espn_cfb_scoreboard: *ESPN Scoreboard*

View source: R/espn_scoreboard.R

espn_cfb_scoreboardR Documentation

ESPN Scoreboard


ESPN Scoreboard

Get live scoreboard data from ESPN or look up the college football schedule for a given season

ESPN Schedule


espn_cfb_scoreboard(date = NULL)

  year = NULL,
  week = NULL,
  season_type = NULL,
  groups = NULL,
  limit = 500



(Integer required - YYYYMMDD): Date to pull


(int): Used to define different seasons. 2002 is the earliest available season.


(int): Week of the schedule.


(string): "regular", "postseason", "off-season", or "both".


(string): Used to define different divisions. FBS or FCS.


(int): number of records to return, default: 500.


espn_cfb_scoreboard() & espn_cfb_schedule() - A data frame with 33 or 54 variables depending on if there are completed games: shared variables

matchup: character.

Long matchup description with full team names (Utah Utes at UCLA Bruins).

matchup_short: character.

Short matchup description with team abbreviations (UTAH @ UCLA).

season: integer.

Season of the game.

type: character.

Season type of the game in CFBD format.

slug: character.

Season type of the game in ESPN format.

game_id: character.

Referencing game ID.

game_uid: character.
game_date: character.

Game date.

attendance: integer.

Reported attendance at the game.

home_team_name: character.

Home team mascot name (Sun Devils).

home_team_logo: character.

Home team logo url.

home_team_abb: character.

Home team abbreviation (ASU).

home_team_id: character.

Home team ID.

home_team_location: character.

Home team name (Arizona State).

home_team_full: character.

Home team full name (Arizona State Sun Devils).

home_team_color: character.

Home team color.

home_score: integer.

Home team points.

home_win: integer.

1 if home team won, 0 if home team lost, NA if game is unfinished

home_record: character

Home team record.

away_team_name: character.

Away team mascot name (Sun Devils).

away_team_logo: character.

Away team logo url.

away_team_abb: character.

Away team abbreviation (ASU).

away_team_id: character.

Away team ID.

away_team_location: character.

Away team name (Arizona State).

away_team_full: character.

Away team full name (Arizona State Sun Devils).

away_team_color: character.

Away team color.

away_score: integer.

Away team points.

away_win: integer.

1 if away team won, 0 if home team lost, NA if game is unfinished

away_record: character

Away team record.

status_name: character.

Status of the game

start_date: character.

Game date.

Unique variables when there are completed games

broadcast_market: character.

Broadcast market (typically "national" or NA)

broadcast_name: character.

Broadcast channel i.e. ESPN, ABC, FOX

passing_leader_yards: numeric.

Passing yards of game's passing leader

passing_leader_stat: character.

Stat line of game's passing leader

passing_leader_name: character.

Name of game's passing leader

passing_leader_shortname: character.

First initial and last name of game's passing leader

passing_leader_headshot: character.

Headshot url of game's passing leader

passing_leader_team_id: character.

Team ID of game's passing leader

passing_leader_pos: character.

Position of game's passing leader

rushing_leader_yards: numeric.

Passing yards of game's rushing leader

rushing_leader_stat: character.

Stat line of game's rushing leader

rushing_leader_name: character.

Name of game's rushing leader

rushing_leader_shortname: character.

First initial and last name of game's rushing leader

rushing_leader_headshot: character.

Headshot url of game's rushing leader

rushing_leader_team_id: character.

Team ID of game's rushing leader

rushing_leader_pos: character.

Position of game's rushing leader

receiving_leader_yards: numeric.

Passing yards of game's receiving leader

receiving_leader_stat: character.

Stat line of game's receiving leader

receiving_leader_name: character.

Name of game's receiving leader

receiving_leader_shortname: character.

First initial and last name of game's receiving leader

receiving_leader_headshot: character.

Headshot url of game's receiving leader

receiving_leader_team_id: character.

Team ID of game's receiving leader

receiving_leader_pos: character.

Position of game's receiving leader



  try(espn_cfb_schedule(2021, week = 8))

saiemgilani/cfbfastR documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 2:39 p.m.