
Defines functions tobitResidualsNO tobitResidualsLNO tobitResidualsBS tobitResidualsEnvelopeBS envelopet CoxSnell_BSmixture tobitResidualsEnvelopeBSBernoulli

Documented in CoxSnell_BSmixture envelopet tobitResidualsBS tobitResidualsEnvelopeBS tobitResidualsEnvelopeBSBernoulli tobitResidualsLNO tobitResidualsNO

#' Envelope - tobit normal
#' @description This function calculates overall and pointwise confidence envelopes for a curve based on bootstrap replicates of the curve evaluated at a number of fixed points.
#' @usage tobitResidualsNO(model,nboot = 19,alpha=0.01,tau=0.1,intercept = "TRUE")
#' @param model an object of class formula.
#' @param nboot number of bootrstrap replicates.
#' @param alpha Confidence level for the interval.
#' @param tau Is a prefixed limiting values. Default for ZERO.
#' @param intercept logical. Should an intercept be included in the null model?

tobitResidualsNO <- function(model,nboot = 19,alpha=0.01,tau=0.1,intercept = "TRUE")

  n  <- summary(model)$n[1]
  y  <- as.numeric(model$y)[1:n]
  c <-  (1*(y>tau))
  muhat <- model$linear.predictors
  sigmahat <- model$scale
  deltahat <-(y-muhat)/sigmahat
  X <- model.matrix(model)
  var.explic <- X[,-1]

  S <- 1-pnorm(deltahat)
  rM <- c+log(S)

  rCS     <- -log(S)

  alpha1 <- ceiling(nboot*alpha)
  alpha2 <- ceiling(nboot*(1-alpha))
  e <- matrix(0,n,nboot)

  for(i in 1:nboot){

    ygerado  <- sigmahat*rnorm(n,0,1) + muhat
    n1  <- summary(model)$n[2] #n?mero de obs. cens.
    pc       <- n1/n  #propor??o de obs. cens.
    tau1      <- sort(ygerado)[pc*n]
    yestrela <- ifelse(ygerado>tau1,ygerado,tau)
    status   <- (1*(ygerado>tau1))

    if(intercept == "FALSE"){form <- yestrela ~ var.explic - 1} else{form <- yestrela ~ var.explic}

    model1 <- AER::tobit(form,left = tau)
    muhat1 <- model1$linear.predictors
    sigmahat1 <- model1$scale
    deltahat1 <- (yestrela - muhat1)/sigmahat1
    S1 <-1- pnorm(deltahat1)
    rCS1<- -log(S1) # Res?duo componente do desvio Martingal

    e[,i]    <- sort(rCS1)
  e1<- numeric(n)
  e2<- numeric(n)

  for(j in 1:n){

    eo    <- sort(e[j,])
    e1[j] <- eo[alpha1]
    e2[j] <- eo[alpha2]

  a  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e1,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  a1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e1,plot.it=FALSE)$y
  b  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e2,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  b1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e2,plot.it=FALSE)$y
  r  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),rCS,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  r1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),rCS,plot.it=FALSE)$y

  xx <- c(a,rev(b))
  yy <- c(a1,rev(b1))
  med   <- apply(e,1,mean)
  faixa <- range(rCS,e1,e2,med)
  plot(r,r1,type = "n", ylim=faixa,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),rCS,main="", ylim=faixa, ylab="Empirical Quantile",xlab="Theoretical Quantile", cex=0.7, pch=3)
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e1,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=1, xlab="", ylab="",col="gray")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e2,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=1, xlab="", ylab="",col="gray")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),med,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=2, xlab="", ylab="",col="black")

#' Envelope - tobit log normal
#' @description This function calculates overall and pointwise confidence envelopes for a curve based on bootstrap replicates of the curve evaluated at a number of fixed points.
#' @usage tobitResidualsLNO(model,nboot = 19,alpha=0.01,tau=0.1,intercept = "TRUE")
#' @param model an object of class formula.
#' @param nboot number of bootrstrap replicates.
#' @param alpha Confidence level for the interval.
#' @param tau Is a prefixed limiting values. Default for ZERO.
#' @param intercept logical. Should an intercept be included in the null model?

