Man pages for russHyde/coxpresdbr
Parses and Summarises Data from

cluster_by_coex_partnershipObtain a graph containing clusters of genes, where known...
compute_corCompute the (partial) correlation between columns of the...
CoxpresDbAccessorConstructor for the CoxpresDbAccessor class - Use this to...
CoxpresDbAccessor-classTemplate for 'CoxpresDbAccessor' class
CoxpresDbArchiveAccessor-classConstructor for the concrete class 'CoxpresDbArchiveAccessor'
CoxpresDbDataframeAccessor-classConstructor for the concrete class...
CoxpresDbPartners-classTemplate for 'CoxpresDbPartners' class
dot-filter_coex_partnersFunction to filter the contents of a ''...
dot-is_coxpresdb_archiveChecks whether a provided file-path points to a valid...
dot-is_gene_statistics_dfChecks that a User-provided gene_statistics data-frame...
dot-validity_coxpresdb_partnersValidity checker for 'CoxpresDbPartners' objects
evaluate_coex_partnersSummarise whether the coexpression partners of each...
get_all_coex_partners-character-CoxpresDbArchiveAccessor-methodImport all the coexpression partner data for a set of genes...
get_coex_partnersReturns the coexpression partners of a given set of genes
get_file_pathsObtains all the file-paths that are present in a CoxpresDb...
get_gene_idsGeneric method for getting gene identifiers.
get_gene_ids-CoxpresDbArchiveAccessor-methodImports the gene identifiers that are represented within a...
get_gene_ids-CoxpresDbDataframeAccessor-methodImports the gene identifiers that are represented within a...
get_gene_universeGeneric function for returning the set of all genes...
get_gene_universe-CoxpresDbPartners-methodObtains the set of all genes considered in the analysis of...
get_source_genesGeneric function for obtaining the set of source genes for...
get_source_genes-CoxpresDbPartners-methodObtains the set of source genes for which partner genes were...
get_source_idsGeneric method for getting source-gene identifiers.
get_source_ids-CoxpresDbArchiveAccessor-methodImports the source-gene identifiers that are represented...
get_source_ids-CoxpresDbDataframeAccessor-methodImports the source gene identifiers that are represented...
run_coex_partner_workflowExtract partners of a set of gene-ids, generate summary...
russHyde/coxpresdbr documentation built on Dec. 24, 2019, 11:59 a.m.