cfbd_team_roster: *Get team rosters*

View source: R/cfbd_teams.R

cfbd_team_rosterR Documentation

Get team rosters


Get a teams full roster by year. If team is not selected, API returns rosters for every team from the selected year.


cfbd_team_roster(year, team = NULL)



(Integer required): Year, 4 digit format (YYYY)


(String optional): Team, select a valid team in D-I football


cfbd_team_roster() - A data frame with 12 variables:

athlete_id: character.

Referencing athlete id.

first_name: character.

Athlete first name.

last_name: character.

Athlete last name.

team: character.

Team name.

weight: integer.

Athlete weight.

height: integer.

Athlete height.

jersey: integer.

Athlete jersey number.

year: integer.

Athlete year.

position: character.

Athlete position.

home_city: character.

Hometown of the athlete.

home_state: character.

Hometown state of the athlete.

home_country: character.

Hometown country of the athlete.

home_latitude: numeric.

Hometown latitude.

home_longitude: number.

Hometown longitude.

home_county_fips: integer.

Hometown FIPS code.

headshot_url: character

Player ESPN headshot url.


  try(cfbd_team_roster(year = 2013, team = "Florida State"))

saiemgilani/cfbfastR documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 2:39 p.m.