tobitResidualsLNO <- function(model,nboot = 19,alpha=0.01,tau=0.1,intercept = "TRUE")

  n  <- summary(model)$n[1]
  y  <- as.numeric(model$y)[1:n]
  c <-  (1*(y>tau))
  muhat <- model$linear.predictors
  sigmahat <- model$scale
  X <- model.matrix(model)
  var.explic <- X[,-1]

  S <- 1-plnorm(y,muhat,sigmahat)
  rM <- c+log(S)

  rCS     <- -log(S)

  alpha1 <- ceiling(nboot*alpha)
  alpha2 <- ceiling(nboot*(1-alpha))
  e <- matrix(0,n,nboot)

  for(i in 1:nboot){

    ygerado  <- exp(sigmahat*rnorm(n,0,1) + muhat)
    n1  <- summary(model)$n[2] #n?mero de obs. cens.
    pc       <- n1/n  #propor??o de obs. cens.
    tau1      <- sort(ygerado)[pc*n]
    yestrela <- ifelse(ygerado>tau1,ygerado,tau)
    status   <- (1*(ygerado>tau1))

    if(intercept == "FALSE"){form <- yestrela ~ var.explic - 1} else{form <- yestrela ~ var.explic}

    model1 <- AER::tobit(form,left = tau,dist="loggaussian")
    muhat1 <- model1$linear.predictors
    sigmahat1 <- model1$scale
    #deltahat1 <- (yestrela - muhat1)/sigmahat1
    S1 <- 1 - plnorm(yestrela,muhat1,sigmahat1)
    rCS1<- -log(S1) # Res?duo componente do desvio Martingal

    e[,i]    <- sort(rCS1)
  e1<- numeric(n)
  e2<- numeric(n)

  for(j in 1:n){

    eo    <- sort(e[j,])
    e1[j] <- eo[alpha1]
    e2[j] <- eo[alpha2]

  a  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e1,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  a1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e1,plot.it=FALSE)$y
  b  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e2,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  b1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e2,plot.it=FALSE)$y
  r  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),rCS,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  r1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),rCS,plot.it=FALSE)$y

  xx <- c(a,rev(b))
  yy <- c(a1,rev(b1))
  med   <- apply(e,1,mean)
  faixa <- range(rCS,e1,e2,med)
  plot(r,r1,type = "n", ylim=faixa,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),rCS,main="", ylim=faixa, ylab="Empirical Quantile",xlab="Theoretical Quantile", cex=0.7, pch=3)
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e1,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=1, xlab="", ylab="",col="gray")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e2,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=1, xlab="", ylab="",col="gray")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),med,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=2, xlab="", ylab="",col="black")

#' Residuals - tobit bs
#' @description tobitResidualsBS is a function which extracts model residuals from tobit-bs.
#' @usage tobitResidualsBS(y,alphahat,muhat,status)
#' @param y response variable.
#' @param alphahat estimative of the shape parameter.
#' @param muhat fitted values.
#' @param status The status indicator, normally 0=alive, 1=dead.

tobitResidualsBS <- function(y,alphahat,muhat,status){

  sfBS    <- 1-pnorm((2/alphahat)*sinh((y-muhat)/2))
  rCS     <- -log(sfBS)

  result  <- list( rCS = rCS)

#' Envelope - tobit Birnbaum-Saunders
#' @description This function calculates overall and pointwise confidence envelopes for a curve based on bootstrap replicates of the curve evaluated at a number of fixed points.
#' @usage tobitResidualsEnvelopeBS(X,y,muhat,alphahat,n,k,status,nboot = 19,alpha=0.05)
#' @param y response variable.
#' @param X model matrix.
#' @param alphahat estimative of the shape parameter.
#' @param muhat fitted values.
#' @param model an object of class formula.
#' @param nboot number of bootrstrap replicates.
#' @param k number.
#' @param n sample size.
#' @param status The status indicator, normally 0=alive, 1=dead.
#' @param alpha Probability level for the interval.

