
Data flow starts the moment a contributor send her/his data to the system. This vignette documents the data journey through SAPFLUXNET Quality Control Process to the final stored data.

Folder tree

SAPFLUXNET folder tree is designed to allow an easy flow between different quality control (QC) levels and easily acces to any intermediate data generated. Figure 1 summarises the project folder tree:

Fig. 1

SAPFLUXNET QC Process outline

The main steps involved in the QC Process are summarised in the Figure 2

Fig. 2

These steps can be automatic (those performed by calling sapfluxnetQC1 functions) or manual (manual intervention or decision making processes).

Received to accepted

Each dataset submitted by the contributors is stored in the received_data folder. When the QC Process starts, a copy of the data is saved in the Data/SITE_CODE/Accepted folder and a report with the files copied is generated to monitor all data flow.

QC Process LEVEL 1

Data in the Accepted folder is ready to be submitted to the Level 1 quality checks. This level is divided in metadata checks and data checks.

Metadata checks

Metadata provided by the contributors is checked for:

  1. Metadata variables: All metadata variables are checked for presence and expected class (numeric, character, logical...).

  2. Character variables values: All metadata character variables are checked against the possible values (factor levels) for that variable, raising a warning if some value is out of the expected.

  3. E-mail check: E-mail provided by contributors is checked for validity

  4. Coordinates and biome: Site coordinates are checked for correctness (are they inside the specified country?) and fixed if needed and possible. MAT and MAP values are obtained for that coordinates and the biome is calculated from that values.

  5. Soil texture: Percentages of soil textures are used to calculate the USDA classification category if possible.

  6. Species names: Species names in plant and species metadata are checked for spelling errors and the concordance between both metadata is also checked.

  7. Plant treatments: Check for uniformity in the treatment declared by plant.

  8. Environmental variables presence: Check for concordance between the declared variables in the environmental metadata and the environmental data.

Data checks

Data provided by the contributors is checked for:

  1. Timestamp correctness: Format, NA presence (there is data, but there is no timestamp), concordance and continuity are checked.

  2. Gap presence: Data gaps (There is TIMESTAMP but there is no data) are summarised and visualized.

  3. Soil water content checks: Check for percentage swc values and transform them to cm^3^/cm^3^

Fig. 3

Report QC1

Objects produced in the QC1 step are used to generate an automatic report. This report is used to decide if the dataset can be passed to LEVEL 2 or if manual changes and/or contributor feedback are needed.
If everything is ok, data is stored in the Data/SITE_CODE/Lvl_1 folder and status file is updated.

Manual changes and contributor feedback

If problems are found for the dataset and they can be solved without contributor intervention, a manual changes log file is created for the dataset and all the changes are documented. If contributor feedback is needed, the report is sent to the contributor with the problems found asking for solution. Contributor re-submission starts the process from the beginning.
All datasets manually changed are previously copied to the discarded_data folder in order to store the original submission.

Data ready to LEVEL 2

Data does not load automatically to Level 2 QC, a decision making process is needed to indicate which datasets are ready to Level 2. Figure 3 shows the shiny app developed to perform this:

Fig. 3

QC Process LEVEL 2

The Level 2 QC is comprised by two main steps:

  1. Outliers and out of range checks
  2. Unit transformations and variables calculation

Outliers and out of range values

When a site is ready to Level 2, data is checked for possible outliers and values out of range and they are flagged. Data is then copied to the Data/SITE_CODE/Lvl_2/out_warn folder waiting for the manual inspection of these data flaws. Outliers detection is not perfect, and ranges for the data (sapflow and environmental) depends on the units provided and site location, so a manual process is needed to select those points to substitute or remove (Figure 4).

Fig. 4

Outliers selected in the manual process are substituted by values calculated using the Hampel filter. Data substituted that way is flagged as OUT_REMOVE.
Out of range values are removed and converted to NA. Data removed that way is flagged as RANGE_REMOVED.
Date ranges can be selected to remove them manually, as data can contains flaws not being outliers or out of range values. Data removed that way is flagged as MANUAL_REMOVED.

This step generates a report (LVL2_out_report) with the info about the values substituted/removed and the data is finally trasnferred to the Data/SITE_CODE/Lvl_2/out_rem folder. Also in this step the status file is updated again to reflect the new status.

Outliers check

After the substitution/remove of the problematic data a manual process is needed to check if everything is ok, as showed in the Figure 5:

Fig. 5

Unit transformations

If everything was ok in the outliers step, sapflow data is then transformed to all available units (plant, sapwood and leaf level).
In the same process, environmental variables not provided by the contributors can be calculated:

  1. ppfd_in or sw_in from sw_in or ppfd_in respectively.
  2. vpd from ta and rh.
  3. rh from vpd and ta.
  4. ext_rad and solarTIMESTAMP from site location (latitude, longitude)

All variables calculated this way present the CALCULATED flag.

Final data storage

After the units transformation step, data is finally stored in the Data/SITE_CODE/Lvl_2/unit_trans folder, which can contain several folders:

  1. plant if the plant level units are available
  2. sapwood if the sapwood level units are available
  3. leaf if the leaf level units are available

Figure 6 summarises all the QC2 process:

Fig. 6

sapfluxnet/sapfluxnetQC1 documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:50 p.m.