#' @import shiny methods htmlwidgets
#' An S4 class to capture a heatmap
#' @slot x A data.frame
#' @slot ColSideColors (optional) character vector of length ncol(x), or matrix with
#' columns equal to ncol(x), containing the color names for a horizontal side bar that may
#' be used to annotate the columns of x. \code{ColIndividualColors}, from heatmap.2, can
#' also be used
#' @slot RowSideColors (optional) character vector of length nrow(x), or matrix with rows
#' equal to nrow(x), containing the color names for a vertical side bar that may be used to
#' annotate the rows of x. \code{RowIndividualColors}, from heatmap.3, can also be used
#' @slot settings A list of settings to pass to d3heatmap()
#' @slot heatmap A d3heatmap
#' @slot rows Character vector of selected rows from the heatmap
#' @slot cols Character vector of selected columns from the heatmap
#' @slot filter Character string of a valid filter (as in \code{subset()} for the underlying
#' d3heatmap data; invalid filters will be safely loaded but not applied
representation(x = 'data.frame'
, RowSideColors = 'data.frame'
, ColSideColors = 'data.frame'
, settings = 'list'
, heatmap = 'd3heatmap'
, rows = 'character'
, cols = 'character'
, filter = 'character'
#' A shiny gadget for d3heatmaps
#' Creates a D3.js-based heatmap widget inside a Shiny gadget. Pass into the function
#' either a d3heatmap-compatible matrix or data.frame, or a list of class
#' \emph{d3heatmapGadget} to start from the gadget's last saved settings
#' @param x A numeric matrix or data.frame populated with all numerics, or a list
#' of class \emph{d3heatmapGadget}
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to \code{d3heatmap()}
#' @return An object of class \emph{d3heatmapGadget} containing the original data,
#' gadget settings, filter parameters, and the resulting plot
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hmg <- d3heatmapGadget(mtcars)
#' class(hmg)
#' # "d3heatmapGadget"
#' }
#' @export
d3heatmapGadget <- function(x, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace('shiny') | !requireNamespace('miniUI'))
stop("Shiny or miniUI package not detected, please install first")
params <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1L]
params <- lapply(params, eval)
if (class(x) == 'd3heatmapGadget') {
if(sum(dim(x@RowSideColors)) == 0) .rsc <- NULL
else .rsc <- x@RowSideColors
if(sum(dim(x@ColSideColors)) == 0) .csc <- NULL
else .csc <- x@ColSideColors
.x <- x@x
# object class settings will take precedence over ... params
.settings <- mergeLists(params, x@settings)
.heatmap <- x@heatmap
.rows <- x@rows
.cols <- x@cols
.filter <- x@filter
} else if (class(x) %in% c('matrix', 'data.frame')) {
# filter x for only numerics
.x <- x[, sapply(x, is.numeric)]
.rsc <- params$RowSideColors
.csc <- params$ColSideColors
.heatmap <- NULL
.settings <- list(
# main
main = NULL
, show_grid = TRUE
, anim_duration = 500
# heatmap
, symm = FALSE
, scale = 'none'
, scale.by.range = FALSE
, na.rm = TRUE
, na.color = "#777777"
, dendrogram = 'both'
, k_row = NA_integer_
, k_col = NA_integer_
, revC = FALSE
# legend
, key = FALSE
, keysize = 1
, key.title = NULL
, key.location = c("fl", "br", "tr", "tl", "bl")
, density.info = c('histogram', 'none')
, denscol = NULL
# cell notes
, digits = 3L
, cellnote_scale = FALSE
, cellnote_val = "Value"
, print.values = FALSE
, notecol = '#222222'
, brush_color = "#0000FF"
# axes
, xaxis.location = 'bottom'
, yaxis.location = 'right'
, xlab = NULL
, ylab = NULL
, labColSize = 80
, labRowSize = 120
, cexCol = NA_integer_
, cexRow = NA_integer_
, xaxis_title_font_size = 14
, yaxis_title_font_size = 14
, srtCol = 60
.settings <- mergeLists(.settings, params)
.rows <- row.names(.x)
.cols <- colnames(.x)
.filter = NULL
ui <- tagList(
miniUI::miniTitleBar("d3heatmap Gadget",
left = miniUI::miniTitleBarButton('cancel', "Cancel", primary = FALSE),
right = miniUI::miniTitleBarButton('done', "Done", primary = TRUE)
miniUI::miniTabPanel("Heatmap", icon = icon("bar-chart"),
d3heatmapOutput('heatmap', width = '100%', height = '100%')),
actionButton('refresh', label = NULL, icon = icon('refresh')))),
miniUI::miniTabPanel("Data", icon = icon("table"),
selectInput('filter.rows', "Select Rows:",
choices = row.names(.x),
selected = .rows,
multiple = TRUE,
width = '100%'),
selectInput('filter.cols', "Select Columns:",
