
Defines functions refresh

Documented in refresh

#' Refresh the local cache of available packages
#' Query the active R package repositories for available packages, and
#' update the in-memory cache of those packages.
#' Note that \R also maintains its own on-disk cache of available packages,
#' which is used by `available.packages()`. Calling `refresh()` will force
#' an update of both types of caches. renv prefers using an in-memory
#' cache as on occasion the temporary directory can be slow to access (e.g.
#' when it is a mounted network filesystem).
#' @return A list of package databases, invisibly -- one for each repository
#'   currently active in the \R session. Note that this function is normally
#'   called for its side effects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # check available packages
#' db <- available.packages()
#' # wait some time (suppose packages are uploaded / changed in this time)
#' Sys.sleep(5)
#' # refresh the local available packages database
#' # (the old locally cached db will be removed)
#' db <- renv::refresh()
#' }
refresh <- function() {

  pkgtype <- getOption("pkgType", default = "source")

  srcok <- pkgtype %in% c("both", "source") ||
    getOption("install.packages.check.source", default = "yes") %in% "yes"

  binok <- pkgtype %in% "both" ||
    grepl("binary", pkgtype, fixed = TRUE)

    binary = if (binok) available_packages(type = "binary", limit = 0L),
    source = if (srcok) available_packages(type = "source", limit = 0L)

rstudio/renv documentation built on July 8, 2024, 5:48 a.m.