
Defines functions renv_repos_info_impl renv_repos_info renv_repos_validate renv_repos_names renv_repos_normalize

renv_repos_normalize <- function(repos = getOption("repos")) {

  # ensure repos are a character vector
  repos <- convert(repos, "character")

  # force a CRAN mirror when needed
  cran <- getOption("renv.repos.cran", "https://cloud.r-project.org")
  repos[repos == "@CRAN@"] <- cran

  # ensure all values are named
  names(repos) <- renv_repos_names(repos)

  # return normalized repository


renv_repos_names <- function(repos) {

  # if repos is length 1 but has no names, then assume it's CRAN
  nms <- names(repos) %||% rep.int("", length(repos))
  if (identical(nms, ""))

  # otherwise, just use the repository URLs as placeholder names
  nms <- names(repos)
  unnamed <- !nzchar(nms)
  nms[unnamed] <- repos[unnamed]


renv_repos_validate <- function(repos = getOption("repos")) {

  # allow empty repository explicitly
  if (empty(repos))

  # otherwise, ensure it's a named list or character vector
  ok <- is.list(repos) || is.character(repos)
  if (!ok)
    stopf("repos has unexpected type '%s'", typeof(repos))

  # read repository names
  nm <- names(repos) %||% rep.int("", length(repos))
  if (any(nm %in% "")) {

    # if this is a length-one repository, assume it's CRAN
    if (length(repos) == 1L) {
      repos <- c(CRAN = repos)

    # otherwise, error
    stopf("all repository entries must be named")


  # normalize the repos option


renv_repos_info <- function(url) {

    key   = url,
    value = renv_repos_info_impl(url)


renv_repos_info_impl <- function(url) {

  # make sure the repository URL includes a trailing slash
  url <- gsub("/*$", "/", url)

  # if this is a file repository, return early
  if (grepl("^file:", url))
    return(list(nexus = FALSE))

  # try to download it
  destfile <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-repos-")
  status <- catch(download(url, destfile = destfile, quiet = TRUE))
  if (inherits(status, "error"))

  # read the contents of the page
  contents <- renv_file_read(destfile)

  # determine if this is a Nexus repository
  nexus <-
    grepl("Nexus Repository Manager", contents, fixed = TRUE) ||
    grepl("<div class=\"nexus-header\">", contents, fixed = TRUE)

    nexus = nexus

rstudio/renv documentation built on July 8, 2024, 5:48 a.m.