choices = colnames(.x),
selected = .cols,
multiple = TRUE,
width = '100%'),
textInput('filter', "Filter Table:",
value = .filter,
placeholder = "(filter)",
width = '100%'),
dataTableOutput('table'), scrollable = TRUE)),
miniUI::miniTabPanel("Settings", icon = icon("sliders"),
uiOutput('settings', width = '100%',
height = '100%'), scrollable = TRUE))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# for gadget and exporting
exp <- reactiveValues()
exp$x <- .x
exp$settings <- .settings
exp$rows <- .rows
exp$cols <- .cols
exp$heatmap <- .heatmap
# for internal use only
nexp <- reactiveValues()
# force a redraw... most helpful after resizing
observeEvent(input$refresh, {
exp$heatmap <- reactive({
params <- exp$settings
params$x <- exp$x
do.call(d3heatmap, args = params)
# debounce redrawing the heatmap to avoid overloads
exp$heatmap <- debounce(reactive({
params <- exp$settings
params$x <- exp$x
hm <- tryCatch({
do.call(d3heatmap, args = params)
error = function(e) { NULL })
}), 2000)
observeEvent(input$filter, {
req(nchar(input$filter) > 0)
# translate the text into an expression
expr <- tryCatch({ parse(text = input$filter)[[1]] },
error = function(e) { NULL })
# run the filter, errors terminate the observer
tmp.x <- tryCatch({ eval(bquote(subset(exp$x, .(expr)))) },
error = function(e) { e })
req(!any(class(tmp.x) == 'error'))
# if successful save the filter for exporting
exp$filter <- input$filter
# update the heatmap matrix
exp$x <- tmp.x
# cascade the filtered matrix into the row/column filters, keeping
# any previously selected rows/columns
rn <- input$'filter.rows'
rows <- rn[which(rn %in% row.names(exp$x))]
cn <- input$'filter.cols'
cols <- cn[which(cn %in% colnames(exp$x))]
updateSelectInput(session, 'filter.rows', selected = rows)
updateSelectInput(session, 'filter.cols', selected = cols)
# filter matrix rows / columns
rowInd <- which(row.names(.x) %in% input$'filter.rows')
colInd <- which(colnames(.x) %in% input$'filter.cols')
if (!is.null(.settings$RowSideColors))
exp$settings$RowSideColors <- .rsc[rowInd,]
if (!is.null(.settings$ColSideColors))
exp$settings$ColSideColors <- .csc[,colInd]
exp$x <- .x[rowInd, colInd]
exp$rows <- input$'filter.rows'
exp$cols <- input$'filter.cols'
# observer loop for each input value
# get the name of each input that matches one in the settings
vals <- names(input)[which(names(input) %in% names(exp$settings))]
req(length(vals) > 0)
# for each value where there is a corresponding input, create
# an observeEvent function to update that value
for (i in 1:length(vals)) {
val <- vals[i]
observeEvent(input[[ val ]], {
exp$settings[[ val ]] <- input[[ val ]]
output$heatmap <- renderD3heatmap({
# print out the error statement if an error, otherwise print heatmap
heatmap <- tryCatch({ exp$heatmap() },
error = function(e) { e })
validate(need(any(class(heatmap) == 'd3heatmap'), heatmap$message))
output$table <- renderDataTable({
df <- exp$x
df$row.names <- row.names(df)
df <- df[,c(ncol(df), 1:(ncol(df) - 1))]
observeEvent(input$cancel, { stopApp(invisible()) })
observeEvent(input$done, {
.ls <- reactiveValuesToList(exp, all.names = TRUE)
.ls$heatmap <- exp$heatmap()
if (is.null( .ls$filter )) .ls$filter <- ""
out <- new("d3heatmapGadget",
x = .x
, RowSideColors = data.frame(.rsc)
, ColSideColors = data.frame(.csc)
, settings = .ls$settings
, heatmap = .ls$heatmap
, rows = .ls$rows
, cols = .ls$cols
, filter = .ls$filter)
output$settings <- renderUI({
fillCol(width = '95%', tagList(
, uiOutput('heatmap.ui')
, uiOutput('cells.ui')
, uiOutput('legend.ui')
fillCol(width = '95%', tagList(
, uiOutput('axes.ui')
output$main.ui <- renderUI({
, textInput('main', "Main title",
value = .settings$'main',
placeholder = "(text)",
width = '100%')
, checkboxInput('show_grid', "Show grid",
value = .settings$'show_grid')
, numericInput('anim_duration', 'Zoom animation duration',
value = .settings$'anim_duration',
min = 0, step = 1)
, hr()
output$heatmap.ui <- renderUI({
, selectInput('scale', label = 'Scale values',
choices = c('None' = 'none',
'Row' = 'row',
'Column' = 'column'))
, checkboxInput('scale.by.range', "Scale by absolute values",
value = .settings$'scale.by.range')
, checkboxInput('symm', "Symmetrical heatmap",
value = .settings$'symm')
, checkboxInput('na.rm', "Remove NA values",
value = .settings$'na.rm')
, textInput('na.color', 'NA color:',
value = .settings$'na.color')
