
Defines functions state_symptoms_testing state_symptoms state

Documented in state state_symptoms state_symptoms_testing

##' Constructor for state class
##' Build a state, which is a collection of
##' patches where each patch has SEIR
##' compartments and patch-specific birth and
##' death rates.
##' @param s_patches Vector of number of
##' susceptibles in each patch,
##' @param e_patches Vector of number of
##' exposed in each patch
##' @param i_patches Vector of number of
##' infected in each patch
##' @param r_patches Vector of number of
##' recovered in each patch
##' @param birth_rates patch-specific birth rates
##' @param death_rates patch-specific death rates
##' @param transmission_rates Vector of patch-specific transmission
##' rate
##' @param infection_rates Vector of patch-specific infection rate
##' @param recovery_rates Vector of patch-specific recovery rate
##' @param movement_rate M rate of movement between
##' patches is defined the rate matrix M where
##' m[i, j] is the rate of movement from i to j
##' conditional on moving out of i per unit time.
##' Must be n X n matrix where is the number of
##' patches i.e, max of lengths of all input
##' vectors s_patches, e_patches, i_patches,
##' r_patches, birth_rates, and death_rates.
##' @return List with class `state`. Each element
##' of `state` is a list of class `patch`.
##' In addition, `state` contains a `movement_rate`
##' which is a non-negative matrix of rates of
##' movement between patches.
##' @seealso [patch()]
##' @export
##' @author Sangeeta Bhatia
state <- function(s_patches,
                  ) {

    args <- list(
        s_patches = s_patches,
        e_patches = e_patches,
        i_patches = i_patches,
        r_patches = r_patches,
        birth_rates = birth_rates,
        death_rates = death_rates,
        transmission_rates = transmission_rates,
        infection_rates = infection_rates,
        recovery_rates = recovery_rates

    nonnumeric <- unlist(
        lapply(args, is.numeric)

    if (! any(nonnumeric)) {
            "when trying to make a state.
             At least one argument must be numeric",
            call. = FALSE

    if (! is.matrix(movement_rate) || any(movement_rate < 0)) {
            "when trying to make a state.
             movement_rate should be a matrix of non-negative rates.",
            call. = FALSE

    n <- unlist(lapply(args, length))
    ## Check if all vectors have the same length
    ## If not, give warning a
    if (max(n) !=  min(n)) {
            "Not all input vectors have the same length.
             Shorter vectors will be recycled."

    n_patches <- max(n)
    args <- lapply(args, rep, length.out = n_patches)

    state <- vector(
        mode = "list", length = 2

    names(state) <- c("patches", "movement_rate")

    state[["patches"]] <- vector(
        mode = "list", length = n_patches

    for (idx in seq_len(n_patches)) {

        patch_args <- lapply(args, '[[', idx)
        state[["patches"]][[idx]] <- patch(
            s_patch = patch_args$s_patches,
            e_patch = patch_args$e_patches,
            i_patch = patch_args$i_patches,
            r_patch = patch_args$r_patches,
            birth_rate = patch_args$birth_rates,
            death_rate = patch_args$death_rates,
            transmission_rate = patch_args$transmission_rate,
            infection_rate = patch_args$infection_rate,
            recovery_rate = patch_args$recovery_rate


    if (
        nrow(movement_rate) != n_patches ||
        ncol(movement_rate) != n_patches
    ) {
            "when trying to make a state.
             movement_rate should be a ", n_patches,
            " X ", n_patches,
           " matrix",
            call. = FALSE

    state[["movement_rate"]] <- movement_rate
    class(state) <- "state"



