
# silinfo  - list with silhouette width information, see partition.object.

# partition.object {cluster}   R Documentation
# Partitioning Object
# Description
# The objects of class "partition" represent a partitioning of a dataset 
# into clusters

# silinfo   
# a list with all silhouette information, only available when the number of 
# clusters is non-trivial, i.e., 1 < k < n and then has the following 
# components, see silhouette
# widths
# an (n x 3) matrix, as returned by silhouette(), with for each observation 
# i the cluster to which i belongs, as well as the neighbor cluster of i 
# (the cluster, not containing i, for which the average dissimilarity 
# between its observations and i is minimal), and the silhouette width 
# s(i) of the observation.
# clus.avg.widths
# the average silhouette width per cluster.
# avg.width
# the average silhouette width for the dataset, i.e., simply the average of 
# s(i) over all observations i.
# This information is also needed to construct a silhouette plot of the 
# clustering, see plot.partition.
# Note that avg.width can be maximized over different clusterings 
# (e.g. with varying number of clusters) to choose an optimal clustering.

# silhouette {cluster}   R Documentation
# Compute or Extract Silhouette Information from Clustering
# Description
# Compute silhouette information according to a given clustering in k clusters.

# Details
# For each observation i, the silhouette width s(i) is defined as follows: 
#    Put a(i) = average dissimilarity between i and all other points of the 
# cluster to which i belongs (if i is the only observation in its cluster, 
# s(i) := 0 without further calculations). For all other clusters C, 
# put d(i,C) = average dissimilarity of i to all observations of C. 
# The smallest of these d(i,C) is b(i) := \min_C d(i,C), and can be seen as 
# the dissimilarity between i and its “neighbor” cluster, i.e., the nearest 
# one to which it does not belong. Finally,
# s(i) := ( b(i) - a(i) ) / max( a(i), b(i) ).


# Observations with a large s(i) (almost 1) are very well clustered, a small
# s(i) (around 0) means that the observation lies between two clusters, and 
# observations with a negative s(i) are probably placed in the wrong cluster.

## generate 25 objects, divided into 2 clusters.
x <- rbind(cbind(rnorm(15,0,0.5), rnorm(15,0,0.5)),
           cbind(rnorm(10,5,0.5), rnorm(10,5,0.5)))
pamx <- pam(x, 2)
plot(pamx, which=2)



pamix <- pamx

plotDFobject <- function( frame, k , m){
   stopifnot( is.data.frame( frame ), is.numeric( k ) )
   plotPAMobject( pam( frame, k ) )

plotDFobject( train, 2)


plotPAMobject <- function( pamix, m = NULL ){
   stopifnot( any( class(pamix) == "partition" ) )
   frame <- as.data.frame( pamix$silinfo$widths )
   frame[4] <- row.names(frame)
   names(frame)[4] <- "observation"
   ladne_kolory <- sample(c("#00008B", "#8B3E2F", "#8B6508", "#66CD00", "#8B0000"))
   for (i in 1:length(unique(frame$cluster)) ){
      if ( i  < length(unique(frame$cluster)) ){
      assign( paste0("frame",i), frame[frame$cluster==i,])
      assign( paste0("wykres",i), ggplot( get(paste0("frame",i)), aes( y = sil_width, x = observation ) )+
         geom_bar(stat="identity", colour="black", fill= ladne_kolory[i]) +
         coord_flip() +
         scale_x_discrete(limits= get(paste0("frame",i))$observation[order(get(paste0("frame",i))$sil_width)])+
         theme( panel.background=element_rect(fill='white'),
                axis.text.x = element_blank(),
                axis.text.y = element_text(family = "mono", size = 15),
                axis.title.x= element_blank(),
                axis.title.y= element_text(family = "mono", size = 20),
                title =element_text(family = "mono", size = 25)
         labs(x = "obserwacje", y="miara silhouette")+
            annotate("text", x = 1:2, y = 0.35:0.35, label = c(paste0("œrednio: ", format(pamix$silinfo$clus.avg.widths[i], digits =2) ), 
                                                              paste0("licznosc: ", pamix$clusinfo[i,1] )) ) )   
         assign( paste0("frame",i), frame[frame$cluster==i,])
         assign( paste0("wykres",i), ggplot( get(paste0("frame",i)), aes( y = sil_width, x = observation ) )+
                    geom_bar(stat="identity", colour="black", fill= ladne_kolory[i]) +
                    coord_flip() +
                    scale_x_discrete(limits= get(paste0("frame",i))$observation[order(get(paste0("frame",i))$sil_width)])+
                    theme( panel.background=element_rect(fill='white'),
                           axis.text.x = element_text(family = "mono", size = 15), 
                           axis.text.y = element_text(family = "mono", size = 15),
                           axis.title.x= element_text(family = "mono", size = 20),
                           axis.title.y= element_text(family = "mono", size = 20),
                           title =element_text(family = "mono", size = 25)
                    labs(x = "obserwacje", y="miara silhouette")+
                    scale_colour_brewer(palette="Set1") +  
                    annotate("text", x = 1:2, y = 0.35:0.35, label = c(paste0("œrednio: ", format(pamix$silinfo$clus.avg.widths[i], digits =2) ), 
                                                                       paste0("licznosc: ", pamix$clusinfo[i,1] )) ) )  
                    #scale_x_continuous(labels = percent)   ) 
   for (i in 1:length(unique(frame$cluster)) ){
   print(get(paste0("wykres",i)), vp=viewport(x=0.75, y = 1-i/length(unique(frame$cluster))+0.25, 
                           width=0.5, height=1/length(unique(frame$cluster))+0.03 ))
   if( !is.null(m) ){
      print(m, vp=viewport( x= 0.25, y = 0.5, width = 0.5, height = 1))

plotPAMobject(pamix, m)
sandersone/twd1 documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:45 p.m.