
.IOT <- setRefClass(
    Class = '.IOT',
    contains = '.IAT',
    fields = list(buffer = 'matrix', palettes = 'list', default_palettes = 'list'),
    methods = list(
        initialize     = function(){
            "Initializes the printer object"
            #default palettes are colour-blind friendly 
            dfp <- c("#000000", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
            .self$default_palettes <- list( 
                line = dfp, 
                fill = dfp,
                CI = c(0.8,0.7),
                neg_zero_pos = c('blue','white','red'),
                zero_pos = c('white', 'black'))
            .self$palettes <- list(
                line =.self$default_palettes$line,
                fill =.self$default_palettes$fill,
                CI = .self$default_palettes$CI,
                neg_zero_pos = .self$default_palettes$neg_zero_pos,
                zero_pos = .self$default_palettes$zero_pos
        set_buffer_size = function(nr, nc){
            "Sets up plotter's buffer size (number of rows and columns)"
            .self$buffer <- array(list(),c(nr,nc))
        set_palette = function(argument, value){
            "Sets the printer's colour palettes"
            if(argument == 'all'){  #recursive call
                nm <- names(.self$palettes)
                if(value[1] == 'default'){
                    lapply(seq(along=nm), function(i).self$set_palette(nm[i], .self$default_palettes[[i]]))
                } else {
                    lapply(seq(along=nm), function(i).self$set_palette(nm[i], value))
            } else {
                pos <- which(names(.self$palettes) == argument)
                    stop('Palette not found: ', argument)
                } else if(value[1] == 'default') {
                    .self$palettes[[pos]] <- .self$default_palettes[[pos]]
                } else {
                    .self$palettes[[pos]] <- value
        set_in_buffer = function(myplot, xpos, ypos){
            'Places a plot in the buffer'
            .self$buffer[xpos,ypos] <- list(myplot)
        get_palette = function(type){
            if(type=='all') type <- names(.self$palettes)
            out <- mapply(1:length(type), FUN=function(i) {
                pos <- which(names(.self$palettes) == type[i])
                } else {
                    print(paste0(type[i],' = c("', 
                                 paste0(.self$palettes[[pos]], collapse='", "') ,'")' 
                    ), quote=FALSE)
            if(any(out != 'found')){
                stop('Palette(s) not found: ', out[out != 'found'])
        get_buffer_plot = function(){
            'Prints the plots in the buffer'
            vplayout <- function(x, y) viewport(layout.pos.row = x, layout.pos.col = y)
            nr <- nrow(.self$buffer)
            nc <- ncol(.self$buffer)
            pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nr, nc)))
            for(ii in 1:nr) for(jj in 1:nc) {
                myplot <- .self$buffer[ii,jj][[1]]
                if(!is.null(myplot)) {
                    print(myplot, vp = vplayout(ii,jj))
        get_one_density_plot = function(out, mytitle, xpos=1, ypos=1){
            'Plots the posterior density of one hyperparameter'
            df <- data.frame(x=out)
            myplot <- ggplot(data=df,aes(x=x)) + geom_density() +
                xlab(mytitle) + ylab('density') +
                scale_colour_manual(values=.self$palettes$line, guide=FALSE)
        get_density_plot = function(out, mytitle, dolegend=TRUE, xpos=1, ypos=1){
            'Plots the posterior density of >= 1 hyperparameters'
            nl <- nlevels(out$model)
            fc <- .self$palettes$fill[1:nl]
            auxplot <- ggplot(data=out,aes(x=x, fill=model)) + 
                geom_density(alpha=0.2) +
                xlab(mytitle) + ylab('density')
                myplot <- auxplot + 
                    scale_fill_manual(values=.self$palettes$fill) +
                    theme(legend.position = "top")
            } else {
                myplot <- auxplot + 
                    scale_fill_manual(values=.self$palettes$fill, guide=FALSE)
        get_scatterplot = function(out, mytitle, xpos=1, ypos=1){
            'Plots a scatterplot of two hyperparameters'
            nl <- nlevels(out$model)
            fc <- .self$palettes$fill[1:nl]
            myplot <- ggplot(data=out,aes(x=x, y=y, colour=model)) + 
                geom_point(point=2, alpha=0.2) +
                xlab(mytitle[1]) + ylab(mytitle[2]) +
                scale_colour_manual(values=.self$palettes$fill, guide=FALSE)
        get_ts_fit_plot = function(out, mytitle, mylabs, xpos=1, ypos=1){
            'Plots a time series plot with observed and fit (median plus 95 CI)'
            myplot <- ggplot(data=out,aes(x=year, y=obs, z=model)) + 
                geom_ribbon(data=out, aes(x=year, ymin=low95, ymax=high95), 
                            alpha=.self$palettes$CI[2]) +
                geom_line(data=out, aes(x=year, y=median, color=model)) + 
                geom_point() +
                scale_color_manual(values=.self$palettes$line) +
                xlab(mylabs[1]) + ylab(mylabs[2]) + labs(title=mytitle)
        get_data_plot = function(do_catch=TRUE, do_effort=FALSE, do_cpue=FALSE, one_row=TRUE){
            nplots <- sum(c(do_catch, do_effort, do_cpue))
            if(nplots == 0) return()
            nr     <- if(one_row) 1 else nplots
            nc     <- if(one_row) nplots else 1
            buffer <- array(list(),c(nr,nc))
            ridx   <- 1
            cidx   <- 1
            mtitle <- if(one_row) c('Time series of catch',
                                    'Time series of effort',
                                    'Time series of CPUE'
            ) else c('Time series of catch [x 1000 ton]',
                     'Time series of effort [x 1000h]', 
                     'Time series of CPUE [ton/h]')
            yl     <- if(one_row) c('catch [1000 ton]', 'effort [x 1000 h]', 'CPUE [ton/h]'
            ) else c('catch', 'effort', 'CPUE')
                catch_plot <- ggplot( hake, aes(x=year, y=catch) ) +
                    geom_line() +
                    geom_point() +
                    ylab(yl[1]) +
                buffer[ridx,cidx] <- list(catch_plot)
                if(one_row) cidx <- cidx+1 else ridx <- ridx+1
                effort_plot <- ggplot( hake, aes(x=year, y=effort) ) +
                    geom_line() +
                    geom_point() +
                    ylab(yl[2]) +
                buffer[ridx,cidx] <- list(effort_plot)
                if(one_row) cidx <- cidx+1 else ridx <- ridx+1
                cpue_plot <- ggplot( hake, aes(x=year, y=catch/effort) ) +
                    geom_line() +
                    geom_point() +
                    ylab(yl[3]) +
                buffer[ridx,cidx] <- list(cpue_plot)
                if(one_row) cidx <- cidx+1 else ridx <- ridx+1
            vplayout <- function(x, y) viewport(layout.pos.row = x, layout.pos.col = y)
            pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nr, nc)))
            for(ii in 1:nr) for(jj in 1:nc) {
                myplot <- buffer[ii,jj][[1]]
                if(!is.null(myplot)) {
                    print(myplot, vp = vplayout(ii,jj))
rtlemos/rcsurplus documentation built on May 28, 2019, 9:55 a.m.