#' display_node_neighboorhood
#' display input and measurements within n steps of a given set of nodes
#' @param central_node character or character vector; node ID(s) around which a
#' network will be branched out untill meansurments and input are reached
#' @param sif df; COSMOS network solution in sif format like the first list
#' element returned by the format_cosmos_res function
#' @param att df; attributes of the nodes of the COMSOS network solution like
#' the second list element returned by the format_cosmos_res function
#' @param n numeric; maximum number of steps in the network to look for inputs
#' and measurments
#' @return a visnetwork object
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @examples
#' CARNIVAL_options <- cosmosR::default_CARNIVAL_options("lpSolve")
#' data(toy_network)
#' data(toy_signaling_input)
#' data(toy_metabolic_input)
#' data(toy_RNA)
#' test_for <- preprocess_COSMOS_signaling_to_metabolism(meta_network = toy_network,
#' signaling_data = toy_signaling_input,
#' metabolic_data = toy_metabolic_input,
#' diff_expression_data = toy_RNA,
#' maximum_network_depth = 15,
#' remove_unexpressed_nodes = TRUE,
#' CARNIVAL_options = CARNIVAL_options
#' )
#' test_result_for <- run_COSMOS_signaling_to_metabolism(data = test_for,
#' CARNIVAL_options = CARNIVAL_options)
#' test_result_for <- format_COSMOS_res(test_result_for)
#' network_plot <- display_node_neighboorhood(central_node = 'MYC',
#' sif = test_result_for[[1]],
#' att = test_result_for[[2]],
#' n = 7)
#' network_plot
#' @export
display_node_neighboorhood <- function(central_node,sif, att, n = 100)
# require(igraph)
full_sif <- sif
if(sum(names(full_sif) %in% c("Node1", "Node2", "Sign", "Weight")) != 4)
print('sif should be a dataframe with 4 column named "Node1", "Node2", "Sign" and "Weight"')
return('Error:bad sif')
full_sif <- full_sif[,c("Node1", "Node2", "Sign", "Weight")]
full_att <- att
ig_net <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(full_sif)
ig_net <- igraph::make_ego_graph(ig_net, nodes = central_node, order = n, mode = "all")
to_keep <- unlist(sapply(ig_net,function(x){igraph::V(x)$name}))
full_sif <- full_sif[full_sif$Node1 %in% to_keep & full_sif$Node2 %in% to_keep,]
full_att <- full_att[full_att$Nodes %in% to_keep,]
ig_net <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(full_sif)
center_node <- sapply(central_node, function(x, ig_net, full_att) {
names(unlist(igraph::get.shortest.paths(ig_net, from = x, to = full_att[full_att$measured == 1,1])$vpath))
}, ig_net= ig_net, full_att = full_att, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
center_node <- unlist(center_node)
center_node_out <- full_sif[full_sif$Node1 %in% center_node & full_sif$Node2 %in% center_node,]
center_node <- sapply(central_node, function(x, ig_net, full_att) {
names(unlist(igraph::get.shortest.paths(ig_net, from = x, to = full_att[full_att$measured == 1,1], mode = "in")$vpath))
}, ig_net= ig_net, full_att = full_att, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
center_node <- unlist(center_node)
center_node_in <- full_sif[full_sif$Node1 %in% center_node & full_sif$Node2 %in% center_node,]
center_node_net <- as.data.frame(rbind(center_node_in,center_node_out))
nodes <- full_att[full_att$Nodes %in% center_node_net$Node1 | full_att$Nodes %in% center_node_net$Node2,]
edges <- center_node_net
names(edges) <- c("from","to","sign","weigth")
edges$color <- ifelse(edges$sign == 1, "grey","grey")
# edges$arrows <- "to"
edges$arrows.to.type <- ifelse(edges$sign == 1, "arrow","circle")
edges$enabled <- TRUE
edges$scaleFactor <- 1
edges <- unique(edges)
names(nodes)[1] <- "id"
nodes$label <- nodes$id
nodes$color <- ifelse(nodes$Activity > 0, "green","red")
nodes <- nodes[!duplicated(nodes$id),]
nodes$shape <- "dot"
nodes[nodes$type == "metab_enzyme","shape"] <- "square"
nodes[nodes$type == "protein","shape"] <- "square"
nodes[nodes$type == "Kinase","shape"] <- "triangle"
nodes[nodes$type == "TF","shape"] <- "diamond"
nodes <- nodes[order(nodes$id),]
nodes$shadow <- (nodes$measured == 1)
return(visNetwork::visNetwork(nodes, edges, width = 1600, height = 1600) %>%
visNetwork::visOptions(highlightNearest = TRUE,
nodesIdSelection = list(enabled = TRUE,
style = 'width: 200px; height: 26px;
background: #f8f8f8;
color: darkblue;
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