the payload is encoded.
    #' @param parser How the response is parsed. If `NULL`, the `httr_response`
    #' will be returned. Otherwise, the argument is forwarded to
    #' `httr::content(res, as = parser)`.
    PUT = function(path,
                   body = "{}",
                   url = self$api_url(path),
                   encode = "json",
                   parser = "parsed") {
      self$request("PUT", url, parser = parser, body = body, encode = encode, ...)

    #' @description Perform an HTTP HEAD request of the named API path.
    #' @param path API path relative to the server's `/__api__` root.
    #' @param ... Arguments to `httr::HEAD()`
    #' @param url Target URL. Default uses `path`, but provide `url` to request
    #' a server resource that is not under `/__api__`
    #' `httr::content(res, as = parser)`.
    HEAD = function(path, ..., url = self$api_url(path)) {
      self$request("HEAD", url, parser = NULL, ...)

    #' @description Perform an HTTP DELETE request of the named API path. Returns the HTTP response object.
    #' @param path API path relative to the server's `/__api__` root.
    #' @param ... Arguments to `httr::DELETE()`
    #' @param url Target URL. Default uses `path`, but provide `url` to request
    #' a server resource that is not under `/__api__`
    #' @param parser How the response is parsed. If `NULL`, the `httr_response`
    #' will be returned. Otherwise, the argument is forwarded to
    #' `httr::content(res, as = parser)`.
    DELETE = function(path, ..., url = self$api_url(path), parser = NULL) {
      self$request("DELETE", url, parser = NULL, ...)

    #' @description Perform an HTTP PATCH request of the named API path.
    #' @param path API path relative to the server's `/__api__` root.
    #' @param ... Arguments to `httr::PATCH()`
    #' @param body The HTTP payload.
    #' @param url Target URL. Default uses `path`, but provide `url` to request
    #' a server resource that is not under `/__api__`
    #' @param encode How the payload is encoded.
    #' @param parser How the response is parsed. If `NULL`, the `httr_response`
    #' will be returned. Otherwise, the argument is forwarded to
    #' `httr::content(res, as = parser)`.
    PATCH = function(path,
                     body = "{}",
                     url = self$api_url(path),
                     encode = "json",
                     parser = "parsed") {
      self$request("PATCH", url, parser = parser, body = body, encode = encode, ...)

    #' @description Perform an HTTP POST request of the named API path.
    #' @param path API path relative to the server's `/__api__` root.
    #' @param ... Arguments to `httr::POST()`
    #' @param body The HTTP payload.
    #' @param url Target URL. Default uses `path`, but provide `url` to request
    #' a server resource that is not under `/__api__`
    #' @param encode How the payload is encoded.
    #' @param parser How the response is parsed. If `NULL`, the `httr_response`
    #' will be returned. Otherwise, the argument is forwarded to
    #' `httr::content(res, as = parser)`.
    POST = function(path,
                    body = "{}",
                    url = self$api_url(path),
                    encode = "json",
                    parser = "parsed") {
      self$request("POST", url, parser = parser, body = body, encode = encode, ...)

    #' @description Perform an HTTP GET request of the "me" server endpoint.
    me = function() {

    #' @description Return the base URL of the Connect server.
    get_dashboard_url = function() {

    # tags ----------------------------------------------------------

    #' @description Return all tags.
    #' @param use_cache Indicates that a cached set of tags is used.
    get_tags = function(use_cache = FALSE) {
      error_if_less_than(self, "1.8.6")
      # TODO: check cache "age"?
      if (is.null(self$tags) || !use_cache) {
        self$tags <- self$tag()
      # TODO: deprecate tag_map? by removing all of the things that use it...
      # caching is hard
      self$tag_map <- data.frame(
        id = sapply(self$tags, function(x) {
        name = sapply(self$tags, function(x) {
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    #' @description Get the identifier for the named tag.
    #' @param tagname The name of the tag.
    get_tag_id = function(tagname) {
      if (!any(self$tag_map$name == tagname)) {
        stop(sprintf("Tag %s not found on server %s", tagname, self$server))
      self$tag_map[which(self$tag_map$name == tagname), "id"]

    #' @description Get the tag tree.
    get_tag_tree = function() {
      raw_tags <- self$tag()

