cfbd_game_info: *Get results information from games.*

View source: R/cfbd_games.R

cfbd_game_infoR Documentation

Get results information from games.


Get results information from games.


  week = NULL,
  season_type = "regular",
  team = NULL,
  home_team = NULL,
  away_team = NULL,
  conference = NULL,
  division = "fbs",
  game_id = NULL,
  quarter_scores = FALSE



(Integer required): Year, 4 digit format(YYYY)


(Integer optional): Week - values from 1-15, 1-14 for seasons pre-playoff (i.e. 2013 or earlier)


(String default regular): Select Season Type: regular, postseason, or both


(String optional): D-I Team


(String optional): Home D-I Team


(String optional): Away D-I Team


(String optional): Conference abbreviation - Select a valid FBS conference Conference abbreviations P5: ACC, B12, B1G, SEC, PAC Conference abbreviations G5 and FBS Independents: CUSA, MAC, MWC, Ind, SBC, AAC


(String optional): Division abbreviation - Select a valid division: fbs/fcs/ii/iii


(Integer optional): Game ID filter for querying a single game


(Logical default FALSE): This is a parameter to return the list columns that give the score at each quarter: home_line_scores and away_line_scores. I have defaulted the parameter to false so that you will not have to go to the trouble of dropping it.


cfbd_game_info() - A data frame with 22 variables:

game_id: integer.

Referencing game id.

season: integer.

Season of the game.

week: integer.

Game week.

season_type: character.

Season type of the game.

start_date: character.

Game date.

start_time_tbd: logical.

TRUE/FALSE flag for if the game's start time is to be determined.

neutral_site: logical.

TRUE/FALSE flag for the game taking place at a neutral site.

conference_game: logical.

TRUE/FALSE flag for this game qualifying as a conference game.

attendance: integer.

Reported attendance at the game.

venue_id: integer.

Referencing venue id.

venue: character.

Venue name.

home_id: integer.

Home team referencing id.

home_team: character.

Home team name.

home_conference: character.

Home team conference.

home_division: character.

Home team division.

home_points: integer.

Home team points.

home_post_win_prob: character.

Home team post-game win probability.

home_pregame_elo: character.

Home team pre-game ELO rating.

home_postgame_elo: character.

Home team post-game ELO rating.

away_id: integer.

Away team referencing id.

away_team: character.

Away team name.

away_conference: character.

Away team conference.

away_division: character.

Away team division.

away_points: integer.

Away team points.

away_post_win_prob: character.

Away team post-game win probability.

away_pregame_elo: character.

Away team pre-game ELO rating.

away_postgame_elo: character.

Away team post-game ELO rating.

excitement_index: character.

Game excitement index.

highlights: character.

Game highlight urls.

notes: character.

Game notes.


  try(cfbd_game_info(2018, week = 7, conference = "Ind"))

saiemgilani/cfbfastR documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 2:39 p.m.