##' Constructor for state class
##' Build a state, which is a collection of
##' patches where each patch has SEIR
##' compartments, with the addition of asymptomatic,
##' pre-symptomatic and symptomatic compartments,
##' and patch-specific birth and
##' death rates.
##' @param s_patches Vector of number of
##' susceptibles in each patch,
##' @param e_patches Vector of number of
##' exposed in each patch
##' @param i_a_patches Vector of number of
##' asymptomatic infected in each patch
##' @param i_p_patches Vector of number of
##' pre-symptomatic infected in each patch
##' @param i_s_patches Vector of number of
##' symptomatic infected in each patch
##' @param r_patches Vector of number of
##' recovered in each patch
##' @param birth_rates patch-specific birth rates
##' @param death_rates patch-specific death rates
##' @param transmission_rates Vector of patch-specific transmission
##' rate
##' @param asymptomatic_infectiousness Vector of proportions that 
##' give the infectivity of asymptomatic cases relative to
##' symptomatic cases.
##' @param presymptomatic_infectiousness Vector of proportions that 
##' give the infectivity of presymptomatic cases relative to
##' symptomatic cases.
##' @param prop_symptomatic Vector of patch-specific proportion
##' of cases that are symptomatic
##' @param infection_rates Vector of patch-specific infection rate
##' @param symptom_rates Vector of patch-specific rate at which
##' pre-symptomatic infections develop symptoms
##' @param recovery_rates_asym Vector of patch-specific recovery rate
##' for asymptomatic infections
##' @param recovery_rates_sym Vector of patch-specific recovery rate
##' for symptomatic infections
##' @param movement_rate M rate of movement between
##' patches is defined the rate matrix M where
##' m[i, j] is the rate of movement from i to j
##' conditional on moving out of i per unit time.
##' Must be n X n matrix where is the number of
##' patches i.e, max of lengths of all input
##' vectors s_patches, e_patches, i_patches,
##' r_patches, birth_rates, and death_rates.
##' @return List with class `state`. Each element
##' of `state` is a list of class `patch`.
##' In addition, `state` contains a `movement_rate`
##' which is a non-negative matrix of rates of
##' movement between patches.
##' @seealso [patch()]
##' @export
##' @author Jack Wardle
state_symptoms <- function(s_patches,
) {
  args <- list(
    s_patches = s_patches,
    e_patches = e_patches,
    i_a_patches = i_a_patches,
    i_p_patches = i_p_patches,
    i_s_patches = i_s_patches,
    r_patches = r_patches,
    birth_rates = birth_rates,
    death_rates = death_rates,
    transmission_rates = transmission_rates,
    asymptomatic_infectiousness = asymptomatic_infectiousness,
    presymptomatic_infectiousness = presymptomatic_infectiousness,
    prop_symptomatic = prop_symptomatic,
    infection_rates = infection_rates,
    symptom_rates = symptom_rates,
    recovery_rates_asym = recovery_rates_asym,
    recovery_rates_sym = recovery_rates_sym
  nonnumeric <- unlist(
    lapply(args, is.numeric)
  if (! any(nonnumeric)) {
      "when trying to make a state.
             At least one argument must be numeric",
      call. = FALSE
  if (! is.matrix(movement_rate) || any(movement_rate < 0)) {
      "when trying to make a state.
             movement_rate should be a matrix of non-negative rates.",
      call. = FALSE
  n <- unlist(lapply(args, length))
  ## Check if all vectors have the same length
  ## If not, give warning a
  if (max(n) !=  min(n)) {
      "Not all input vectors have the same length.
             Shorter vectors will be recycled."
  n_patches <- max(n)
  args <- lapply(args, rep, length.out = n_patches)
  state <- vector(
    mode = "list", length = 2
  names(state) <- c("patches", "movement_rate")
  state[["patches"]] <- vector(
    mode = "list", length = n_patches
  for (idx in seq_len(n_patches)) {
    patch_args <- lapply(args, '[[', idx)
    state[["patches"]][[idx]] <- patch_symptoms(
      s_patch = patch_args$s_patches,
      e_patch = patch_args$e_patches,
      i_a_patch = patch_args$i_a_patches,
      i_p_patch = patch_args$i_p_patches,
      i_s_patch = patch_args$i_s_patches,
      r_patch = patch_args$r_patches,
      birth_rate = patch_args$birth_rates,
      death_rate = patch_args$death_rates,
      transmission_rate = patch_args$transmission_rates,
      asymptomatic_infectiousness = patch_args$asymptomatic_infectiousness,
      presymptomatic_infectiousness = patch_args$presymptomatic_infectiousness,
      prop_symptomatic = patch_args$prop_symptomatic,
      infection_rate = patch_args$infection_rates,
      symptom_rate = patch_args$symptom_rates,
      recovery_rate_asym = patch_args$recovery_rates_asym,
      recovery_rate_sym = patch_args$recovery_rates_sym
  if (
    nrow(movement_rate) != n_patches ||
    ncol(movement_rate) != n_patches
  ) {
      "when trying to make a state.
             movement_rate should be a ", n_patches,
      " X ", n_patches,
      " matrix",
      call. = FALSE
  state[["movement_rate"]] <- movement_rate
  class(state) <- "state"

