
Defines functions estimate_lambda

Documented in estimate_lambda


#' Estimate lambda values
#' @description Internal function to estimate values of lambda needed for `MCMC_simulation` and prior probability of k clusters/anti-clusters for k=0,...,J
#' @references Wakefield J. and Kim A.Y. (2013) A Bayesian model for cluster detection. *Biostatistics*, **14**, 752--765.
#' @param n.sim number of importance sampling iterations
#' @param J maximum number of clusters/anti-clusters to consider
#' @param prior.z prior probability of each single zone
#' @param overlap output of [create_geo_objects()]: list with two elements: `presence` which lists for each area all the single zones it is present in and `cluster_list` for each single zone its component areas
#' @param pi0 prior probability of no clusters
#' @return
#' estimates of lambda and prior.j
#' @export
estimate_lambda <-
function(n.sim, J, prior.z, overlap, pi0){

n.zones <- length(prior.z)

# q_0 = q_1 = 1, since there is no concept of overlap for j=0, 1
q <- c(1, 1, rep(0, J-1))
var.q <- c(NA, NA, rep(0, J-1))

# All k's, sample configurations of k single zones, and see if the k single
# zones overlap or not
for(k in 2:J){
  unit.zones <- sample(1:n.zones, k*n.sim, replace=TRUE, prob=prior.z)
  unit.zones <- matrix(unit.zones, ncol=k)
  no.overlap <- check_overlap(unit.zones, overlap)
  denom <- rep(factorial(k), n.sim)
  # Compute multinomial coefficient watching out for when certain single zones
  # are sampled more than once
  duplicates <- apply(unit.zones, 1, function(x){length(unique(x))})
  duplicates <- which(duplicates != k)
  for(i in duplicates) {
    denom[i] <-  factorial(k)/prod(factorial(table(unit.zones[i,])))
  q[k+1] <- mean(no.overlap/denom)
  var.q[k+1] <- var(no.overlap/denom)/n.sim

# Using q compute estimate of lambda and prior probability of j clusters
lambda <- (1-pi0)/( (1-pi0)*J + pi0*sum(q[-1]) )
lambda <- rep(lambda, J)
lambda <- c(1-sum(lambda), lambda)
prior.j <- normalize(lambda*q)

return(list(lambda=lambda, prior.j=prior.j))
rudeboybert/SpatialEpi documentation built on Feb. 27, 2023, 5:09 a.m.