tobitResidualsEnvelopeBS <- function(X,y,muhat,alphahat,n,k,status,nboot = 19,alpha=0.05)
  rcs1         <- tobitResidualsBS(y=y,alphahat=alphahat,muhat=muhat,status=status)$rCS
  alpha1       <- ceiling(nboot*alpha)
  alpha2       <- ceiling(nboot*(1-alpha))
  e            <- matrix(0,n,nboot)

  for(i in 1:nboot){
    ygerado     <-  muhat + 2*asinh((alphahat*rnorm(n))/2)
    n2          <-  initialValuesBS(X=X,y=y,status=status)$n2
    pc          <-  n2/n  #proporcao de obs. cens.
    tauenv      <-  sort(ygerado)[pc*n]
    yestrela    <-  ifelse(ygerado>tauenv,ygerado,0)
    statusenv   <-  (1*(ygerado>tauenv))
    psiStarenv  <-  initialValuesBS(X=X,y=yestrela,status=statusenv)$psiStar
    kenv        <-  initialValuesBS(X=X,y=yestrela,status=statusenv)$k
    model1      <-  tobitbs(X=X,y=yestrela,tau=tauenv,k=kenv,initialpoint=psiStarenv,status=statusenv,hessian="TRUE",method="BFGS",logtau="TRUE")
    muhat1      <- as.vector(X %*% model1$coef)
    alphahat1   <- model1$alphahat
    rCS11       <- tobitResidualsBS(y=yestrela,alphahat=alphahat1,muhat=muhat1,status=statusenv)$rCS
    e[,i]       <- sort(rCS11)

  e1<- numeric(n)
  e2<- numeric(n)

  for(j in 1:n){

    eo    <- sort(e[j,])
    e1[j] <- eo[alpha1]
    e2[j] <- eo[alpha2]

  a  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e1,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  a1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e1,plot.it=FALSE)$y
  b  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e2,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  b1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e2,plot.it=FALSE)$y
  r  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),rcs1,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  r1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),rcs1,plot.it=FALSE)$y

  xx <- c(a,rev(b))
  yy <- c(a1,rev(b1))
  med   <- apply(e,1,mean)
  faixa <- range(rcs1,e1,e2,med)
  plot(r,r1,type = "n", ylim=faixa,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),rcs1,main="", ylim=faixa, ylab="Empirical Quantile",xlab="Theoretical Quantile", cex=0.7, pch=3)
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e1,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=1, xlab="", ylab="",col="gray")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e2,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=1, xlab="", ylab="",col="gray")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),med,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=2, xlab="", ylab="",col="black")

#' Envelope - tobit t
#' @description This function calculates overall and pointwise confidence envelopes for a curve based on bootstrap replicates of the curve evaluated at a number of fixed points.
#' @usage envelopet(model,nboot = 19,alpha=0.01,tau=0.1,intercept = "TRUE")
#' @param model an object of class formula.
#' @param nboot number of bootrstrap replicates.
#' @param alpha Confidence level for the interval.
#' @param tau Is a prefixed limiting values. Default for ZERO.
#' @param intercept logical. Should an intercept be included in the null model?

