
# MMSCORE  = APOE * amyloid beta + Age
# Results after birth ~ Prenatal Depression * snps

#' Here are the variables included:
#' "PSCID" is the id of the child
#' "true_id" is the unique id for PSCID x time
#' "time_24" if 1, then its 24 months, otherwise its 18 months (important to
#' include as covariate to account for time differences in the intercept).
#' "ITSEA_Att Child" Attention of the child, mother reported, using the ITSEA
#' (The outcome)
#' "Pren_CESD HWB6_CESD HWB12_CESD" are prenatal, 6 months and 12 months CESD
#' maternal depression scores respectively (From 0 to 60).
#' "looatp overf overp insmilef insmilep reachf reachp kissf kissp phywotyf
#' phywotyp matvocalf pokef pokep mouthf mouthp laughf laughp imitatef imitatep
#' awayf awayp" are microanalytic measures of mother-child interaction (how
#' often mother look at child, how much mother play with child with toys, ect;
#' see BEST Documentation.ppt for more details). These are either frequencies
#' (variable ending with f) or percentage of time spent doing it (variable
#' ending with p). I recommend z-scores all of these as they are extremely
#' skewed.
#' "B_DRD2 B_DRD4_78 B_DAT B_BDNF_r B_COMT_alt_r" Child genes with coding we
#' used for our papers:
#' B_DRD2=1 when having at least one A (=A1=T in literature),
#' B_DRD4_78=1 when 6, 7 or 8 repeat (6 extremely rare so mostly irrelevant),
#' DAT=1 when 10/10 (10 associated with low dopamine),
#' BDNF_r = 1 when GG (=Val),
#' B_COMT_alt_r=1 when AA (Met/Met, worrier type, associated with higher
#' baseline dopamine but less stress resilience).
#' "B_DRD2_cat_ B_DAT_cat_ B_BDNF_cat_ B_COMT_cat_" Raw child genes coding, in
#' case you want to code them differently.
#' "Factor3_6m mom_age_birth gender_male" Important covariates we adjusted for,
#' but you could interact those too. Factor3_6m is the child emotional
#' self-regulation at 6 months (mother reported), mom_age_birth_x is mother age
#' at birth (centered) and gender_male = 1 is child is a boy.

# source("R/ksfilter.R")

DT <- read.csv("~/git_repositories/sail/data-nogit/ashley/Celia_Sahir_data.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# dput(colnames(DT))
col_names <- c("PSCID", "true_id", "time_24",
               "ITSEA_Att", # outcome: Attention of the child
               "Pren_CESD", # exposure: are prenatal, 6 months and 12 months CESD maternal depression scores
               "HWB6_CESD", "HWB12_CESD",
               # "B_DRD2_cat_", "B_DAT_cat_", "B_BDNF_cat_", "B_COMT_cat_",
               "B_DRD2", "B_DRD4_78", "B_DAT", "B_BDNF_r", "B_COMT_alt_r", # child genes
               # "overp",
               # "insmilep",
               # "reachp",
               # "kissp",
               # "phywotyp",
               # "pokep",
               # "mouthp",
               # "laughp",
               # "imitatep",
               # "awayp",
               "Factor3_6m", # the child emotional self-regulation at 6 months (mother reported)
               "mom_age_birth_x", # mother age at birth (centered)
               "gender_male" )# gender of child)

# exposure: prenatal, 6 month, 12 month maternal depression
DT$Pren_CESD %>% table(useNA = "always")
DT$HWB6_CESD %>% table(useNA = "always")
DT$HWB12_CESD %>% table(useNA = "always")

DT <- DT %>% select(col_names)
# DT$B_DRD2 %>% table
# DT <- DT %>% mutate()
DT.m <- mice::mice(DT)
DT.c <- complete(DT.m, 2)

# DT.c <- DT[complete.cases(DT),]

DT.18 <- DT.c %>% filter(time_24==0)
DT.24 <- DT.c %>% filter(time_24==1)

complete.cases(DT.18) %>% sum
complete.cases(DT.24) %>% sum

Y <- as.numeric(DT.18$ITSEA_Att)
# Y <- as.numeric(DT.24$ITSEA_Att)
table(Y, useNA = "always")

E <- as.numeric(DT.18$Pren_CESD)
# E <- as.numeric(DT.18$HWB12_CESD)
# E <- as.numeric(DT.18$Factor3_6m)

# E <- as.numeric(DT.24$Pren_CESD)
# E <- as.numeric(DT.24$HWB6_CESD)
# E <- as.numeric(DT.24$Factor3_6m)

X <- DT.18 %>% select(-ITSEA_Att, -PSCID, -ends_with("CESD"),-true_id,-time_24, -Factor3_6m) %>% as.matrix()
# X <- DT.24 %>% select(-ITSEA_Att, -PSCID, -ends_with("CESD"),-true_id,-time_24, -Factor3_6m) %>% as.matrix()
# X <- DT.24 %>% select(-ITSEA_Att, -PSCID,-true_id,-time_24, -Factor3_6m, -HWB6_CESD, -HWB12_CESD) %>% as.matrix()

f.identity <- function(i) i

fit <- sail(x = X, y = Y, e = E, basis = f.identity, verbose = 2)


summary(lm(Y ~ X*E))

# doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = 5)
# getDoParWorkers()
# cvfit <- cv.sail(x = X, y = Y, e = E, df = 3, maxit = 500,
#                     nlambda.gamma = 5, nlambda.beta = 5,
#                     nlambda = 25,
#                  group.penalty = "SCAD",
#                     # lambda.beta = exp(seq(log(0.01 * 1000), log(1000), length.out = 25)),
#                     # lambda.gamma =rep(1000,25),
#                     lambda.factor = 0.0001,
#                     nfolds = 5,
#                     thresh = 1e-5, center=T, normalize=F, verbose = T)
# plot(cvfit)
# coef(cvfit, s="lambda.min")
# cvfit$sail.fit$beta
# fmla <- as.formula(paste0("~0+",paste(colnames(X), collapse = "+"), "+ E +",paste(colnames(X),":E", collapse = "+") ))
# Xmat <- model.matrix(fmla, data = data.frame(X,E))
# glfit <- cv.glmnet(x = Xmat, y = Y, nfolds = 10)
# plot(glfit)
# coef(glfit)
sahirbhatnagar/funshim documentation built on July 18, 2021, 3:59 p.m.