cfbd_betting_lines | *CFBD Betting Lines Endpoint Overview* |
cfbd_calendar | *Get calendar of weeks by season.* |
cfbd_coaches | *CFBD Coaches Endpoint Overview* |
cfbd_conferences | *CFBD Conferences Endpoint Overview* |
cfbd_draft | *CFBD NFL Draft Endpoint Overview* |
cfbd_draft_picks | *Get list of NFL draft picks* |
cfbd_draft_positions | *Get list of NFL positions* |
cfbd_draft_teams | *Get list of NFL teams* |
cfbd_drives | *CFBD Drives Endpoint* |
cfbd_game_box_advanced | *Get game advanced box score information.* |
cfbd_game_info | *Get results information from games.* |
cfbd_game_media | *Get game media information (TV, radio, etc).* |
cfbd_game_player_stats | *Get player statistics by game* |
cfbd_game_records | *Get team records by year* |
cfbd_games | *CFBD Games Endpoint Overview* |
cfbd_game_team_stats | *Get team statistics by game* |
cfbd_game_weather | *Get weather from games.* |
cfbd_metrics | *CFBD Metrics Endpoint Overview* |
cfbd_metrics_ppa_games | *Get team game averages for predicted points added (PPA)* |
cfbd_metrics_ppa_players_games | *Get player game averages for predicted points added (PPA)* |
cfbd_metrics_ppa_players_season | *Get player season averages for predicted points added (PPA)* |
cfbd_metrics_ppa_predicted | *Calculate predicted points using down and distance* |
cfbd_metrics_ppa_teams | *Get team averages for predicted points added (PPA)* |
cfbd_metrics_wp | *Get win probability chart data from API* |
cfbd_metrics_wp_pregame | *Get pre-game win probability data from API* |
cfbd_pbp_data | *Get college football play by play data with cfbfastR... |
cfbd_play | *CFBD Plays Endpoint Overview* |
cfbd_player_info | *Player information lookup* |
cfbd_player_returning | *Get player returning production* |
cfbd_players | *CFBD Players Endpoint Overview* |
cfbd_player_usage | *Get player usage metrics* |
cfbd_plays | *Get college football play-by-play data.* |
cfbd_play_stats_player | *Gets player info associated by play* |
cfbd_play_stats_types | *Get college football mapping for play stats types* |
cfbd_play_types | *Get college football mapping for play types* |
cfbd_rankings | *Get historical Coaches and AP poll data* |
cfbd_ratings | *CFBD Ratings and Rankings Endpoints Overview* |
cfbd_ratings_elo | *Get Elo historical rating data* |
cfbd_ratings_sp | *Get SP historical rating data* |
cfbd_ratings_sp_conference | *Get conference level SP historical rating data* |
cfbd_ratings_srs | *Get SRS historical rating data* |
cfbd_recruiting | *CFB Recruiting Endpoint Overview* |
cfbd_recruiting_player | *Get player recruiting rankings* |
cfbd_recruiting_position | *Get college football position group recruiting information.* |
cfbd_recruiting_team | *Get college football recruiting team rankings information.* |
cfbd_recruiting_transfer_portal | *Get Transfer Portal Data* |
cfbd_stats | *CFBD Stats Endpoint Overview* |
cfbd_stats_categories | *Get stats categories* |
cfbd_stats_game_advanced | *Get game advanced stats* |
cfbd_stats_season_advanced | *Get season advanced statistics by team* |
cfbd_stats_season_player | *Get season statistics by player* |
cfbd_stats_season_team | *Get season statistics by team* |
cfbd_team_info | *Team info lookup* |
cfbd_team_matchup | *Get matchup history between two teams.* |
cfbd_team_matchup_records | *Get matchup history records between two teams.* |
cfbd_team_roster | *Get team rosters* |
cfbd_teams | *CFBD Teams Endpoint Overview* |
cfbd_team_talent | *Get composite team talent rankings for all teams in a given... |
cfbd_venues | *CFBD Venues Endpoint Overview* |
cfbfastR-package | cfbfastR: Access College Football Play by Play Data |
create_epa | *Create EPA* |
create_wpa | *Create WPA* |
csv_from_url | *Load .csv / .csv.gz file from a remote connection* |
data | *Data in the package for reference* |
espn_cfb_calendar | ESPN Calendar |
espn_cfb_pbp | Get ESPN college football PBP data |
espn_cfb_player_stats | *Get ESPN college football player stats data* |
espn_cfb_scoreboard | *ESPN Scoreboard* |
espn_cfb_team_stats | *Get ESPN college football team stats data* |
espn_metrics | *ESPN Metrics* |
espn_ratings_fpi | *ESPN FPI Ratings* |
helpers_pbp | *Series of functions to help clean the play-by-play data for... |
load_cfb_pbp | *Load cleaned play-by-play from the data repo* |
load_cfb_rosters | Load College Football Rosters |
load_cfb_schedules | Load CFB Game/Schedule Data from data repo |
load_cfb_teams | Load CFB team info from the data repo |
rds_from_url | *Load .rds file from a remote connection* |
register_cfbd | *CFBD API Key Registration* |
update_cfb_db | *Update or create a cfbfastR play-by-play database* |
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