envelopet <- function(model,nboot = 19,alpha=0.01,tau=0.1,intercept = "TRUE")
  n <- summary(model)$n[1]
  y <- as.numeric(model$y)[1:n]
  nu <- model$parms
  muhat <- model$linear.predictors
  sigmahat <- model$scale
  deltahat <- (y - muhat)/sigmahat
  X <- model.matrix(model)
  var.explic <- X[, -1]
  nu <- model$parms
  S <- 1 - pt(deltahat, nu)
  rCS <- -log(S)

  alpha1 <- ceiling(nboot*alpha)
  alpha2 <- ceiling(nboot*(1-alpha))
  e <- matrix(0,n,nboot)

  for(i in 1:nboot){

    ygerado <- sigmahat * rt(n, nu) + muhat
    n1  <- summary(model)$n[2] #n?mero de obs. cens.
    pc       <- n1/n  #propor??o de obs. cens.
    tau1      <- sort(ygerado)[pc*n]
    yestrela <- ifelse(ygerado>tau1,ygerado,tau)
    status   <- (1*(ygerado>tau1))

    if(intercept == "FALSE"){form <- yestrela ~ var.explic - 1} else{form <- yestrela ~ var.explic}

    model1 <- AER::tobit(form,dist="t",left=tau)
    muhat1 <- model1$linear.predictors
    sigmahat1 <- model1$scale
    deltahat1 <- (yestrela - muhat1)/sigmahat1
    nu1 <- model$parms
    S1 <- 1 - pt(deltahat1, nu1)
    rCS1<- -log(S1) # Res?duo componente do desvio Martingal

    e[,i]    <- sort(rCS1)
  e1<- numeric(n)
  e2<- numeric(n)

  for(j in 1:n){

    eo    <- sort(e[j,])
    e1[j] <- eo[alpha1]
    e2[j] <- eo[alpha2]

  a  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(n)),e1,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  a1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(n)),e1,plot.it=FALSE)$y
  b  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(n)),e2,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  b1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(n)),e2,plot.it=FALSE)$y
  r  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(n)),rCS,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  r1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(n)),rCS,plot.it=FALSE)$y

  xx <- c(a,rev(b))
  yy <- c(a1,rev(b1))
  med   <- apply(e,1,mean)
  faixa <- range(rCS,e1,e2,med)
  plot(r,r1,type = "n", ylim=faixa,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(n)),rCS,main="", ylim=faixa, ylab="Empirical Quantile",xlab="Theoretical Quantile", cex=0.7, pch=3)
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(n)),e1,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=1, xlab="", ylab="",col="gray")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(n)),e2,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=1, xlab="", ylab="",col="gray")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(n)),med,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=2, xlab="", ylab="",col="black")

#' Residuals - mixture Bernoulli/Birnbaum-Saunders
#' @description CoxSnell_BSmixture  is a function which extracts model residuals from Bernoulli/Birnbaum-Saunders model.
#' @usage CoxSnell_BSmixture(x,X1,X2,theta,status,tau)
#' @param x response variable.
#' @param X1  model matrix.
#' @param X2  model matrix.
#' @param theta estimative of the parameters.
#' @param tau Is a prefixed limiting values. Default for ZERO.
#' @param status The status indicator, normally 0=alive, 1=dead.

CoxSnell_BSmixture <- function(x,X1,X2,theta,status,tau){

  k1 <- ncol(X1)
  k2 <- ncol(X2)

  theta1     <- theta[1:k1]
  theta2     <- theta[(k1+1):(k1+k2)]
  theta3     <- theta[((k1+k2)+1)]

    mu1        <- as.vector(X1 %*% theta1)
    mu2        <- as.vector(X2 %*% theta2)

  zeta1     <- (2 / theta3) * sinh((x - mu1) / 2)
  zeta1c    <- (2 / theta3) * sinh((log(tau) - mu1) / 2)
  pihat      <- 1 - (exp(mu2)/(1+exp(mu2)))

 CDF <- (pihat + (1 - pihat)*pnorm(zeta1c))*(1-status) +
        (pihat + (1 - pihat)*pnorm(zeta1c) +  (1 - pihat)* (pnorm(zeta1) - pnorm(zeta1c)))*status

