
# Generics for mfdb_aggregates, called for each portion of the query
# Handle NULL here, grouping everything together
pre_query <- function(mdb, x, outputname) {
    if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)
    UseMethod("pre_query", x)

sample_clause <- function(mdb, x, col, outputname) {
    if (is.null(x)) return("0")
    UseMethod("sample_clause", x)

select_clause <- function(mdb, x, col, outputname) {
    if (is.null(x)) return(paste0("'all' AS ", outputname))
    UseMethod("select_clause", x)

from_clause <- function(mdb, x, col, outputname) {
    if (is.null(x)) return(c())
    UseMethod("from_clause", x)

where_clause <- function(mdb, x, col, outputname) {
    if (is.null(x)) return(c())
    UseMethod("where_clause", x)

# Add some do-nothing cases where definining the function is optional
pre_query.mfdb_aggregate <- function(mdb, x, outputname) NULL
sample_clause.mfdb_aggregate <- function(mdb, x, col, outputname) "0"
from_clause.mfdb_aggregate <- function(mdb, x, col, outputname) c()

# Numeric vectors, first checked to see if there's a lookup
pre_query.numeric <- pre_query.mfdb_aggregate
sample_clause.numeric <- sample_clause.mfdb_aggregate
select_clause.numeric <- function(mdb, x, col, outputname) {
    paste(col, "AS", outputname)
from_clause.numeric <- from_clause.mfdb_aggregate
where_clause.numeric <- function(mdb, x, col, outputname) {
    lookup <- gsub('(.*\\.)|_id', '', col)

    if (!is.vector(x)) return("")

    # Look up in global taxonomy
    if ((lookup %in% mfdb_taxonomy)) {
            "(", col, " IN ",
            "(SELECT ", lookup, "_id FROM ", lookup, " WHERE name IN ",
            sql_quote(x[!is.na(x)], always_bracket = TRUE),
            if (NA %in% x) paste0(" OR ", col, " IS NULL"),

    # Look up in CS-specific taxonomy
    if ((lookup %in% mfdb_cs_taxonomy)) {
            "(", col, " IN ",
            "(SELECT ", lookup, "_id FROM ", lookup,
            " WHERE case_study_id = ", sql_quote(mdb$case_study_id),
            " AND name IN ",
            sql_quote(x[!is.na(x)], always_bracket = TRUE),
            if (NA %in% x) paste0(" OR ", col, " IS NULL"),

    # No taxonomy
        "(", col, " IN ",
        sql_quote(x[!is.na(x)], always_bracket = TRUE),
        if (NA %in% x) paste0(" OR ", col, " IS NULL"),

# Character vectors work the same as numeric vector
pre_query.character     <- pre_query.numeric
sample_clause.character <- sample_clause.numeric
select_clause.character <- select_clause.numeric
from_clause.character   <- from_clause.numeric
where_clause.character  <- where_clause.numeric
sCervino/mfdb documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:31 p.m.