    #' @description Create a tag.
    #' @param name The tag name.
    #' @param parent_id The parent identifier.
    tag_create_safe = function(name, parent_id = NULL) {
      tt <- get_tags(self)

      tag_exists_id <- recursive_find_tag(tt, name, parent_id)
      if (is.na(tag_exists_id)) {
        self$tag_create(name, parent_id)
      } else {

    #' @description Create a tag.
    #' @param name The tag name.
    #' @param parent_id The parent identifier.
    tag_create = function(name, parent_id = NULL) {
      error_if_less_than(self, "1.8.6")
      dat <- list(
        name = name
      if (!is.null(parent_id)) {
        if (is.numeric(parent_id)) {
          warn_once("Converting `tag parent_id` to character", "tag_parent_id")
          parent_id <- as.character(parent_id)
        dat <- c(
          parent_id = parent_id
        body = dat

    #' @description Get a tag.
    #' @param id The tag identifier.
    tag = function(id = NULL) {
      error_if_less_than(self, "1.8.6")
      if (is.null(id)) {
        path <- v1_url("tags")
      } else {
        path <- v1_url("tags", id)

    #' @description Delete a tag.
    #' @param id The tag identifier.
    tag_delete = function(id) {
      invisible(self$DELETE(v1_url("tags", id)))

    # content listing ----------------------------------------------------------

    # filter is a named list, e.g. list(name = 'appname')
    # this function supports pages
    #' @description Get content items.
    #' @param filter Named list containing filter conditions.
    #' @param .collapse How multiple filters are combined.
    #' @param .limit The limit.
    #' @param page_size The page size.
    get_apps = function(filter = NULL, .collapse = "&", .limit = Inf, page_size = 25) {
      path <- unversioned_url("applications")
      query <- list(
        count = min(page_size, .limit)
      if (!is.null(filter)) {
        query$filter <- paste(sapply(1:length(filter), function(i) {
          sprintf("%s:%s", names(filter)[i], filter[[i]])
        }), collapse = .collapse)

      prg <- optional_progress_bar(
        format = "downloading page :current (:tick_rate/sec) :elapsedfull",
        total = NA,
        clear = FALSE

      # handle paging
      res <- self$GET(path, query = query)

      all <- res$applications
      all_l <- length(all)
      query$start <- 1
      while (length(res$applications) > 0 && all_l < .limit) {

        query$start <- query$start + page_size
        query$page_size <- min(page_size, .limit - all_l)
        query$cont <- res$continuation
        res <- self$GET(path, query = query)

        all <- c(all, res$applications)
        all_l <- length(all)

    #' @description Get a schedule.
    #' @param schedule_id The schedule identifier.
    get_schedule = function(schedule_id) {
      path <- unversioned_url("schedules", schedule_id)

    # content ----------------------------------------------------------

    #' @description Create content.
    #' @param name The content name.
    #' @param title The content title.
    #' @param ... Other content fields.
    content_create = function(name, title = name, ...) {
      path <- v1_url("content")
      other_params <- rlang::dots_list(...)

        body = c(
          list(name = name, title = title),

    #' @description Upload a content bundle.
    #' @param bundle_path The path to the bundle archive.
    #' @param guid The content GUID.
    content_upload = function(bundle_path, guid) {
      # todo : add X-Content-Checksum
        v1_url("content", guid, "bundles"),
        body = httr::upload_file(bundle_path),
        encode = "raw"

    #' @description Deploy a content bundle.
    #' @param guid The content GUID.
    #' @param bundle_id The bundle identifier.
    content_deploy = function(guid, bundle_id) {
      path <- v1_url("content", guid, "deploy")
      self$POST(path, body = list(bundle_id = as.character(bundle_id)))

    #' @description Get a content item.
    #' @param guid The content GUID.
    #' @param owner_guid The target content owner.
    #' @param name The target name.
    #' @param include Additional response fields.
    content = function(guid = NULL, owner_guid = NULL, name = NULL, include = "tags,owner") {
      if (!is.null(guid)) {
        return(self$GET(v1_url("content", guid)))

      query <- list(
        owner_guid = owner_guid,
        name = name,
        include = include
      path <- v1_url("content")
      self$GET(path, query = query)

