
# 2017-06-01
# - unit tests for LoggingTuple class methods 'get_dataset' and 'get_logdata'
# - unit tests for instantiation of the LoggingTuple class were added
# - unit tests for flog_filter_df added
# 2017-02-27
# - testthat unit tests for the logging-step and logging-workflow classes

context("Unit tests for function_logger.R: classes LoggingStep/LoggingTuple and
functions flog/flog_filter_df")

# Helpers

DF <- function(
  data.frame(..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Check that
# - a new LoggingTuple is the correct class
# - a new LoggingTuple has the correct slots present
# - the user has provided all necessary arguments (ie, dataset)

test_that("Instantiation of LoggingTuple class", {
    is(LoggingTuple(dataset = NA, logdata = list()), "LoggingTuple"),
    info = "A new LoggingTuple is of the correct class"
    isS4(LoggingTuple(dataset = NA, logdata = list())),
    info = "A new LoggingTuple is an S4 object"
    object = LoggingTuple(logdata = list(1, 2, 3)),
    info   = "'dataset' must be defined at creation of a LoggingTuple"
    "dataset" %in% slotNames(LoggingTuple(dataset = NA)),
    info = "A newly made LoggingTuple should have a 'dataset' slot"
    "logdata" %in% slotNames(LoggingTuple(dataset = NA)),
    info = "A newly made LoggingTuple should have a 'logdata' slot"
    object   = LoggingTuple(dataset = 12345)@dataset,
    expected = 12345,
    info     = "dataset should match the input"
    object   = LoggingTuple(dataset = 12345)@logdata,
    expected = list(),
    info     = "default logdata should be an empty list()"
    object   = LoggingTuple(dataset = 12345,
                            logdata = list("some.log")
    expected = list("some.log"),
    info     = "if passed in, logdata should match the input"
    object   = LoggingTuple(dataset = 12345,
                            logdata = "NOT A LIST"
    info     = "passed in logdata should be a list"


# Check methods on LoggingTuple
# - Existing methods: get_dataset, get_logdata
test_that("Methods that act on LoggingTuple class", {
    existsMethod("get_dataset", signature = "LoggingTuple"),
    info = "Method get_dataset should be defined on LoggingTuple"
    object   = get_dataset(LoggingTuple(dataset = 123)),
    expected = 123,
    info     = "get_dataset should return the dataset entry"
    object   = get_dataset(LoggingTuple(dataset = NULL)),
    expected = NULL,
    info     = "get_dataset on corner cases: NULL dataset"

    existsMethod("get_logdata", signature = "LoggingTuple"),
    info = "Method get_logdata should be defined on LoggingTuple"
    object   = get_logdata(LoggingTuple(dataset = 123, logdata = list("LOG"))),
    expected = list("LOG"),
    info     = "get_logdata should return the logdata entry"
    object   = get_logdata(LoggingTuple(dataset = NA)),
    expected = list(),
    info     = "get_logdata with default logdata value should return empty

# Check that a new LoggingStep is the correct class

test_that("Instantiation of LoggingStep class", {
    is(LoggingStep(), "LoggingStep"),
    info = "a new LoggingStep is of the correct class"

    info = "a new LoggingStep is an S4 class"


# Pipelines based on LoggingStep() are ran using the `flog` function

  paste("flog is the function that should be used for running pipelines",
        " of 'LoggingStep's"), {
    is(flog, "function"),
    info = "flog is a function"

    c(".data", "modifiers", "loggers", "logsteps"),
    info = "Check the arg-names for `flog` match the expected interface"


# LoggingTuple[A] is effectively list(dataset: A, logdata = list(ANY))

# LoggingStep abstract:
# LoggingStep[A, B]: LoggingTuple[A] => LoggingTuple[B]

# LoggingStep application:
# lstep <- LoggingStep(modifier: A => B, logger: (A, B) => Any)
# .run_step(lstep)(.tuple = LoggingTuple[A])
#   => LoggingTuple[B]

# LoggingWorkflow application:
# flog(
#   .data: A | LoggingTuple[A],
#   logsteps: (vector|list)[LoggingStep[A,A'], ..., LoggingStep[A'',B]]
#   )
# flog(
#   .data:     A | LoggingTuple[A],
#   modifiers: (vector|list)[A => A', ..., A'' => B],
#   loggers:   (vector|list)[(A,A') => Any, ..., (A'',B) => Any]
#   )
# flog(
#   .data:     A | LoggingTuple[A],
#   modifiers: (vector|list)[A => A]
#   loggers:   (A, A) => Any
#   )