, hr()
output$cells.ui <- renderUI({
tagList(h4('Cell Values')
, numericInput('digits', 'Number of digits',
value = .settings$'digits', min = 0, step = 1)
, checkboxInput('print.values', "Print values in cell",
value = .settings$'print.values')
, checkboxInput('dfjkellnote_scale', "Scale values in cells",
value = .settings$'cellnote_scale')
, textInput('cellnote_val', 'Value label',
value = .settings$'cellnote_val')
, textInput('notecol', 'Value color',
value = .settings$'notecol')
, textInput('brush_color', 'Popup background color',
value = .settings$'brush_color')
, hr()
output$legend.ui <- renderUI({
tagList(h4('Color legend')
, checkboxInput('key', "Show color legend",
value = .settings$'key')
, numericInput('keysize', 'Legend size (% of default)',
value = .settings$'keysize', min = 0, step = .01)
, textInput('key.title', 'Legend title',
value = .settings$'key.title')
, selectInput('key.location', label = 'Legend location',
choices = c('Float' = 'fl',
'Bottom-left' = 'bl',
'Bottom-right' = 'br',
'Top-left' = 'tl',
'Top-right' = 'tr'))
, selectInput('density.info', label = 'Density info',
choices = c('Histogram' = 'histogram',
'None' = 'none'))
, textInput('denscol', 'Density color',
value = .settings$'denscol')
, hr()
output$dendros.ui <- renderUI({
, selectInput('dendrogram', label = 'Dendrograms:',
choices = c('Both' = 'both',
'Row' = 'row',
'Column' = 'column',
'None' = 'none'))
, numericInput('k_row', 'Color groups for row dendrogram:',
value = .settings$'k_row', min = 0, step = 1)
, numericInput('k_col', 'Color groups for column dendrogram:',
value = .settings$'k_col', min = 0, step = 1)
, checkboxInput('revC', "Reverse columns",
value = .settings$'revC')
, hr()
output$axes.ui <- renderUI({
, selectInput('xaxis.location', label = 'X axis location',
choices = c('Bottom' = 'bottom',
'Top' = 'top'))
, selectInput('yaxis.location', label = 'Y axis location',
choices = c('Right' = 'right',
'Left' = 'left'))
, textInput('xlab', 'X axis title',
value = .settings$'xlab',
placeholder = "(text)")
, textInput('ylab', 'Y axis title',
value = .settings$'ylab',
placeholder = "(text)")
, numericInput('labColSize', 'X axis (column) size (# pixels)',
value = .settings$'labColSize', min = 0, step = 1)
, numericInput('labRowSize', 'Y axis (row) size (# pixels)',
value = .settings$'labRowSize', min = 0, step = 1)
, numericInput('cexCol', 'X axis label font size (# * 12px)',
value = .settings$'cexCol', min = 0, step = .1)
, numericInput('cexRow', 'Y axis label font size (# * 12px)',
value = .settings$'cexRow', min = 0, step = .1)
, numericInput('xaxis_title_font_size', 'X axis title font size',
value = .settings$'xaxis_title_font_size',
min = 0)
, numericInput('yaxis_title_font_size', 'Y axis title font size',
value = .settings$'yaxis_title_font_size',
min = 0)
, numericInput('srtCol', 'X axis label angle',
value = .settings$'srtCol', step = -1)
, hr()
runGadget(ui, server)
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname print-methods
setGeneric("print", function(gadget) { standardGeneric("print") })
#' Print a gadget's main output
#' Use this method to print the main component of the d3heatmapGadget to the viewer
#' pane without intermediate code
#' @param gadget The gadget to print to screen
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hm <- d3heatmapGadget(mtcars)
#' print(hm)
#' }
#' @rdname print-methods
#' @aliases print.d3heatmapGadget
#' @export
signature(gadget = 'd3heatmapGadget'),
function(gadget) { gadget@heatmap }
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname save-methods
setGeneric("save", function(gadget, ...) { standardGeneric("save") })
#' Save a gadget's main output
#' Use this method to save the d3heatmap from the d3heatmapGadget
#' without intermediary code.
#' @param gadget The gadget to save to file
#' @param file the name of the file, without extension
#' @param ... arguments to pass to \code{htmlwidgets::saveWidget}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hm <- d3heatmapGadget(mtcars)
#' save(hm, file = "myHeatmap")
#' }
#' @rdname save-methods
#' @aliases save.d3heatmapGadget
#' @export
signature(gadget = 'd3heatmapGadget'),
function(gadget, file = NULL,
params <- as.list(...)
params$widget = gadget@heatmap
params$file = paste0(file, ".html")
do.call(saveWidget, args = params)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.