    #' @description Get a task.
    #' @param task_id The task identifier.
    #' @param first The initial status position.
    #' @param wait Maximum time to wait for update.
    task = function(task_id, first = 0, wait = 5) {
      path <- v1_url("tasks", task_id)
      self$GET(path, query = list(first = first, wait = wait))

    #' @description Set a tag for a content item.
    #' @param content_id The content identifier.
    #' @param tag_id The tag identifier.
    set_content_tag = function(content_id, tag_id) {
        path = v1_url("content", content_id, "tags"),
        body = list(
          tag_id = as.character(tag_id)

    #' @description Remove a tag from a content item.
    #' @param content_id The content identifier.
    #' @param tag_id The tag identifier.
    remove_content_tag = function(content_id, tag_id) {
        path = v1_url("content", content_id, "tags", tag_id)

    # users -----------------------------------------------

    #' @description Get user details.
    #' @param guid The user GUID.
    user = function(guid) {
      self$GET(v1_url("users", guid))

    #' @description Get users.
    #' @param page_number The page number.
    #' @param prefix The search term.
    #' @param page_size The page size.
    users = function(page_number = 1, prefix = NULL, page_size = 500) {
      path <- v1_url("users")
      query <- list(
        page_number = page_number,
        page_size = valid_page_size(page_size),
        prefix = prefix
      self$GET(path, query = query)

    #' @description Get remote users.
    #' @param prefix The search term.
    users_remote = function(prefix) {
      # No pagination here?
      path <- v1_url("users", "remote")
      query <- list(prefix = prefix)
      self$GET(path, query = query)

    #' @description Create a user.
    #' @param username The username.
    #' @param email Email address.
    #' @param first_name First name.
    #' @param last_name Last name.
    #' @param password The password.
    #' @param user_must_set_password Indicates that user sets password on first login.
    #' @param user_role Role for user.
    #' @param unique_id Identifier for user.
    users_create = function(username,
                            first_name = NULL,
                            last_name = NULL,
                            password = NULL,
                            user_must_set_password = NULL,
                            user_role = NULL,
                            unique_id = NULL) {
      path <- v1_url("users")
        path = path,
        body = list(
          email = email,
          first_name = first_name,
          last_name = last_name,
          password = password,
          user_must_set_password = user_must_set_password,
          user_role = user_role,
          username = username,
          unique_id = unique_id

    #' @description Create a remote user.
    #' @param temp_ticket Ticket identifying target remote user.
    users_create_remote = function(temp_ticket) {
      path <- v1_url("users")
        path = path,
        body = list(temp_ticket = temp_ticket)

    #' @description Lock a user.
    #' @param user_guid User GUID.
    users_lock = function(user_guid) {
      path <- v1_url("users", user_guid, "lock")
        path = path,
        body = list(locked = TRUE)

    #' @description Unlock a user.
    #' @param user_guid User GUID.
    users_unlock = function(user_guid) {
      path <- v1_url("users", user_guid, "lock")
        path = path,
        body = list(locked = FALSE)

    #' @description Update a user.
    #' @param user_guid User GUID.
    #' @param ... User fields.
    users_update = function(user_guid, ...) {
      path <- v1_url("users", user_guid)
        path = path,
        body = rlang::list2(...)

    # groups -----------------------------------------------------

    #' @description Get groups.
    #' @param page_number The page number.
    #' @param prefix The search term.
    #' @param page_size The page size.
    groups = function(page_number = 1, prefix = NULL, page_size = 500) {
      path <- v1_url("groups")
      query <- list(
        page_number = page_number,
        page_size = valid_page_size(page_size),
        prefix = prefix
      self$GET(path, query = query)

    #' @description Get group members.
    #' @param guid The group GUID.
    group_members = function(guid) {
      path <- v1_url("groups", guid, "members")

    #' @description Add a group member.
    #' @param group_guid The group GUID.
    #' @param user_guid The user GUID.
    group_member_add = function(group_guid, user_guid) {
      path <- v1_url("groups", group_guid, "members")
      self$POST(path, body = list(user_guid = user_guid))

    #' @description Remove a group member.
    #' @param group_guid The group GUID.
    #' @param user_guid The user GUID.
    group_member_remove = function(group_guid, user_guid) {
      path <- v1_url("groups", group_guid, "members", user_guid)

