#' Searches in the List of Species of the Brazilian Flora 2020 database
#' Returns species scientific name lists from phytogeographic domain,
#' state, life form and/or endemism status from the List of Species of the Brazilian Flora
#' 2020 database
#' @param domain a domain in Mata Atlântica, Cerrado, Pantanal, Pampa, Amazônia
#' @param stateProvince Two-letter code for Brazilian states (e.g. "MA")
#' @param endemism logical, return species that are endemic or not from Brazil
#' Defaults to NULL to return all species
#' @param life_form character, search species with the following life forms
#' @param habitat character, search species in the habitat options according to the FB2020
#' @param vegetation_type character, filter by vegetation type according to the FB2020
#' @param ... `update_flora()` parameters: `update_force = TRUE` deletes the file on cache,
#' `manual = TRUE` indicates the update will be manual, from a file hosted at `zip_path`
#' @return a data frame with taxon IDs, scientific name and binomial name
#' without authors
#' @importFrom finch dwca_read dwca_cache
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect regex
#' @importFrom utils globalVariables
#' @importFrom textclean replace_non_ascii
#' @export
#' @author Andrea Sánchez-Tapia & Sara Mortara
#' @examples
#' # All endemic species from the caatinga in Pernambuco
#' \dontrun{
#' search_flora(domain = "Caatinga",
#' state = "PE",
#' endemism = TRUE)
search_flora <- function(domain = NULL,
stateProvince = NULL,
life_form = NULL,
habitat = NULL,
vegetation_type = NULL,
endemism = NULL,
...) {
ipt_flora <- update_flora(...)
if (!is.null(domain)) {
domain <- tolower(textclean::replace_non_ascii(domain))
#if (domain %in% biomas) {
distribution <- ipt_flora$data$distribution.txt
regex_domain <- paste(domain, collapse = "|")
temp_df <- distribution[
stringr::str_detect(string = tolower(textclean::replace_non_ascii(distribution$occurrenceRemarks)),
pattern = stringr::regex(regex_domain)),]
id_d <- unique(temp_df$id)
if (!is.null(stateProvince)) {
if (!exists("distribution"))
distribution <- ipt_flora$data$distribution.txt
states_regex <- paste(tolower(textclean::replace_non_ascii(stateProvince)), collapse = "|")
temp_df <- distribution[
stringr::str_detect(string = tolower(textclean::replace_non_ascii(distribution$locationID)),
pattern = stringr::regex(states_regex)), ]
id_e <- unique(temp_df$id)
if (!is.null(endemism)) {
if (!exists("distribution"))
distribution <- ipt_flora$data$distribution.txt
endemism_regex <- ifelse(endemism == TRUE, "Endemica", "N\u00e3o endemica")
temp_df <- distribution[
stringr::str_detect(string = distribution$occurrenceRemarks,
pattern = stringr::regex(endemism_regex)), ]
id_end <- unique(temp_df$id)
# lifeform and habitat----
if (!is.null(life_form) | !is.null(habitat) | !is.null(vegetation_type)) {
#if (any(life_form %in% forma_de_vida == FALSE))
# stop("one or more life forms not recognized")
#ast ia filtrar assim mas fica fixo demais, melhor a pessoa fazer um filtro que não dê em nada sem forçar um erro.
if (!exists("speciesprofile"))
speciesprofile <- ipt_flora$data$speciesprofile.txt
if (!is.null(life_form)) {
lf_regex <- paste(tolower(textclean::replace_non_ascii(life_form)), collapse = "|")
temp_df <- speciesprofile[
stringr::str_detect(string = tolower(textclean::replace_non_ascii(speciesprofile$lifeForm)),
pattern = stringr::regex(lf_regex)), ]
id_lf <- unique(temp_df$id)
if (!is.null(habitat)) {
hab_regex <- paste(tolower(textclean::replace_non_ascii(habitat)), collapse = "|")
temp_df <- speciesprofile[
stringr::str_detect(string = tolower(textclean::replace_non_ascii(speciesprofile$lifeForm)),
pattern = stringr::regex(hab_regex)), ]
id_hab <- unique(temp_df$id)
if (!is.null(vegetation_type)) {
veg_regex <- paste(tolower(textclean::replace_non_ascii(vegetation_type)), collapse = "|")
temp_df <- speciesprofile[
stringr::str_detect(string = tolower(textclean::replace_non_ascii(speciesprofile$lifeForm)),
pattern = stringr::regex(veg_regex)), ]
id_veg <- unique(temp_df$id)
## intersects ids
#Bioma e estado ou só bioma ou só estado
# if subsetting both by state and domain
if (!is.null(domain)) ids <- id_d # só bioma
if (!is.null(stateProvince)) ids <- id_e # só estado
if (!is.null(domain) & !is.null(stateProvince)) { # ambas: intersecao
ids <- intersect(id_d, id_e)
if (!is.null(endemism)) {
if (!exists("ids")) ids <- id_end
ids <- intersect(ids, id_end)
if (!is.null(life_form)) {
if (!exists("ids")) ids <- id_lf
ids <- intersect(ids, id_lf)
if (!is.null(habitat)) {
if (!exists("ids")) ids <- id_hab
ids <- intersect(ids, id_hab)
if (!is.null(vegetation_type)) {
if (!exists("ids")) ids <- id_veg
ids <- intersect(ids, id_veg)
#regex_ids <- paste(ids, collapse = "|")
# get names----
taxon <- ipt_flora$data$taxon.txt
taxon <- subset(taxon, taxon$taxonRank %in% c("ESPECIE",
taxon_df <-
taxon[taxon$id %in% ids,
c("id", "scientificName", "scientificNameAuthorship",
"genus", "specificEpithet")]
taxon_df$names_wo_author <- paste(taxon_df$genus, taxon_df$specificEpithet)
taxon_df <- taxon_df[, c("id", "scientificName", "names_wo_author")]
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