cfbd_ratings_sp_conference: *Get conference level SP historical rating data*

View source: R/cfbd_ratings.R

cfbd_ratings_sp_conferenceR Documentation

Get conference level SP historical rating data


Get conference level SP historical rating data


cfbd_ratings_sp_conference(year = NULL, conference = NULL)



(Integer optional): Year, 4 digit format (YYYY)


(String optional): Conference abbreviation - S&P+ information by conference Conference abbreviations P5: ACC, B12, B1G, SEC, PAC Conference abbreviations G5 and FBS Independents: CUSA, MAC, MWC, Ind, SBC, AAC


cfbd_ratings_sp_conference() - A data frame with 25 variables:

year: integer.

Season of the conference rating.

conference: character.

Conference name.

rating: double.

Conference SP+ rating.

second_order_wins: logical.

Second-order wins for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

sos: logical.

Strength of schedule for the conference - Not available for recent seasons..

offense_rating: double.

Overall offense rating for the conference.

offense_success: logical.

Offense success rating for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

offense_explosiveness: logical.

Offense explosiveness rating for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

offense_rushing: logical.

Offense rushing rating for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

offense_passing: logical.

Offense passing rating for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

offense_standard_downs: logical.

Offense standard downs rating for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

offense_passing_downs: logical.

Offensive passing downs rating for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

offense_run_rate: logical.

Offense rushing rate for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

offense_pace: logical.

Offense pace factor for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

defense_ranking: integer.

Overall defense ranking for the conference.

defense_rating: double.

Overall defense rating for the conference.

defense_success: logical.

Defense success rating for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

defense_explosiveness: logical.

Defense explosiveness rating for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

defense_rushing: logical.

Defense rushing rating for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

defense_passing: logical.

Defense passing rating for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

defense_standard_downs: logical.

Defense standard downs rating for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

defense_passing_downs: logical.

Defensive passing downs rating for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

defense_havoc_total: logical.

Total defensive havoc rate for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

defense_havoc_front_seven: logical.

Defense havoc rate from front 7 players for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

defense_havoc_db: logical.

Defense havoc rate from defensive backs for the conference - Not available for recent seasons.

special_teams_rating: double.

Special teams rating for the conference.


  try(cfbd_ratings_sp_conference(year = 2019))

  try(cfbd_ratings_sp_conference(year = 2012, conference = "SEC"))

  try(cfbd_ratings_sp_conference(year = 2016, conference = "ACC"))

saiemgilani/cfbfastR documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 2:39 p.m.