
Defines functions renv_system_exec_details renv_system_exec

renv_system_exec <- function(command,
                             args    = NULL,
                             action  = "executing command",
                             success = 0L,
                             stream  = FALSE,
                             quiet   = NULL)
  # be quiet when running tests by default
  quiet <- quiet %||% renv_tests_running()

  # handle 'stream' specially
  if (stream) {

    # form stdout, stderr
    stdout <- stderr <- if (quiet) FALSE else ""

    # execute command
    status <- suppressWarnings(
      if (is.null(args))
        system(command, ignore.stdout = quiet, ignore.stderr = quiet)
        system2(command, args, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr)

    # check for error
    status <- status %||% 0L
    if (!is.null(success) && !status %in% success) {
      fmt <- "error %s [error code %i]"
      stopf(fmt, action, status)

    # return status code


  # suppress warnings as some successful commands may return a non-zero exit
  # code, whereas R will always warn on such error codes
  output <- suppressWarnings(
    if (is.null(args))
      system(command, intern = TRUE)
      system2(command, args, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)

  # extract status code from result
  status <- attr(output, "status") %||% 0L

  # if this status matches an expected 'success' code, return output
  if (is.null(success) || status %in% success)

  # otherwise, notify the user that things went wrong
    sprintf("error %s [error code %i]", action, status),
    body = renv_system_exec_details(command, args, output)


renv_system_exec_details <- function(command, args, output) {

  # get header, giving the command that was run
  cmdline <- paste(command, paste(args, collapse = " "))
  underline <- paste(rep.int("=", min(80L, nchar(cmdline))), collapse = "")
  header <- c(cmdline, underline)

  # truncate output (avoid overwhelming console)
  body <- if (length(output) > 200L)
    c(head(output, n = 100L), "< ... >", tail(output, n = 100L))

  c(header, "", body)

rstudio/renv documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 7:39 a.m.