Man pages for sanofi-pi/prifti
Generates QC plots, performs ambient RNA removal, and enhanced differential from single cell RNA sequencing data

array_splitSplit large data into smaller chunks
BatchProblemPlotInspect the shannon entropy of edges
CellBarPlotCells counts plot
CoverageBoxPlotPlot a boxplot for genes detected
DecontaminateMain function
DepthBoxPlotPlot a boxplot for sequencing depth
DepthPlotPlot genes detected vs. nUMI
DepthPlotComparisonCompare results before and after
FilterBackgroundMatrixFilter background matrix
FilterBarcodesFilter barcodes
FilterMitoFilter by Mito Fraction
GeneBoxPlotPlot a boxplot for a single gene
GenerateLblsCells counts plot
GenerateSeuratObjectConvert a list of count matrices to a Seurat object
GetBackgroundGet background distribution
GetBackgroundFromMatrixGet background distribution
GetBackgroundMatrixGet background matrix
GetCutoffsGet suggested filter values
GetGeneFromNetworkLoad gene from network h5 file
GetMitoGet Mito Fraction
HClustBackgroundMatrixHierarchical cluster the background matrix
InspectBackgroundInspect background distribution
InspectBackgroundGenesInspect background genes in background matrix
InspectBackgroundMatrixInspect background matrix
JackDJackknife Differential Expression Analysis
LoadTxtLoad count matrix from a txt (or txt.gz) file
LoadTxtFolderLoad count matrix from a txt (or txt.gz) file
MitoBoxPlotPlot a boxplot for the fraction of mitochondrial rna
QCPlotsPlot total genes and total counts histograms
Read10Xh5Load 10X count matrix from an h5 file
Read10Xh5FolderLoad 10X count matrix from an h5 file in each sub-folder
ReadCelseqLoad count matrix from a tsv (or tsv.gz) file
ReadDeconth5Load decont count matrix from an h5 file
ReadDeconth5FolderLoad decont count matrix from an h5 file in each sub-folder
ReadIndropLoad Indrop count matrix from "matrix.txt" file
ReadIndropFolderLoad folder of Indrop count matrices from "matrix.txt" file
RegressMitoRegress MT percentage
SaveCountsToH5Write results to a folder
SaveNetworkH5Save network h5 files
sanofi-pi/prifti documentation built on Oct. 12, 2020, 8:06 p.m.