    #' @description Create a group.
    #' @param name The group name.
    groups_create = function(name) {
      path <- v1_url("groups")
        path = path,
        body = list(name = name)

    #' @description Create a remote group.
    #' @param temp_ticket Ticket identifying target remote group.
    groups_create_remote = function(temp_ticket) {
      path <- v1_url("groups")
        path = path,
        body = list(temp_ticket = temp_ticket)

    #' @description Get remote groups.
    #' @param prefix The search term.
    #' @param limit The maximal result set size.
    groups_remote = function(prefix = NULL, limit = 500) {
      path <- v1_url("groups", "remote")
      query <- list(
        limit = valid_page_size(limit),
        prefix = prefix
      self$GET(path, query = query)

    # instrumentation --------------------------------------------

    #' @description Get (non-interactive) content visits.
    #' @param content_guid Content GUID.
    #' @param min_data_version Data version for request.
    #' @param from Start of range.
    #' @param to End of range.
    #' @param limit Result set size.
    #' @param previous Previous item.
    #' @param nxt Next item.
    #' @param asc_order Indicates ascending result order.
    inst_content_visits = function(content_guid = NULL,
                                   min_data_version = NULL,
                                   from = NULL,
                                   to = NULL,
                                   limit = 500,
                                   previous = NULL,
                                   nxt = NULL,
                                   asc_order = TRUE) {
      path <- v1_url("instrumentation", "content", "visits")
      query <- list(
        content_guid = content_guid,
        min_data_version = min_data_version,
        from = make_timestamp(from),
        to = make_timestamp(to),
        limit = valid_page_size(limit),
        previous = previous,
        asc_order = tolower(as.character(asc_order))
      if (length(content_guid)) {
        query$content_guid <- paste(content_guid, collapse = "|")
      # This is funky because next is a reserved word in R
      query[["next"]] <- nxt
      self$GET(path, query = query)

    #' @description Get interactive content visits.
    #' @description Get (non-interactive) content visits.
    #' @param content_guid Content GUID.
    #' @param min_data_version Data version for request.
    #' @param from Start of range.
    #' @param to End of range.
    #' @param limit Result set size.
    #' @param previous Previous item.
    #' @param nxt Next item.
    #' @param asc_order Indicates ascending result order.
    inst_shiny_usage = function(content_guid = NULL,
                                min_data_version = NULL,
                                from = NULL,
                                to = NULL,
                                limit = 500,
                                previous = NULL,
                                nxt = NULL,
                                asc_order = TRUE) {
      path <- v1_url("instrumentation", "shiny", "usage")
      query <- list(
        content_guid = content_guid,
        min_data_version = min_data_version,
        from = make_timestamp(from),
        to = make_timestamp(to),
        limit = valid_page_size(limit),
        previous = previous,
        asc_order = tolower(as.character(asc_order))
      if (length(content_guid)) {
        query$content_guid <- paste(content_guid, collapse = "|")
      # This is funky because next is a reserved word in R
      query[["next"]] <- nxt
      self$GET(path, query = query)

    #' @description Get running processes.
    procs = function() {
      path <- unversioned_url("metrics", "procs")

    # repo ------------------------------------------------------

    #' @description Determine if Git repository is associated with authorization.
    #' @param host Repository URL.
    repo_account = function(host) {
      parsed_url <- httr::parse_url(host)
      if (is.null(parsed_url$scheme) || is.null(parsed_url$hostname)) {
        stop(glue::glue("Scheme and hostname must be provided (i.e. 'https://github.com'). You provided '{host}'"))
      host <- glue::glue(parsed_url$scheme, "://", parsed_url$hostname)
      path <- unversioned_url("repo", "account")
      self$GET(path, query = list(url = host))

    #' @description Get Git repository branches.
    #' @param repo Repository URL.
    repo_branches = function(repo) {
      path <- unversioned_url("repo", "branches")
      self$GET(path, query = list(url = repo))

    #' @description Get Git repository directories.
    #' @param repo Repository URL.
    #' @param branch Repository branch.
    repo_manifest_dirs = function(repo, branch) {
      path <- unversioned_url("repo", "manifest-dirs")
      self$GET(path, query = list(url = repo, branch = branch))