 SF <- 1 - CDF


#' Envelope - mixture Bernoulli/Birnbaum-Saunders
#' @description This function calculates overall and pointwise confidence envelopes for a curve based on bootstrap replicates of the curve evaluated at a number of fixed points.
#' @usage tobitResidualsEnvelopeBSBernoulli(y,X1,X2,theta,status,tau,nboot = 19,alpha=0.05)
#' @param y response variable.
#' @param X1  model matrix.
#' @param X2  model matrix.
#' @param theta estimative of the parameters.
#' @param nboot number of bootrstrap replicates.
#' @param status The status indicator, normally 0=alive, 1=dead.
#' @param tau Is a prefixed limiting values. Default for ZERO.
#' @param alpha Confidence level for the interval.

tobitResidualsEnvelopeBSBernoulli <- function(y,X1,X2,theta,status,tau,nboot = 19,alpha=0.05)
  n   <- length(y)
  rcs1         <- CoxSnell_BSmixture(x=y,X1=X1,X2=X2,theta=theta,status=status,tau=tau)
  alpha1       <- ceiling(nboot*alpha)
  alpha2       <- ceiling(nboot*(1-alpha))
  e            <- matrix(0,n,nboot)

  k1 <- ncol(X1)
  k2 <- ncol(X2)

  theta1     <- theta[1:k1]
  theta2     <- theta[(k1+1):(k1+k2)]
  theta3     <- theta[((k1+k2)+1)]

  mu1        <- as.vector(X1 %*% theta1)
  mu2        <- as.vector(X2 %*% theta2)
  pi         <- exp(mu2)/(1+exp(mu2))

  All <- cbind(y,X1,X2,status)

  for(i in 1:nboot){
     js <- sample(1:n, n,  replace = TRUE)

     Allger <- All[js,]
    #yger     <-  mu1 + 2*asinh((theta3*rnorm(n))/2)
    #ygerap   <- numeric()
    #for(j in 1:n)
    #ygerap[j]        <- sample(c(log(tau),yger[j]),size=1,replace=TRUE,prob=c((1-pi)[j],pi[j]))
    #ygerado  <- ygerap
    #status   <- ifelse(ygerado==log(tau),1,0)
    psiStar    <- c(-0.910,  0.188,  0.074,  0.121, 0.650, 0.683,0.320,-0.274,1.165)
    est1      <-  Lbs(X1=Allger[,2:5],X2=Allger[,6:9],y=Allger[,1],status=Allger[,10],initialpoint = psiStar,tau=0.1,method="BFGS")

    coef1     <- est1$coef1
    coef2     <- est1$coef2
    alphahat  <- est1$alphahat
    thetahat = c(coef1,coef2,alphahat)

    rCS11       <-  CoxSnell_BSmixture(x=Allger[,1],X1=Allger[,2:5],X2=Allger[,6:9],theta=thetahat,status=Allger[,10],tau=tau)
    e[,i]       <- sort(rCS11)

  e1<- numeric(n)
  e2<- numeric(n)

  for(j in 1:n){

    eo    <- sort(e[j,])
    e1[j] <- eo[alpha1]
    e2[j] <- eo[alpha2]

  a  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e1,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  a1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e1,plot.it=FALSE)$y
  b  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e2,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  b1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e2,plot.it=FALSE)$y
  r  <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),rcs1,plot.it=FALSE)$x
  r1 <-  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),rcs1,plot.it=FALSE)$y

  xx <- c(a,rev(b))
  yy <- c(a1,rev(b1))
  med   <- apply(e,1,mean)
  faixa <- range(rcs1,e1,e2,med)
  plot(r,r1,type = "n", ylim=faixa,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),rcs1,main="", ylim=faixa, ylab="Empirical Quantile",xlab="Theoretical Quantile", cex=0.7, pch=3)
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e1,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=1, xlab="", ylab="",col="gray")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),e2,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=1, xlab="", ylab="",col="gray")
  qqplot(qexp(ppoints(500)),med,axes=F,type="l",main="",ylim=faixa,lty=2, xlab="", ylab="",col="black")
santosneto/mixbsreg documentation built on March 31, 2020, 8:59 p.m.