
Defines functions .onUnload .h5Antares_edit_variable .get_data_from_htmlwidget .check_if_is_html_cont getColorsVars setColorsVars .getColumnsLanguage .getEnglishColumnsLanguage .getLabelLanguage .getProdStackAlias .onLoad

#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité

#' @import data.table
#' @import antaresRead
#' @import antaresProcessing
#' @import dygraphs
#' @import shiny
#' @import htmltools
#' @import manipulateWidget
#' @import leaflet
#' @import leaflet.minicharts
#' @import assertthat
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly layout config add_bars add_heatmap add_text add_trace
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb colorRampPalette colors gray rainbow rgb
#' @importFrom graphics plot.default par
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats density quantile lm predict
#' @importFrom utils object.size capture.output
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
#' @importFrom geojsonio geojson_json
  c("value", "element", "mcYear", "suffix", "time", "timeId", "dt", ".", 
    "x", "y", ".id", ".initial", ".session", "FLOW LIN.", "area", "direction", 
    "flow", "formulas", "link", ".output", "J", "ROW BAL.", "change", "to",
    "wdayId", "weekId")

.idCols <- antaresRead:::.idCols
.timeIdToDate <- antaresRead:::.timeIdToDate
.getTimeId <- antaresRead:::.getTimeId
.mergeByRef <- antaresRead:::.mergeByRef
.requireRhdf5_Antares <- antaresRead:::.requireRhdf5_Antares
.checkColumns <- antaresProcessing:::.checkColumns
.checkAttrs <- antaresProcessing:::.checkAttrs

DEFAULT_CAT_COLORS <- c("#1f77b4", "#ff7f0e", "#2ca02c", "#d62728", "#9467bd",
                        "#8c564b", "#e377c2", "#7f7f7f", "#bcbd22", "#17becf")

# Private variables accessible only by functions from the package
pkgEnv <- antaresRead:::pkgEnv

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  options(antaresVizSizeGraph = 200)
  # keep current R_ZIPCMD
  zip_cmd <- Sys.getenv("R_ZIPCMD")
  options(medtso_zip = zip_cmd)
  # And set zip.exe in package
  Sys.setenv("R_ZIPCMD" = system.file("bin/zip.exe", package = "antaresVizMedTSO"))

# Generate the list of aliases for function prodStack()
# The definition of the variables used in aliases is stored in file 
# "GraphicalCharter.csv"
graphicalCharter <- fread(input = system.file("GraphicalCharter.csv", package = "antaresVizMedTSO"))

formulas <- lapply(graphicalCharter$formula, function(s) parse(text = s))
names(formulas) <- graphicalCharter$name

colors <- graphicalCharter[, rgb(red, green, blue, maxColorValue = 255)]
names(colors) <- graphicalCharter$name

needed <- graphicalCharter$Needed_Col
names(needed) <- graphicalCharter$name
needed <- strsplit(needed, ",")
# Private function that generates a production stack alias, given a list of 
# variable names. The variable names need to be present in file 
# GraphicalCharter.csv
.getProdStackAlias <- function(description = "", var = NULL, lines = NULL) {
    description = description,
    nedded_col = unique(unlist(needed[var])),
    variables = formulas[var],
    colors = unname(colors[var]),
    lines = formulas[lines],
    lineColors = unname(colors[lines]),
    lineWidth = 2

