
Defines functions randomWalk_sparse

Documented in randomWalk_sparse

#' @title randomWalk_sparse
#' @description Calculate the network propagation score using a set of
#' seed cells and cell-to-cell graph.
#' @param intM a sparse matrix indicating the adjacent matrix
#' (m x m, where m is the cell number) of cell-to-cell network (M-kNN graph).
#' @param queryCells a logical vector indicating seed cells (TRUE)
#' and non-seed cells (FALSE) with length of m, where m is the cell number.
#'  The length and position are corresponding to intM.
#' @param gamma a numeric value indicating the probability of node
#'  restart at each step of random walk.
#' @param seedWeight a numeric vector indicating the weight assigned
#' to each node. "NO" (by default) means
#' considering weights are equal (no weight).
#' @param stationary_cutoff Delta used for determine the stationary state
#'  between any two adjacent iterations.
#' @returns a numeric vector of network propagation score with length of m,
#'  where m is the cell number.
#' @export
#' @import Matrix
#' @examples
#' mutualknn30 <- example_results$mutualknn30
#' seed_idx <- example_results$seed_idx
#' np_score <- randomWalk_sparse(intM = mutualknn30,
#'                               queryCells = rownames(mutualknn30)[seed_idx])
randomWalk_sparse <- function(intM,
                              stationary_cutoff=1e-5) {
       if(sum(!queryCells %in% row.names(intM))>0) {
           stop("queryCells contains genes not found in intMat")
  Ng <- nrow(intM) # Ng is the dimension of intM

  intM <- t(t(intM) / colSums(intM))

  p0 <- numeric(length=Ng)
  names(p0) <- row.names(intM)

  # normalize the node score (sum as 1)
  p0[queryCells] <- 1
    p0 <- seedWeight
    message("Will use weight for the seed")
  p0 <- p0/sum(p0) # revise here if you want value the weight for each node

  rwr <- function(W, P0, gamma) {
    W <- t(W)
    PT <- P0
    k <- 0 # iteration steps
    delta <- 1 # initial the delta
    while  (delta > stationary_cutoff) {
      PT1 <- (1-gamma)*W
      PT2 <- PT1 %*% t(PT)
      PT3 <- (gamma*P0)
      PT4 <- t(PT2) + PT3
      delta <- sum(abs(PT4 - PT))
      PT <- PT4
      k <- k + 1

    message("Stationary step: ", k)
    message("Stationary Delta: ", delta)
    return(drop(PT)) # drop the dgeMatrix format and return a numeric vector
  res <- rwr(W=t(intM), P0=t(p0), gamma)
sankaranlab/SCAVENGE documentation built on March 2, 2023, 2:17 a.m.