
Defines functions repo_modify_file

Documented in repo_modify_file

#' @rdname repo_file
#' @param pattern Character. Regex pattern.
#' @param content Character. Content to be added to the file.
#' @param method Character. Should the content `replace` the matched pattern or be inserted `before` or `after` the match.
#' @param all Character. Should all instances of the pattern be modified (`TRUE`) or just the first (`FALSE`).
#' @export
repo_modify_file = function(repo, path, pattern, content, method = c("replace", "before", "after"), all = FALSE,
                            message = "Modified content", branch = NULL) {
  arg_is_chr(repo, path, pattern, content, message)
  arg_is_chr(branch, allow_null=TRUE)

  method = match.arg(method)

  if (is.null(branch))
    branch = list(NULL)

  res = purrr::pmap(
    list(repo, path, pattern, content, message, branch),
    function(repo, path, pattern, content, message, branch) {
      cur_content = repo_get_file(repo = repo, path = path, branch = branch, quiet = TRUE)

      repo_txt = format_repo(repo, branch, path)

      if (is.null(cur_content)) {
        cli::cli_alert_danger("Unable to retrieve {.val {repo_txt}}.")
      } else {

        if (all) sub_func = gsub
        else     sub_func = sub

        pattern = paste0("(", pattern, ")")

        content = switch(
          replace = content,
          before  = paste0(content, "\\1"),
          after   = paste0("\\1", content),
          cli_stop("This shouldn't happen")

        new_content = sub_func(pattern, content, cur_content)

        if (cur_content == new_content) {
          cli::cli_alert_danger("Unable to find pattern in {.val {repo_txt}}.", wrap = TRUE)

        res = repo_put_file(repo = repo, path = path, content = new_content,
                            message = message, branch = branch, verbose = FALSE)

          "Modified file {.val {repo_txt}}.",
          "Failed to modify file {.val {repo_txt}}."

rundel/ghclass documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 12:03 a.m.