
Defines functions renv_base64_decode renv_base64_decode_main renv_base64_decode_table renv_base64_encode renv_base64_encode_rest renv_base64_encode_main

the$base64_table <- as.integer(charToRaw("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="))

renv_base64_encode_main <- function(input) {

  ni <- as.integer(length(input))
  if (ni < 3L)

  no <- ni %/% 3L * 4L
  output <- integer(no)

  i0 <- seq.int(1L, ni - 2L, by = 3L)
  i1 <- seq.int(2L, ni - 1L, by = 3L)
  i2 <- seq.int(3L, ni - 0L, by = 3L)

  o0 <- seq.int(1L, no - 3L, by = 4L)
  o1 <- seq.int(2L, no - 2L, by = 4L)
  o2 <- seq.int(3L, no - 1L, by = 4L)
  o3 <- seq.int(4L, no - 0L, by = 4L)

  output[o0] <- the$base64_table[1L + bitwShiftR(input[i0], 2L)]

  output[o1] <- the$base64_table[1L + bitwOr(
    bitwShiftL(bitwAnd(input[i0], 0x03L), 4L),
    bitwShiftR(bitwAnd(input[i1], 0xF0L), 4L)

  output[o2] <- the$base64_table[1L + bitwOr(
    bitwShiftL(bitwAnd(input[i1], 0x0FL), 2L),
    bitwShiftR(bitwAnd(input[i2], 0xC0L), 6L)

  output[o3] <- the$base64_table[1L + bitwAnd(input[i2], 0x3FL)]



renv_base64_encode_rest <- function(input) {

  ni <- as.integer(length(input))
  remaining <- ni %% 3L
  if (remaining == 0L)

  output <- rep.int(61L, 4L)
  i <- ni - remaining + 1

  output[1L] <- the$base64_table[1L + bitwShiftR(input[i + 0L], 2L)]

  if (remaining == 1L) {

    output[2L] <- the$base64_table[1L + bitwShiftL(bitwAnd(input[i + 0L], 0x03L), 4L)]

  } else if (remaining == 2L) {

    output[2L] <- the$base64_table[1L + bitwOr(
      bitwShiftL(bitwAnd(input[i + 0L], 0x03L), 4L),
      bitwShiftR(bitwAnd(input[i + 1L], 0xF0L), 4L)

    output[3L] <- the$base64_table[1L + bitwShiftL(bitwAnd(input[i + 1L], 0x0FL), 2L)]




renv_base64_encode <- function(text) {

  # convert to raw vector
  input <- case(
    is.character(text) ~ as.integer(charToRaw(text)),
    is.raw(text)       ~ as.integer(text),
    ~ stopf("unexpected input type '%s'", typeof(text))

  encoded <- c(



the$base64_decode_table <- NULL
renv_base64_decode_table <- function() {
  the$base64_decode_table <- the$base64_decode_table %||% {
    table <- integer(255)
    text <- "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="
    table[utf8ToInt(text)] <- seq_len(nchar(text)) - 1L

renv_base64_decode_main <- function(input) {

  ni <- length(input)
  no <- (ni * 3L) %/% 4L

  output <- integer(no)

  i0 <- seq(from = 1L, to = ni - 3L, by = 4L)
  i1 <- seq(from = 2L, to = ni - 2L, by = 4L)
  i2 <- seq(from = 3L, to = ni - 1L, by = 4L)
  i3 <- seq(from = 4L, to = ni - 0L, by = 4L)

  o0 <- seq.int(1L, no - 2L, by = 3L)
  o1 <- seq.int(2L, no - 1L, by = 3L)
  o2 <- seq.int(3L, no - 0L, by = 3L)

  t <- renv_base64_decode_table()

  output[o0] <- bitwOr(
    bitwAnd(bitwShiftL(t[input[i0]], 2L), 255L),
    bitwAnd(bitwShiftR(t[input[i1]], 4L), 255L)

  output[o1] <- bitwOr(
    bitwAnd(bitwShiftL(t[input[i1]], 4L), 255L),
    bitwAnd(bitwShiftR(t[input[i2]], 2L), 255L)

  output[o2] <- bitwOr(
    bitwAnd(bitwShiftL(t[input[i2]], 6L), 255L),
    bitwAnd(bitwShiftR(t[input[i3]], 0L), 255L)



renv_base64_decode <- function(encoded) {

  # remove newlines
  if (c(regexpr("\n", encoded, fixed = TRUE)) != -1L)
    encoded <- gsub("\n", "", encoded, fixed = TRUE)

  # convert to raw vector
  input <- case(
    is.character(encoded) ~ as.integer(charToRaw(encoded)),
    is.raw(encoded)       ~ as.integer(encoded),
    ~ stopf("unexpected input type '%s'", typeof(encoded))

  # decode vector
  output <- renv_base64_decode_main(input)

  # trim off padded bits
  n <- length(input)
  if (input[n - 1L] == 61L)
    output <- head(output, n = -2L)
  else if (input[n] == 61L)
    output <- head(output, n = -1L)

  # convert back to string

rstudio/renv documentation built on July 8, 2024, 5:48 a.m.