    # schedule --------------------------------------------------

    #' @description Get schedules.
    #' @param start Starting time.
    #' @param end Ending time.
    #' @param detailed Indicates detailed schedule information.
    schedules = function(start = Sys.time(), end = Sys.time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, detailed = FALSE) {
      url <- v1_url("experimental", "schedules")
      query_params <- rlang::list2(
        detailed = tolower(detailed),
        start = datetime_to_rfc3339(start),
        end = datetime_to_rfc3339(end)
      res <- self$GET(url, query = query_params)

    # misc utilities --------------------------------------------

    #' @description Get documentation.
    #' @param docs Named document.
    #' @param browse Open a browser.
    docs = function(docs = "api", browse = TRUE) {
      stopifnot(docs %in% c("admin", "user", "api"))
      url <- paste0(self$server, "/__docs__/", docs)
      if (browse) utils::browseURL(url)

    #' @description Get auditing.
    #' @param limit Result set size.
    #' @param previous Previous item.
    #' @param nxt Next item.
    #' @param asc_order Indicates ascending result order.
    audit_logs = function(limit = 500, previous = NULL, nxt = NULL, asc_order = TRUE) {
      path <- v1_url("audit_logs")
      query <- list(
        limit = valid_page_size(limit),
        previous = previous,
        ascOrder = tolower(as.character(asc_order))
      # This is funky because next is a reserved word in R
      query[["next"]] <- nxt
      self$GET(path = path, query = query)

    #' @description Get R installations.
    server_settings_r = function() {
      self$GET(v1_url("server_settings", "r"))

    #' @description Get server settings.
    server_settings = function() {

    # end --------------------------------------------------------

#' Create a connection to Posit Connect
#' Creates a connection to Posit Connect using the server URL and an api key.
#' Validates the connection and checks that the version of the server is
#' compatible with the current version of the package.
#' @param server The URL for accessing Posit Connect. Defaults to environment
#'   variable CONNECT_SERVER
#' @param api_key The API Key to authenticate to Posit Connect with. Defaults
#'   to environment variable CONNECT_API_KEY
#' @param prefix The prefix used to determine environment variables
#' @param ... Additional arguments. Not used at present
#' @param .check_is_fatal Whether to fail if "check" requests fail. Useful in
#'   rare cases where more http request customization is needed for requests to
#'   succeed.
#' @return A Posit Connect R6 object that can be passed along to methods
#' @rdname connect
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' connect()
#' }
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("IN_PKGDOWN"), "true")
#' # default is to read CONNECT_SERVER and CONNECT_API_KEY environment variables
#' # this example will read TEST_1_SERVER and TEST_1_API_KEY
#' connect(prefix = "TEST_1")
#' @export
connect <- function(
    server = Sys.getenv(paste0(prefix, "_SERVER"), NA_character_),
    api_key = Sys.getenv(paste0(prefix, "_API_KEY"), NA_character_),
    prefix = "CONNECT",
    .check_is_fatal = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(api_key) || is.na(api_key) || nchar(api_key) == 0) {
    msg <- "Invalid (empty) API key. Please provide a valid API key"
    if (.check_is_fatal) {
      stop(glue::glue("ERROR: {msg}"))
    } else {
  con <- Connect$new(server = server, api_key = api_key)

      check_connect_version(using_version = safe_server_version(con))
    error = function(err) {
      if (.check_is_fatal) {
      } else {
        if (inherits(err, "error")) {
        } else {


check_debug <- function(res) {
  # Check for deprecation warnings from the server.
  # You might get these if you've upgraded the Connect server but not connectapi.
  # connectapi will make the right request based on the version of the server,
  # but if you have an old version of the package, it won't know the new URL
  # to request.
  if ("X-Deprecated-Endpoint" %in% names(httr::headers(res))) {
    msg <- paste(
      "is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Connect.",
      "Please upgrade `connectapi` in order to use the new APIs."
    warn_once(msg, id = "X-Deprecated-Endpoint", class = "deprecatedWarning")
  if (getOption("connect.debug", FALSE)) {
    message(paste(res[["request"]][["method"]], res[["request"]][["url"]]))
    message(paste("Response", res[["status_code"]]))
    message(httr::content(res, as = "text"))
rstudio/connectapi documentation built on June 12, 2024, 5 a.m.