cfbd_team_info: *Team info lookup*

View source: R/cfbd_teams.R

cfbd_team_infoR Documentation

Team info lookup


Team info lookup


  conference = NULL,
  only_fbs = TRUE,
  year = most_recent_cfb_season()



(String optional): Conference abbreviation - Select a valid FBS conference Conference abbreviations P5: ACC, B12, B1G, SEC, PAC, Conference abbreviations G5 and FBS Independents: CUSA, MAC, MWC, Ind, SBC, AAC


(Logical default TRUE): Filter for only returning FBS teams for a given year. If year is left blank while only_fbs is TRUE, then will return values for most current year


(Integer optional): Year, 4 digit format (YYYY). Filter for getting a list of major division team for a given year


cfbd_team_info() - A data frame with 12 variables:

team_id: integer.

Referencing team id.

school: character.

Team name.

mascot: character.

Team mascot.

abbreviation: character.

Team abbreviations.

alt_name1: character.

Team alternate name 1 (as it appears in play_text).

alt_name2: character.

Team alternate name 2 (as it appears in play_text).

alt_name3: character.

Team alternate name 3 (as it appears in play_text).

conference: character.

Conference of team.

division: character.

Division of team within the conference.

color: character.

Team color (primary).

alt_color: character.

Team color (alternate).

logos: character.

Team logos.

venue_id: character.

Referencing venue id.

venue_name: character.

Stadium name.

city: character.

Team/venue city.

state: character.

Team/venue state.

zip: character.

Team/venue zip code (someone double check Miami (FL) on if they're in the same zip code).

country_code: character.

Team/venue country code.

timezone: character.

Team/venue timezone.

latitude: character.

Venue latitude.

longitude: character.

Venue longitude.

elevation: character.

Venue elevation.

capacity: character.

Venue capacity.

year_constructed: character.

Year the venue was constructed.

grass: character.

TRUE/FALSE response on whether the field is grass or not (oh, and there are so many others).

dome: character.

TRUE/FALSE flag for if the venue is a domed stadium.


  try(cfbd_team_info(conference = "SEC"))

  try(cfbd_team_info(conference = "Ind"))

  try(cfbd_team_info(year = 2019))

saiemgilani/cfbfastR documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 2:39 p.m.