# List of aliases for parameter "variables" in function prodStack()
# Each element has five elements:
# - description: A concise description of the production stack.
# - variables:   Definition of the variables to draw
# - colors:      Vector of colors with same length as "variables"
# - lines:       (optional) Definition of curves to draw on top of the stack
# - lineColors:  Vector of colors with same length as lines. Mandatory only if
#                "lines" is set
pkgEnv$prodStackAliases <- list(
  # eco2mix = .getProdStackAlias(
  #   description = "Production stack used on Eco2mix website: 
  #   http://www.rte-france.com/fr/eco2mix/eco2mix-mix-energetique",
  #   var = c("pumpedStorage", "import/export", "bioenergy", "wind", "solar", 
  #           "nuclear", "hydraulic", "gas", "coal", "lignite", "oil", "other"),
  #   lines = c("load", "totalProduction")
  # ),
  # thermalFirst = .getProdStackAlias(
  #   description = "thermal first",
  #   var = c("pumpedStorage", "import/export", "nuclear", "lignite", "coal", "gas",
  #           "oil", "mixFuel", "misc. DTG", "bioenergy", "wind", "solar", 
  #           "hydraulicRor", "hydraulicStor"),
  #   lines = c("load", "totalProduction")
  # ),
  # netLoad = .getProdStackAlias(
  #   description = "netLoad",
  #   var = c("pumpedStorage", "import/export", "nuclear", "lignite", "coal", "gas",
  #           "oil", "mixFuel", "misc. DTG", "hydraulicStor"),
  #   lines = c("netLoad")
  # ),
  # mustRun = .getProdStackAlias(
  #   description = "must-run",
  #   var = c("pumpedStorage", "import/export", "mustRunTotal", "thermalDispatchable",
  #           "hydraulicDispatchable", "renewableNoDispatchable")
  # )

rm(graphicalCharter, formulas, colors)

# message limit size
antaresVizSizeGraphError = "Too much data, please reduce selection. If you work with hourly data, you can reduce dateRange selection. 
You can also use 'limitSizeGraph' function in R or 'Memory Controls' panel in shiny (if present) to update this."

antaresVizSizeGraphError_fr = "Trop de donn\u00e9es,veuillez r\u00e9duire votre s\u00e9lection. Si vous travaillez en donn\u00e9es horaire, vous pouvez r\u00e9duire la p\u00e9riode de visualisation. 
Il est \u00e9galement possible d'utiliser la fonction 'limitSizeGraph' en R ou l'onglet 'Memory Controls' dans shiny (si pr\u00e9sent) pour changer la limite."

# language for labels
language_labels <- fread(input = system.file("language_labels.csv", package = "antaresVizMedTSO"), encoding = "UTF-8")

availableLanguages_labels <- colnames(language_labels)

.getLabelLanguage <- function(label, language = "en"){
  if (language %in% colnames(language_labels)){
    up_label <- language_labels[get("en") %in% label, get(language)]
    if (length(up_label) == 0){
      up_label <- label
    } else {
      # in case of double
      up_label <- up_label[1]
  } else {
    up_label <- label

# language for columns
language_columns <- fread(input = system.file("language_columns.csv", package = "antaresVizMedTSO"), encoding = "UTF-8")

language_columns[, c(colnames(language_columns)) := lapply(.SD, as.character), .SDcols = colnames(language_columns)]

# Encoding(language_columns$fr) <- "latin1"

expand_language_columns <- copy(language_columns)

# add _std _min _max
language_columns[, tmp_row := 1:nrow(language_columns)]

tmp_expr <- paste0(colnames(language_columns), " = c(", colnames(language_columns), ", paste0(", 
                   colnames(language_columns), ", c('_std', '_min', '_max')))")
eval_lg_colums <- paste0("list(", paste(tmp_expr, collapse = ", "), ")")

language_columns <- language_columns[, eval(parse(text = eval_lg_colums)), by = tmp_row]

language_columns[, tmp_row := NULL]

.getEnglishColumnsLanguage <- function(columns){
  av_lang <- setdiff(colnames(language_columns), "en")
  up_columns <- columns
  for(lang in av_lang){
    ind_match <- match(columns, language_columns[[lang]])
    if (any(!is.na(ind_match))){
      up_columns[which(!is.na(ind_match))] <- language_columns[["en"]][ind_match[!is.na(ind_match)]]

