cfbd_plays: *Get college football play-by-play data.*

View source: R/cfbd_play.R

cfbd_playsR Documentation

Get college football play-by-play data.


Get college football play-by-play data.


  year = 2020,
  season_type = "regular",
  week = 1,
  team = NULL,
  offense = NULL,
  defense = NULL,
  conference = NULL,
  offense_conference = NULL,
  defense_conference = NULL,
  play_type = NULL,
  division = "fbs"



Select year, (example: 2018)


Select Season Type (regular, postseason, both)


Select week, this is optional (also numeric)


Select team name (example: Texas, Texas A&M, Clemson)


Select offense name (example: Texas, Texas A&M, Clemson)


Select defense name (example: Texas, Texas A&M, Clemson)


Select conference name (example: ACC, B1G, B12, SEC, PAC, MAC, MWC, CUSA, Ind, SBC, AAC, Western, MVIAA, SWC, PCC, Big 6, etc.)


Select conference name (example: ACC, B1G, B12, SEC, PAC, MAC, MWC, CUSA, Ind, SBC, AAC, Western, MVIAA, SWC, PCC, Big 6, etc.)


Select conference name (example: ACC, B1G, B12, SEC, PAC, MAC, MWC, CUSA, Ind, SBC, AAC, Western, MVIAA, SWC, PCC, Big 6, etc.)


Select play type (example: see the cfbd_play_type_df)


(String optional): Division abbreviation - Select a valid division: fbs/fcs/ii/iii


cfbd_plays() - A data frame with 29 columns:

play_id: character.

Referencing play id.

offense: character.

Offense on the field.

offense_conference: character.

Conference of the offense on the field.

defense: character.

Defense on the field.

defense_conference: character.

Conference of the defense on the field.

home: character.

Home team.

away: character.

Away team.

offense_score: integer.

Offense's post-play score.

defense_score: integer.

Defense's post-play score.

game_id: integer.

Referencing game id.

drive_id: character.

Referencing drive id.

drive_number: integer.

Drive number in the game.

play_number: integer.

Play number in the game.

period: integer.

Game period (quarter).

offense_timeouts: integer.

Timeouts for the offense at the end of the play.

defense_timeouts: integer.

Timeouts for the defense at the end of the play.

yard_line: integer.

Yard line (~0-50) of the play.

yards_to_goal: integer.

Yards to the goal line (~0-100).

down: integer.

Down of the play.

distance: integer.

Distance to the sticks, i.e. 1st down or goal-line in goal-to-go situations.

scoring: logical.

Scoring play flag.

yards_gained: integer.

Yards net gained by the offense on the play.

play_type: character.

Categorical label of the type of the play.

play_text: character.

A text description of the play.

ppa: character.

Predicted Points Added (calculated by CFBD).

clock.minutes: integer.

Minutes left on the clock.

clock.seconds: integer.

Seconds left on the clock.


## Not run: 
  try(cfbd_plays(year = 2021, week = 1))

## End(Not run)

saiemgilani/cfbfastR documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 2:39 p.m.