# .run_step(LoggingStep(x)) only works on LoggingTuples
# but flog() can take either raw data (A) or a LoggingTuple containing A
# because the raw data will automatically be converted to a LoggingTuple within
# flog

# This, allows you to pipe the .run_step from multiple LoggingSteps together
#  since, you can pipe the output from one .run_step into the .data of another

# TODO: From here all unit tests should be rewritten to use either
# .data = LoggingTuple(raw_data) or .data = raw_data in input to flog

# Simple LoggingStep examples:

test_that("A NULL modifier and a NULL logger", {
  # SETUP:
  lstep <- LoggingStep(
    modifier = function(x) NULL,
    logger   = function(post, pre) NULL

  runner <- .run_step(lstep)

  # TESTS:
    is(runner, "function"),
    info = ".run_step(LoggingStep(...)) should be a function"

    object   = names(formals(runner))[1],
    expected = ".tuple",
    info     = paste("check that .tuple is the first arg to",

    object = runner(.tuple = LoggingTuple(dataset  = 1:10,
                                          logdata = list())),
    expected = LoggingTuple(dataset  = NULL,
                            logdata = list(NULL)),
    info = paste("With a NULL modifier and a NULL logger",
                 "result should be list(NULL, NULL)",
                 sep = ", ")

    object = runner(.tuple = LoggingTuple(1)),
    expected = LoggingTuple(dataset = NULL,
                    logdata = list(NULL)),
    info   = paste("Single entry in dataset")

    object = runner(.tuple = LoggingTuple(
                                   dataset = 1:10,
                                   logdata = list("not an", "empty", "list"))
    expected = LoggingTuple(
                    dataset = NULL,
                    logdata = list("not an", "empty", "list", NULL)),
    info = "Log for the current process should append to the existing log"

  # TODO: add a test for invalid argnames in LoggingTuple instantiation tests



  paste("A modifier that does not modify the input",
        "and a logger that returns NULL"), {

  lstep <- LoggingStep(
    modifier = identity,
    logger   = function(post, pre) NULL

  runner <- .run_step(lstep)

    object = runner(.tuple = LoggingTuple(1:10)),
    expected = LoggingTuple(
                    dataset = 1:10,
                    logdata = list(NULL)),
    info = "Non-empty input, modifier has no effect, logger should return NULL"


  paste("A modifier that returns unique values",
        "and a logger that returns the reduction in size"), {

  lstep <- LoggingStep(
    modifier = unique,
    logger   = function(post, pre){
      length(post) - length(pre)

  runner <- .run_step(lstep)

    object = runner(.tuple = LoggingTuple(1:10)),
    expected = LoggingTuple(
                    dataset = 1:10,
                    logdata = list(0)),
    info = "Remove dups, log diff in size: Unique set, diff should be 0"
    object = runner(.tuple = LoggingTuple(
                                   dataset = c(),
                                   logdata = list(c()))),
    expected = LoggingTuple(
                    dataset = c(),
                    logdata = list(c(), 0)),
    info = "Remove dups, log diff in size: Empty set, diff should be 0"


  paste("The logger function in a LoggingStep should take `post` and",
        "(optionally) `pre` as its first and second arguments"), {

  no_pre_data       <- function(post)               TRUE
  no_post_data      <- function(pre)                TRUE
  wrong_order       <- function(pre, post)          TRUE
  misspelled        <- function(Post, pRe)          TRUE
  pre_should_be_2nd <- function(post, not.pre, pre) TRUE

    # expect_no_error => see regexp = NA
    object = LoggingStep(
      modifier = identity,
      logger   = no_pre_data
    regexp = NA,
    info = paste("checks that no error occurs when logger's only argument is",
                 "`post` in the input to LoggingStep::logger")

    object = LoggingStep(
      modifier = identity,
      logger   = no_post_data
    info = "`post` is not an argument in the input to LoggingStep::logger"

    object = LoggingStep(
      modifier = identity,
      logger   = wrong_order
    info = paste("`post`/`pre` are incorrectly ordered as args to",

    object = LoggingStep(
      modifier = identity,
      logger   = misspelled
    info = paste("`post`/pre` are incorrectly spelled as args to",

    object = LoggingStep(
      modifier = identity,
      logger   = pre_should_be_2nd
    info = paste("If `pre` is provided, it should come second in the args",
                 "list to LoggingStep::logger")