##' Constructor for state class
##' Build a state, which is a collection of
##' patches where each patch has SEIR
##' compartments, with the addition of asymptomatic,
##' pre-symptomatic and symptomatic compartments,
##' and patch-specific birth and
##' death rates.
##' @param s_patches Vector of number of
##' susceptibles in each patch,
##' @param e_patches Vector of number of
##' exposed in each patch
##' @param i_a_patches Vector of number of
##' asymptomatic infected in each patch
##' @param i_p_patches Vector of number of
##' pre-symptomatic infected in each patch
##' @param i_s_patches Vector of number of
##' symptomatic infected in each patch
##' @param diag_patches Vector of number of
##' diagnosed (true diagnosis) in each patch
# @param e_diag_patches Vector of number of
# diagnosed exposed in each patch
# @param i_a_diag_patches Vector of number of
# diagnosed asymptomatic infected in each patch
# @param i_p_diag_patches Vector of number of
# diagnosed pre-symptomatic infected in each patch
# @param i_s_diag_patches Vector of number of
# diagnosed symptomatic infected in each patch
##' @param r_patches Vector of number of
##' recovered in each patch
# @param r_diag_patches Vector of number of
# diagnosed recovered in each patch
##' @param s_false_patches Vector of number of 
##' susceptibles in patch with false positive 
##' test result.
##' @param r_false_patches Vector of number of 
##' recovered in patch with false positive 
##' test result.
##' @param birth_rates patch-specific birth rates
##' @param death_rates patch-specific death rates
##' @param transmission_rates Vector of patch-specific transmission
##' rate
##' @param transmission_rates_pilgrims Vector of transmission
##' rate between pilgrims
##' @param transmission_rates_pilgrims_and_atrisk Vector of transmission
##' rate between pilgrims and "at risk" non-pilgrims
##' @param asymptomatic_infectiousness Vector of proportions that 
##' give the infectivity of asymptomatic cases relative to
##' symptomatic cases.
##' @param presymptomatic_infectiousness Vector of proportions that 
##' give the infectivity of presymptomatic cases relative to
##' symptomatic cases.
##' @param prop_symptomatic Vector of patch-specific proportion
##' of cases that are symptomatic
##' @param infection_rates Vector of patch-specific infection rate
##' @param symptom_rates Vector of patch-specific rate at which
##' pre-symptomatic infections develop symptoms
##' @param recovery_rates_asym Vector of patch-specific recovery rate
##' for asymptomatic infections
##' @param recovery_rates_sym Vector of patch-specific recovery rate
##' for symptomatic infections
##' @param testing_rates Vector of patch-specific testing rates
##' @param test_sensitivity Vector of patch-specific test sensitivity
##' @param test_specificity Vector of patch-specific test specificity
##' @param isolation_period Vector of patch-specific mean duration of 
##' isolation following positive test
##' @param movement_rate M rate of movement between
##' patches is defined the rate matrix M where
##' m[i, j] is the rate of movement from i to j
##' conditional on moving out of i per unit time.
##' Must be n X n matrix where is the number of
##' patches i.e, max of lengths of all input
##' vectors s_patches, e_patches, i_patches,
##' r_patches, birth_rates, and death_rates.
##' @return List with class `state`. Each element
##' of `state` is a list of class `patch`.
##' In addition, `state` contains a `movement_rate`
##' which is a non-negative matrix of rates of
##' movement between patches.
##' @seealso [patch()]
##' @export
##' @author Jack Wardle
state_symptoms_testing <- function(s_patches,
                           # e_diag_patches,
                           # i_a_diag_patches,
                           # i_p_diag_patches,
                           # i_s_diag_patches,
                           # r_diag_patches,
) {
  args <- list(
    s_patches = s_patches,
    e_patches = e_patches,
    i_a_patches = i_a_patches,
    i_p_patches = i_p_patches,