#' @export
.getColumnsLanguage <- function(columns, language = "en"){
  if (language %in% colnames(language_columns)){
    ind_match <- match(columns, language_columns$en)
    up_columns <- columns
    if (any(!is.na(ind_match))){
      up_columns[which(!is.na(ind_match))] <- language_columns[[language]][ind_match[!is.na(ind_match)]]
  } else {
    up_columns <- columns

# map cumul
map_cumul <- fread(input = system.file("map_cumul.csv", package = "antaresVizMedTSO"), encoding = "UTF-8")
colnames(map_cumul) <- tolower(colnames(map_cumul))

map_cumul$en <- as.character(map_cumul$en)
map_cumul$operation <- as.character(map_cumul$operation)
map_cumul$division <- as.numeric(as.character(map_cumul$division))
map_cumul$decimales <- as.numeric(as.character(map_cumul$decimales))

# merge des autres langie
map_cumul <- merge(map_cumul, expand_language_columns, by = "en", all.x = T)
for(l in setdiff(colnames(expand_language_columns), "en")){
  map_cumul[is.na(get(l)), c(l) := en]

# add _std _min _max
map_cumul[, tmp_row := 1:nrow(map_cumul)]

tmp_expr <- paste0(colnames(expand_language_columns), " = c(", colnames(expand_language_columns), ", paste0(", 
                   colnames(expand_language_columns), ", c('_std', '_min', '_max')))")
eval_lg_colums <- paste0("list(operation = operation[1], division = division[1], decimales = decimales[1], ", 
                         paste(tmp_expr, collapse = ", "), ")")

map_cumul <- map_cumul[, eval(parse(text = eval_lg_colums)), by = tmp_row]

map_cumul[, tmp_row := NULL]

# map color
colorsVars <- fread(input = system.file("color.csv", package = "antaresVizMedTSO"))
colorsVars <- unique(colorsVars, by = "Column")
colorsVars$colors <- rgb(colorsVars$red, colorsVars$green, colorsVars$blue, maxColorValue = 255)

#' @export
setColorsVars <- function(colorsVars){
  colorsVars$lan <- "en"
  # expand to fr name
  expand_language_columns <- expand_language_columns[get("en") %in% colorsVars$Column]
  ind_match <- match(expand_language_columns$en, colorsVars$Column)
  rev_ind_match <- match(colorsVars$Column, expand_language_columns$en)
  col_fr <- colorsVars[Column %in% expand_language_columns$en][, Column := expand_language_columns$fr[rev_ind_match[!is.na(rev_ind_match)]]]
  col_fr$lan <- "fr"
  col_medtso <- colorsVars[Column %in% expand_language_columns$en][, Column := expand_language_columns$en_medtso[rev_ind_match[!is.na(rev_ind_match)]]]
  col_medtso$lan <- "en_medtso"
  colorsVars <- unique(rbindlist(list(colorsVars, col_medtso, col_fr)), by = c("Column"))
  pkgEnv$colorsVars <- colorsVars


#' @export
getColorsVars <- function(){

.check_if_is_html_cont <- function(htmlWidget = NULL){
  if (!("htmlwidget" %in% class(htmlWidget) | "MWController" %in% class(htmlWidget))){
    stop("no htmlwidget or no MWController")