# tests for `flog`
test_that("Example `flog` pipelines: invalid args", {
  # SETUP:
  mod1 <- unique
  log1 <- function(post, pre){
    length(setdiff(pre, post))
  lstep1 <- LoggingStep(mod1, log1)

  # TESTS:
  # in.list or in_data must be provided
    object = flog(logsteps = lstep1),
    info = "check user provides .data to flog"

  # Either (modifiers & loggers) xor logsteps should be provided
    object = flog(.data = LoggingTuple(dataset = 1:3, logdata = list())),
    info   = "user provides either (modifiers & loggers) or logsteps"
    object = flog(
      .data     = LoggingTuple(dataset = 1:3, logdata = list()),
      modifiers = mod1,
      loggers   = log1,
      logsteps  = lstep1
    info   = paste("check user provides logsteps or (modifiers & loggers),",
                   "but not both")
  # If modifiers & loggers are provided
  # - each should be an iterable containing funtions
  # - their length should be nonzero (includes logger)
  # - their length should be comensurate
  #   - either both lengths are equal
  #   - or at least one of their lengths is 1 [this is checked later]
    object = flog(.data     = LoggingTuple(1:3, list()),
                  modifiers = c(mod1, mod1)
    info = "check that if modifiers are provided, then loggers should also be"
    object = flog(.data   = LoggingTuple(1:3, list()),
                  loggers = c(log1, log1)
    info = "check that if loggers are provided, then modifiers should also be"
    object = flog(.data     = LoggingTuple(1:3, list()),
                  modifiers = c(mod1, mod1),
                  loggers   = list()
    info = "check that if modifiers are provided, then length(loggers)>0"
    object = flog(.data     = LoggingTuple(1:3, list()),
                  modifiers = list(),
                  loggers   = c(log1, log1)
    info = "check that if loggers are provided, then length(modifiers)>0"
    object = flog(.data     = LoggingTuple(1:3, list()),
                  modifiers = c(mod1, mod1, mod1),
                  loggers   = c(log1, log1)
    info = paste("check that if modifiers/loggers are provided,",
                 "both with length>1, then their lengths are equal")

  # If logsteps are provided
  # - it's length shoud be nonzero
  # - it should be an iterable of LoggingSteps
    object = flog(.data    = LoggingTuple(1:3, list()),
                  logsteps = list()
    info   = "check that if logsteps is provided, it has nonzero length"
    object = flog(
      .data    = LoggingTuple(1:3, list()),
      logsteps = list(lstep1, "not", "all", "LoggingSteps", lstep1)
    info = "check that if logsteps is provided, it is a list of LoggingSteps"

  # TODO: Errors when providing non-functions as modifier / logger



test_that("Example `flog` pipelines: using bare functions", {
  # call `flog(.data = LoggingTuple, modifiers = XXX, loggers = YYY)
  # - or `flog(.data = raw.data, modifiers = XXX, loggers = YYY)``
  # - include example using constant logging function with multiple modifiers
  # - and one with constant modifier and multiple loggers
  mod1 <- unique
  log1 <- function(post, pre){
    length(pre) - length(post)
  lstep1 <- LoggingStep(mod1, log1)

  mod2 <- tolower
  log_to_df <- function(post, pre){
    data.frame(before = length(pre), after = length(post))
  lstep2 <- LoggingStep(mod2, log_to_df)

  data.a <- c(letters[1:10], LETTERS[1:10])
  tuple.a <- LoggingTuple(dataset = data.a, logdata = list())

  # as used in the examples
  data.b <- c("I'm", "spaRtacus")

    object   = flog(tuple.a, mod1, log1),
    expected = LoggingTuple(dataset = data.a, logdata = list(0)),
    info     = paste(
      "checks if dropping non-unique entries in a non-redundant vector has",
      "no effect; log the (non)changing length"

    object = flog(tuple.a, mod2, log_to_df),
    expected = LoggingTuple(
      dataset = rep(letters[1:10], times = 2),
      logdata = list(data.frame(before = 20, after = 20))
    info = "checks converting a-jA-J to lowercase, and 20 letters remain"

    object   = flog(data.a, modifiers = mod1, loggers = log1),
    expected = LoggingTuple(dataset = data.a, logdata = list(0)),
    info     = paste(
      "checks raw-data input to .data instead of as LoggingTuple; single step

    object = flog(
      .data     = LoggingTuple(data.a, list("Pre-existing log")),
      modifiers = mod1,
      loggers   = log1
    expected = LoggingTuple(dataset = data.a,
                            logdata = list("Pre-existing log", 0)),
    info = "check that the flog pipelines append to an existing log"