    i_s_patches = i_s_patches,
    r_patches = r_patches,
    diag_patches = diag_patches,
    # e_diag_patches = e_diag_patches,
    # i_a_diag_patches = i_a_diag_patches,
    # i_p_diag_patches = i_p_diag_patches,
    # i_s_diag_patches = i_s_diag_patches,
    # r_diag_patches = r_diag_patches,
    s_false_patches = s_false_patches,
    r_false_patches = r_false_patches,
    birth_rates = birth_rates,
    death_rates = death_rates,
    transmission_rates = transmission_rates,
    transmission_rates_pilgrims = transmission_rates_pilgrims,
    transmission_rates_pilgrims_and_atrisk = transmission_rates_pilgrims_and_atrisk,
    asymptomatic_infectiousness = asymptomatic_infectiousness,
    presymptomatic_infectiousness = presymptomatic_infectiousness,
    prop_symptomatic = prop_symptomatic,
    infection_rates = infection_rates,
    symptom_rates = symptom_rates,
    recovery_rates_asym = recovery_rates_asym,
    recovery_rates_sym = recovery_rates_sym,
    testing_rates = testing_rates,
    test_sensitivity = test_sensitivity,
    test_specificity = test_specificity,
    isolation_period = isolation_period
  nonnumeric <- unlist(
    lapply(args, is.numeric)
  if (! any(nonnumeric)) {
      "when trying to make a state.
             At least one argument must be numeric",
      call. = FALSE
  if (! is.matrix(movement_rate) || any(movement_rate < 0)) {
      "when trying to make a state.
             movement_rate should be a matrix of non-negative rates.",
      call. = FALSE
  n <- unlist(lapply(args, length))
  ## Check if all vectors have the same length
  ## If not, give warning a
  if (max(n) !=  min(n)) {
      "Not all input vectors have the same length.
             Shorter vectors will be recycled."
  n_patches <- max(n)
  args <- lapply(args, rep, length.out = n_patches)
  state <- vector(
    mode = "list", length = 2
  names(state) <- c("patches", "movement_rate")
  state[["patches"]] <- vector(
    mode = "list", length = n_patches
  for (idx in seq_len(n_patches)) {
    patch_args <- lapply(args, '[[', idx)
    state[["patches"]][[idx]] <- patch_symptoms_testing(
      s_patch = patch_args$s_patches,
      e_patch = patch_args$e_patches,
      i_a_patch = patch_args$i_a_patches,
      i_p_patch = patch_args$i_p_patches,
      i_s_patch = patch_args$i_s_patches,
      r_patch = patch_args$r_patches,
      diag_patch = patch_args$diag_patches,
      # e_diag_patch = patch_args$e_diag_patches,
      # i_a_diag_patch = patch_args$i_a_diag_patches,
      # i_p_diag_patch = patch_args$i_p_diag_patches,
      # i_s_diag_patch = patch_args$i_s_diag_patches,
      # r_diag_patch = patch_args$r_diag_patches,
      s_false_patch = patch_args$s_false_patches,
      r_false_patch = patch_args$r_false_patches,
      birth_rate = patch_args$birth_rates,
      death_rate = patch_args$death_rates,
      transmission_rate = patch_args$transmission_rates,
      transmission_rate_pilgrims = patch_args$transmission_rates_pilgrims,
      transmission_rate_pilgrims_and_atrisk = patch_args$transmission_rates_pilgrims_and_atrisk,
      asymptomatic_infectiousness = patch_args$asymptomatic_infectiousness,
      presymptomatic_infectiousness = patch_args$presymptomatic_infectiousness,
      prop_symptomatic = patch_args$prop_symptomatic,
      infection_rate = patch_args$infection_rates,
      symptom_rate = patch_args$symptom_rates,
      recovery_rate_asym = patch_args$recovery_rates_asym,
      recovery_rate_sym = patch_args$recovery_rates_sym,
      testing_rate = patch_args$testing_rates,
      test_sensitivity = patch_args$test_sensitivity,
      test_specificity = patch_args$test_specificity,
      isolation_period = patch_args$isolation_period
  if (
    nrow(movement_rate) != n_patches ||
    ncol(movement_rate) != n_patches
  ) {
      "when trying to make a state.
             movement_rate should be a ", n_patches,
      " X ", n_patches,
      " matrix",
      call. = FALSE
  state[["movement_rate"]] <- movement_rate
  class(state) <- "state"

