cfbd_metrics_wp: *Get win probability chart data from API*

View source: R/cfbd_metrics.R

cfbd_metrics_wpR Documentation

Get win probability chart data from API


Get win probability chart data from API





(Integer required): Game ID filter for querying a single game Can be found using the cfbd_game_info() function


cfbd_metrics_wp() - A data frame with 16 variables:

play_id: character.

Play referencing id.

play_text: character.

A text description of the play.

home_id: integer.

Home team referencing id.

home: character.

Home team name.

away_id: integer.

Away team referencing id.

away: character.

Away team name.

spread: character.

Betting lines provider spread.

home_ball: logical.

Home team has the ball.

home_score: integer.

Home team score.

away_score: integer.

Away team score.

down: integer.

Down of the play.

distance: integer.

Distance to the sticks (to 1st down marker of goal-line in goal-to-go situations).

home_win_prob: character.

Home team win probability.

away_win_prob: double.

Away team win probability.

play_number: integer.

Game play number.

yard_line: integer.

Yard line of the play (0-100 yards).


  try(cfbd_metrics_wp(game_id = 401012356))

saiemgilani/cfbfastR documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 2:39 p.m.