  # pipeline, length 2
  # - unique then tolower
    object = flog(tuple.a, c(mod1, mod2), c(log1, log_to_df)),
    expected = LoggingTuple(
      dataset = rep(letters[1:10], times = 2),
      logdata = list(0, data.frame(before = 20, after = 20))
    info = paste("flog pipeline of length 2: doesn't affect input,",
                 "2 different modifiers, 2 different loggers")

  # pipeline, length 2
  # - tolower then unique - once in lower case, 10 of the letters are repeated
  # -
    object   = flog(tuple.a, c(mod2, mod1), c(log_to_df, log1)),
    expected = LoggingTuple(
      dataset  = letters[1:10],
      logdata = list(data.frame(before = 20, after = 20), 10)
    info     = paste("flog pipeline of length 2: does affect input,",
                     "2 different modifiers, 2 different loggers")

  # Ensure that if a single logger is provided, for multiple modifiers,
  #   then the results are the same as if multiple copies of the same logger
  #   were provided
    object   = flog(tuple.a, c(mod2, mod1), log1),
    expected = flog(tuple.a, c(mod2, mod1), c(log1, log1)),
    info     = paste("flog pipeline of length 2: does affect input,",
                     "2 different modifiers, only 1 logger")

  # Repeat, but with multiple loggers and a single modifier
    object   = flog(tuple.a, mod2,          c(log1, log_to_df)),
    expected = flog(tuple.a, c(mod2, mod2), c(log1, log_to_df)),
    info     = "flog pipeline of length 2: does affect input, 1 modifier, 2

  # Check Spartacus example - as used in the docs
  # - this failed on initial writing, because I didn't give explicit named
  #     arguments for modifiers and loggers; positionally, tolower/log_to_df
  #     were read in as in.list/modifiers, respectively
    object = flog(data.b, modifiers = tolower, loggers = log_to_df),
    expected = LoggingTuple(
      dataset = c("i'm", "spartacus"),
      logdata = list(data.frame(before = 2, after = 2))
    info = "spaRtacus example as used in the Docs"


test_that("Example `flog` pipelines: using LoggingStep objects", {
  # call `flog(.data, logsteps = ZZZ)`
  # SETUP:
  mod1 <- unique
  log1 <- function(post, pre){
    length(pre) - length(post)
  lstep1 <- LoggingStep(mod1, log1)

  mod2 <- tolower
  log2 <- function(post, pre){
    data.frame(before = length(pre), after = length(post))
  lstep2 <- LoggingStep(mod2, log2)

  data.a <- c(letters[1:10], LETTERS[1:10])
  tuple.a <- LoggingTuple(dataset = data.a, logdata = list())

  # TESTS:
    object   = flog(tuple.a, logsteps = lstep1),
    expected = LoggingTuple(
      dataset  = data.a,
      logdata = list(0)
    info = "unique as a flog pipeline on non-unique letters: in.list as input"

    object   = flog(.data = tolower(data.a), logsteps = lstep1),
    expected = LoggingTuple(
      dataset  = letters[1:10],
      logdata = list(10)
    info = "unique as a flog pipeline on non-unique letters: in_data as input"

    object   = flog(tuple.a, logsteps = list(lstep1)),
    expected = LoggingTuple(
      dataset  = data.a,
      logdata = list(0)
    info = "unique pipeline: logsteps as a list"

    object   = flog(tuple.a, logsteps = list(lstep1, lstep2)),
    expected = LoggingTuple(
      dataset  = rep(letters[1:10], times = 2),
      logdata = list(0, data.frame(before = 20, after = 20))
    info = "unique pipeline: logsteps as a list"


test_that("`flog` using a named list of LoggingSteps, modifiers or loggers
  should append the names to the logdata list that is returned", {
  .data <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = 4:6)
  nrow.logger <- function(