# state_symptoms_testing_copy <- function(s_patches,
#                                    e_patches,
#                                    i_a_patches,
#                                    i_p_patches,
#                                    i_s_patches,
#                                    r_patches,
#                                    e_diag_patches,
#                                    i_a_diag_patches,
#                                    i_p_diag_patches,
#                                    i_s_diag_patches,
#                                    r_diag_patches,
#                                    birth_rates,
#                                    death_rates,
#                                    transmission_rates,
#                                    asymptomatic_infectiousness,
#                                    presymptomatic_infectiousness,
#                                    prop_symptomatic,
#                                    infection_rates,
#                                    symptom_rates,
#                                    recovery_rates_asym,
#                                    recovery_rates_sym,
#                                    testing_rates,
#                                    movement_rate
# ) {
#   args <- list(
#     s_patches = s_patches,
#     e_patches = e_patches,
#     i_a_patches = i_a_patches,
#     i_p_patches = i_p_patches,
#     i_s_patches = i_s_patches,
#     r_patches = r_patches,
#     e_diag_patches = e_diag_patches,
#     i_a_diag_patches = i_a_diag_patches,
#     i_p_diag_patches = i_p_diag_patches,
#     i_s_diag_patches = i_s_diag_patches,
#     r_diag_patches = r_diag_patches,
#     birth_rates = birth_rates,
#     death_rates = death_rates,
#     transmission_rates = transmission_rates,
#     asymptomatic_infectiousness = asymptomatic_infectiousness,
#     presymptomatic_infectiousness = presymptomatic_infectiousness,
#     prop_symptomatic = prop_symptomatic,
#     infection_rates = infection_rates,
#     symptom_rates = symptom_rates,
#     recovery_rates_asym = recovery_rates_asym,
#     recovery_rates_sym = recovery_rates_sym,
#     testing_rates = testing_rates
#   )
#   nonnumeric <- unlist(
#     lapply(args, is.numeric)
#   )
#   if (! any(nonnumeric)) {
#     stop(
#       "when trying to make a state.
#              At least one argument must be numeric",
#       call. = FALSE
#     )
#   }
#   if (! is.matrix(movement_rate) || any(movement_rate < 0)) {
#     stop(
#       "when trying to make a state.
#              movement_rate should be a matrix of non-negative rates.",
#       call. = FALSE
#     )
#   }
#   n <- unlist(lapply(args, length))
#   ## Check if all vectors have the same length
#   ## If not, give warning a
#   if (max(n) !=  min(n)) {
#     warning(
#       "Not all input vectors have the same length.
#              Shorter vectors will be recycled."
#     )
#   }
#   n_patches <- max(n)
#   args <- lapply(args, rep, length.out = n_patches)
#   state <- vector(
#     mode = "list", length = 2
#   )
#   names(state) <- c("patches", "movement_rate")
#   state[["patches"]] <- vector(
#     mode = "list", length = n_patches
#   )
#   for (idx in seq_len(n_patches)) {
#     patch_args <- lapply(args, '[[', idx)
#     state[["patches"]][[idx]] <- patch_symptoms_testing(
#       s_patch = patch_args$s_patches,
#       e_patch = patch_args$e_patches,
#       i_a_patch = patch_args$i_a_patches,
#       i_p_patch = patch_args$i_p_patches,
#       i_s_patch = patch_args$i_s_patches,
#       r_patch = patch_args$r_patches,
#       e_diag_patch = patch_args$e_diag_patches,
#       i_a_diag_patch = patch_args$i_a_diag_patches,
#       i_p_diag_patch = patch_args$i_p_diag_patches,
#       i_s_diag_patch = patch_args$i_s_diag_patches,
#       r_diag_patch = patch_args$r_diag_patches,
#       birth_rate = patch_args$birth_rates,
#       death_rate = patch_args$death_rates,
#       transmission_rate = patch_args$transmission_rates,
#       asymptomatic_infectiousness = patch_args$asymptomatic_infectiousness,
#       presymptomatic_infectiousness = patch_args$presymptomatic_infectiousness,
#       prop_symptomatic = patch_args$prop_symptomatic,
#       infection_rate = patch_args$infection_rates,
#       symptom_rate = patch_args$symptom_rates,
#       recovery_rate_asym = patch_args$recovery_rates_asym,
#       recovery_rate_sym = patch_args$recovery_rates_sym,
#       testing_rate = patch_args$testing_rates
#     )
#   }
#   if (
#     nrow(movement_rate) != n_patches ||
#     ncol(movement_rate) != n_patches
#   ) {
#     stop(
#       "when trying to make a state.
#              movement_rate should be a ", n_patches,
#       " X ", n_patches,
#       " matrix",
#       call. = FALSE
#     )
#   }
#   state[["movement_rate"]] <- movement_rate
#   class(state) <- "state"
#   state
# }
sangeetabhatia03/multipatchr documentation built on Aug. 13, 2024, 4:05 p.m.