
mytimeROC <- function(time, delta, marker) {

  timeROC(time, delta, marker, cause = 1, times = 26.5, ROC = FALSE)$AUC_1[2]


#' Analyze simulation results
#' @export

analyze_sim <- function(scenario, folder, n = 200) {

  resem <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:n, function(i) {

    fnam <- sprintf("data/%s/simres%s-%03d.rds", folder, scenario, i)
    if(!file.exists(fnam)) return(NULL)
    res.tmp <- readRDS(fnam)
    out.tmp <- res.tmp[, -c(4:23)]
    out.tmp$replicate <- i

  resem$binY <- with(resem, ifelse(Tout > 26.5, 0, ifelse(delta == 0, NA, ifelse(delta == 1, 1, 0))))
  #resem$trueY <- with(resem, ifelse(Y > 26.5 & Y2 > 26.5, 0, 1))
  resem$deltatrue <- with(resem, ifelse(Y < Y2, 1, 2))
  resem$trueY <- with(resem, pmin(Y, Y2))

  if(scenario == "E"){
	resem$trueY <- rnorm(nrow(resem))
	resem$trueP <- rnorm(nrow(resem))
	resem$deltatrue <- resem$delta
  ### calculate roc using binary, roc using time dependent, and mse comparing to true probability

  res.auc <- NULL
  for(j in 1:n) {

    indat <- subset(resem, replicate == j)

    if(nrow(indat) == 0) next
    true.auc <-
             mytimeROC(trueY, deltatrue, predres.pseudo),
             mytimeROC(trueY, deltatrue, predres.pseudo.single),
             mytimeROC(trueY, deltatrue, predres.binary),
             mytimeROC(trueY, deltatrue, predres.binder),
             mytimeROC(trueY, deltatrue, predres.rfsrc),
             mytimeROC(trueY, deltatrue, trueP)

    pauc.pseudo <- with(indat, calc_pAUC(predres.pseudo, cause1.pseudo, cause2.pseudo))
    pauc.pseudo.single <- with(indat, calc_pAUC(predres.pseudo.single, cause1.pseudo, cause2.pseudo))
    pauc.binary <- with(indat, calc_pAUC(predres.binary, cause1.pseudo, cause2.pseudo))
    pauc.binder <- with(indat, calc_pAUC(predres.binder, cause1.pseudo, cause2.pseudo))
    pauc.rfsrc <- with(indat, calc_pAUC(predres.rfsrc, cause1.pseudo, cause2.pseudo))
    pauc.true <- with(indat, calc_pAUC(trueP, cause1.pseudo, cause2.pseudo))

    bias.pseudo <- with(indat, mean((trueP - predres.pseudo)))
    bias.pseudo.single <- with(indat, mean((trueP - predres.pseudo.single)))
    bias.binary <- with(indat, mean(trueP - predres.binary))
    bias.binder <- with(indat, mean(trueP - predres.binder))
    bias.rfsrc <- with(indat, mean(trueP - predres.rfsrc))
    bias.true <- with(indat, mean(trueP - trueP))

    sd.pseudo <- with(indat, sd(predres.pseudo))
    sd.pseudo.single <- with(indat, sd(predres.pseudo.single))
    sd.binary <- with(indat, sd(predres.binary))
    sd.binder <- with(indat, sd(predres.binder))
    sd.rfsrc <- with(indat, sd(predres.rfsrc))
    sd.true <- with(indat, sd(exp(trueP)))

    res.auc <- rbind(res.auc, data.frame(true.auc = true.auc,
                                         pauc = c(pauc.pseudo, pauc.pseudo.single, pauc.binary, pauc.binder, pauc.rfsrc, pauc.true),
                                         bias = c(bias.pseudo, bias.pseudo.single, bias.binary, bias.binder, bias.rfsrc, bias.true),
                                         sd = c(sd.pseudo, sd.pseudo.single, sd.binary, sd.binder, sd.rfsrc, sd.true),
                                         model = c("pseudo", "pseudo.single", "binary", "binder", "rfsrc", "true")))



sachsmc/pseupersims documentation built on June 12, 2019, 1:14 p.m.