    object = flog(.data,
                  modifiers = identity,
                  loggers = list(step1 = nrow.logger)),
    expected = LoggingTuple(
      dataset = .data,
      logdata = list(step1 = 3)
    info = "loggers in a named list: names should be passed to logdata"

    object = flog(.data,
                  modifiers = list(step.a = identity),
                  loggers   = nrow.logger),
    expected = LoggingTuple(
      dataset = .data,
      logdata = list(step.a = 3)
    info = "modifierss in a named list: names should be passed to logdata"


test_that("Example of piping one flog command into another", {
  # call `optional.data.list %>% flog(some, args) %>% flog(some, other, args)`

test_that("flog_filter_df: invalid inputs", {
  # - Most of these tests are performed by flog() at present, so not entirely
  # useful as unit tests of flog_filter_df
  nrow.logger <- function(
    data.frame(n = nrow(post))

  # Invalid inputs:
  # - Raw data should be a data.frame
    flog_filter_df("Not a list or data.frame"),
    info = "input to flog_filter_df should be a data.frame or LoggingTuple
containing a data.frame"

    flog_filter_df(LoggingTuple("Not a data.frame")),
    info = "LoggingTuple input to flog_filter_df should have data.frame as

    flog_filter_df(LoggingTuple(logdata = list(),
                                dataset = "Not a data.frame"),
                   filter_dots = "identity",
                   logger = nrow.logger
    info = "LoggingTuple with named args should have data.frame as
'dataset' entry"

    flog_filter_df(.data = "Not a data.frame",
                   filter_dots = "identity",
                   logger = nrow.logger),
    info = "If raw data is provided instead of LoggingTuple, it should be a

  # - No .data defined
    flog_filter_df(filter_dots = "identity",
                   logger      = nrow.logger),
    info = "User should provide .data to flog_filter_df"

  # - filter_dots is not a vector of strings (OR [to implement] A list/vector
  # or functions)
    flog_filter_df(.data = list(data.frame()),
                   filter_dots = 1,
                   logger = nrow.logger),
    info = "filter_dots should be a vector of strings, a vector of functions,
or a list of strings and functions for use in filtering"
  # TODO: - filter_dots is a string but does not refer to a column in the
  # data.frame (difficult to test for complex string-based filters)

test_that("flog_filter_df", {
  # SETUP:
  nrow.logger <- function(post, pre){
    data.frame(n = nrow(post))

  # Valid inputs:
  # - identity mapping, count the rows
  valid1.df   <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = letters[1:3])
  valid1.filt <- "identity"
  expected1   <- LoggingTuple(
    dataset  = valid1.df,
    logdata = list(
      data.frame(filter_name = "identity", n = 3L))
    object   = flog_filter_df(LoggingTuple(valid1.df),
    expected = expected1,
    info     = "Identity mapping, and count the number of rows"

  # - filter on a single column, count the rows
  # - TODO: ? How should the filtering steps behave for NA values
  valid2.df   <- DF(filter.me = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE),
                    a = 1:3,
                    b = letters[1:3]
  valid2.filt <- "filter.me"
  expected2   <- LoggingTuple(
    dataset  = DF(filter.me = rep(TRUE, 2),
                  a         = c(1, 3),
                  b         = c("a", "c")
    logdata = list(
      data.frame(filter_name = "filter.me", n = 2L))
    object   = flog_filter_df(LoggingTuple(valid2.df),
    expected = expected2,
    info     = "Keep TRUE values for single filter, and count the number of

  # - Input already has a logdata defined in in.list
  valid3.tuple <- LoggingTuple(
    dataset  = DF(a = 1:3, b = letters[1:3]),
    logdata = list(preceding.step = "Interesting result?")
    object   = flog_filter_df(
      .data       = valid3.tuple,
      filter_dots = "identity",
      logger      = nrow.logger
    expected = LoggingTuple(
      dataset  = get_dataset(valid3.tuple),
      logdata = list(
        preceding.step = "Interesting result?",
        data.frame(filter_name = "identity", n = 3L)
    info = "Input that contains a pre-existing logdata entry, this should be
appended to"

  # TODO:
  # - Input with a factor in some column - factor levels should be unchanged
  # - String-based complex filter "column1 > 1 & !drop.me & keep.me" ?
  # - Input provided as in_data rather than in.list
  # - filter_dots with a named vector: names should be used instead of inferred
  # from the string-values, when adding filter_name to $logdata data.frame
russHyde/flogr documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:10 a.m.