# for test
# get the data from an htmlwidget
# the first element is x and the following are y
#' get data from htmlwidget
#' @param htmlwidget an htmlwidget
#' @param widgetsNumber htmlwidget id number in the list
#' @noRd
.get_data_from_htmlwidget <- function(htmlwidget = NULL, widgetsNumber = NULL){
  if (is(htmlwidget, "MWController") & !is.null(htmlwidget$charts)){
    if (length(htmlwidget$charts) == 1){
      widgetsNumber <- 1
    if (!is.null(htmlwidget$widgets)){
      if (length(htmlwidget$widgets) == 1){
        widgetsNumber <- 1
  if (is.null(widgetsNumber)){
    stop("no widgetsNumber")
  #check if data exist ====
  if (is(htmlwidget, "MWController")){
    if (is.null(htmlwidget$charts[[widgetsNumber]]$widgets[[1]])){
      stop("no data")
    if (is.null(htmlwidget$charts[[widgetsNumber]]$widgets[[1]]$x)){
      stop("no data")
    if (is.null(htmlwidget$charts[[widgetsNumber]]$widgets[[1]]$x$attrs$labels)){
      stop("no data")
    if (is.null(htmlwidget$widgets[[widgetsNumber]]$widgets[[1]])){
      stop("no data")
    if (is.null(htmlwidget$widgets[[widgetsNumber]]$widgets[[1]]$x)){
      stop("no data")
    if (is.null(htmlwidget$widgets[[widgetsNumber]]$widgets[[1]]$x$attrs$labels)){
      stop("no data")
  #get the data =====
  resList <- list()
  if (is(htmlwidget, "MWController")){
    # htmlwidget$charts and no htmlwidget$widgets
    for (i in 1:length(htmlwidget$charts[[widgetsNumber]]$widgets[[1]]$x$attrs$labels)){
      myLabelI <- htmlwidget$charts[[widgetsNumber]]$widgets[[1]]$x$attrs$labels[[i]]
      resList[[myLabelI]] <- htmlwidget$charts[[widgetsNumber]]$widgets[[1]]$x$data[[i]]
    for (i in 1:length(htmlwidget$widgets[[widgetsNumber]]$widgets[[1]]$x$attrs$labels)){
      myLabelI <- htmlwidget$widgets[[widgetsNumber]]$widgets[[1]]$x$attrs$labels[[i]]
      resList[[myLabelI]] <- htmlwidget$widgets[[widgetsNumber]]$widgets[[1]]$x$data[[i]]

#' edit h5 file for TEST 
#' currently only for hourly data and areas
#' @param pathH5 path H5 file
#' @param area character
#' @param timeId timeId to change
#' @param antVar antares Variable to change
#' @param newValue the newValue
#' @noRd
.h5Antares_edit_variable <- function(pathH5 = NULL, area = NULL, timeId = 1, antVar = NULL, newValue = NULL, mcYear = NULL, link = NULL){
  if (!is.null(area) & !is.null(link)){
    stop("area and link must not be set together")
  if (!is.null(area)){
    categoryVar <- "areas"
    categoryVar <- "links"
  if (is.null(mcYear)){
    typeOfData <- "/mcAll"
    typeOfData <- "/mcInd"
  timeStepType <- paste("/hourly", categoryVar, sep = "/") 
  nameStructure <- paste0(timeStepType, typeOfData, "/structure")
  H5locAntaresh5 <- rhdf5::H5Fopen(name = pathH5)
  hourlyDataStructure <- rhdf5::h5read(H5locAntaresh5, name = nameStructure)
  if (!is.null(area)){
    indexCateroryInstance <- grep(area, hourlyDataStructure$area)[1]
    indexCateroryInstance <- grep(link, hourlyDataStructure$link)[1]
  indexAntVar <- grep(antVar, hourlyDataStructure$variable)[1]
  indexTimeId <- timeId
  if (is.null(mcYear)){
    indexMcYear <- 1
    indexMcYear <- grep(mcYear, hourlyDataStructure$mcYear)[1]
  listIndex <- list(indexTimeId, indexAntVar, indexCateroryInstance, indexMcYear)
  #debug print(listIndex)
  hourlyData <- rhdf5::h5read(
    name = paste0(timeStepType, typeOfData, "/data"),
    index = listIndex)
  hourlyData[,,,] <- newValue
    obj = hourlyData, 
    h5loc = H5locAntaresh5, 
    name = paste0(timeStepType, typeOfData, "/data"),
    index = listIndex
  rhdf5::H5Fclose(h5file = H5locAntaresh5)

.onUnload <- function(libpath){
  zip_cmd <- getOption("medtso_zip")
    Sys.setenv("R_ZIPCMD" = zip_cmd)
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresVizMedTSO documentation built on April 27, 2022, 1:28 a.m.