#' Evaluating Gene Function Prediction
#' The function performs gene function prediction based on 'guilt by association'
#' using cross validation ([1]). Performance and significance are evaluated by
#' calculating the AUROC or AUPRC of each functional group.
#' @param genes.labels numeric array
#' @param network numeric array symmetric, gene-by-gene matrix
#' @param nFold numeric value, default is 3
#' @param output string, default is AUROC
#' @param FLAG_DRAW binary flag to draw roc plot
#' @return scores numeric matrix with a row for each gene label and columns
#' auc: the average area under the ROC or PR curve for the neighbor voting predictor
#' across cross validation replicates
#' avg_node_degree: the average node degree
#' degree_null_auc: the area the ROC or PR curve for the node degree predictor
#' @keywords neighbor voting
#' guilt by association
#' gene function prediction evaluation
#' cross validation
#' @examples
#' genes.labels <- matrix( sample( c(0,1), 1000, replace=TRUE), nrow=100)
#' rownames(genes.labels) = paste('gene', 1:100, sep='')
#' colnames(genes.labels) = paste('function', 1:10, sep='')
#' net <- cor( matrix( rnorm(10000), ncol=100), method='spearman')
#' rownames(net) <- paste('gene', 1:100, sep='')
#' colnames(net) <- paste('gene', 1:100, sep='')
#' aurocs <- neighbor_voting(genes.labels, net, output = 'AUROC')
#' avgprcs <- neighbor_voting(genes.labels, net, output = 'PR')
#' @export
neighbor_voting <- function(genes.labels, network, nFold = 3, output = "AUROC", FLAG_DRAW = FALSE) {
genes.labels <- as.matrix(genes.labels)
# Filter for common genes between network and labels
ord <- order(rownames(network))
network <- network[ord, ord]
ord <- order(rownames(genes.labels))
genes.labels <- as.matrix(genes.labels[ord, ])
match.lab <- match(rownames(genes.labels), rownames(network))
filt.lab <- !is.na(match.lab)
filt.net <- match.lab[filt.lab]
network <- network[filt.net, filt.net]
genes.labels <- as.matrix(genes.labels[filt.lab, ])
# genes.label : needs to be in 1s and 0s
l <- dim(genes.labels)[2]
g <- dim(genes.labels)[1]
ab <- which(genes.labels != 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
n <- length(ab[, 1])
# print('Make genes label CV matrix')
test.genes.labels <- matrix(genes.labels, nrow = g, ncol = nFold * l)
# For each fold in each GO group, remove 1/nth of the values of the genes.label
for (j in 1:l) {
d <- which(ab[, 2] == j) # Which indices the genes are in this particular GO group
t <- length(d) # Total number of genes in the GO group
r <- sample(1:t, replace = FALSE)
f <- t/nFold
for (i in 1:nFold) {
e <- c((1:f) + f * (i - 1))
e <- sort(r[e])
c <- j + l * (i - 1) # GO group to look at (ie column)
test.genes.labels[ab[d], c][e] <- 0
# print('Get sums - mat. mul.') sumin = ( t(network) %*% test.genes.labels) sumin <- ((network)
# %*% test.genes.labels)
sumin <- crossprod(network, test.genes.labels)
# print('Get sums - calc sumall')
sumall <- matrix(apply(network, 2, sum), ncol = dim(sumin)[2], nrow = dim(sumin)[1])
# print('Get sums - calc predicts')
predicts <- sumin/sumall
if (output == "AUROC") {
# print('Hide training data')
nans <- which(test.genes.labels == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
predicts[nans] <- NA
# print('Rank test data')
predicts <- apply(abs(predicts), 2, rank, na.last = "keep", ties.method = "average")
filter <- matrix(genes.labels, nrow = g, ncol = nFold * l)
negatives <- which(filter == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
positives <- which(filter == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
predicts[negatives] <- 0
# print('Calculate ROC - np')
np <- colSums(filter) - colSums(test.genes.labels) # Postives
# print('Calculate ROC - nn')
nn <- dim(test.genes.labels)[1] - colSums(filter) # Negatives
# print('Calculate ROC - p')
p <- apply(predicts, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
# print('Calculate ROC - rocN')
rocN <- (p/np - (np + 1)/2)/nn
rocN <- matrix(rocN, ncol = nFold, nrow = l)
rocN <- rowMeans(rocN)
# print('Calculate node degree')
node_degree <- rowSums(network)
colsums <- colSums(genes.labels)
# print('Calculate node degree - sum across gene labels')
node_degree <- matrix(node_degree)
temp <- t(node_degree) %*% genes.labels
# print('Calculate node degree - average')
average_node_degree <- t(temp)/colsums
# print('Calculate node degree roc - rank node degree')
ranks <- apply(abs(node_degree), 2, rank, na.last = "keep", ties.method = "average")
ranks <- matrix(ranks, nrow = length(ranks), ncol = dim(genes.labels)[2])
# print('Calculate node degree roc - remove negatives')
negatives <- which(genes.labels == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
ranks[negatives] <- 0
# print('Calculate node degree roc - np')
np <- colSums(genes.labels)
# print('Calculate node degree roc - nn')
nn <- dim(genes.labels)[1] - np
# print('Calculate node degree roc - p')
p <- apply(ranks, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
# print('Calculate node degree roc - roc')
roc <- (p/np - (np + 1)/2)/nn
if (FLAG_DRAW == TRUE) {
plot_roc_overlay(predicts, test.genes.labels)
scores <- cbind(
avg_node_degree=matrix(average_node_degree)[, 1],
} else if (output == "PR") {
nans <- which(test.genes.labels == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
predicts[nans] <- NA
filter <- matrix(genes.labels, nrow = g, ncol = nFold * l)
negatives <- which(filter == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
positives <- which(filter == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
# print('Rank test data')
predicts <- apply(-abs(predicts), 2, rank, na.last = "keep", ties.method = "average")
predicts[negatives] <- 0
avgprc.s <- lapply(1:(nFold * l), function(i)
mean( ( 1:length(which( sort(predicts[,i]) > 0 ) )
/ sort(predicts[,i])[ which( sort(predicts[,i]) > 0 )]), na.rm = TRUE) )
n.s <- colSums(test.genes.labels)
avgprc.null <- lapply(1:(nFold * l), function(i) n.s[i]/g)
avgprc.null <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(avgprc.null), ncol = nFold, nrow = l, byrow = FALSE),
na.rm = TRUE)
avgprc <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(avgprc.s), ncol = nFold, nrow = l, byrow = FALSE), na.rm = TRUE)
names(avgprc) <- colnames(genes.labels)
# print('Calculate node degree')
node_degree <- rowSums(network)
colsums <- colSums(genes.labels)
# print('Calculate node degree - sum across gene labels')
node_degree <- matrix(node_degree)
temp <- t(node_degree) %*% genes.labels
# print('Calculate node degree - average')
average_node_degree <- t(temp)/colsums
scores <- cbind(
avg_node_degree=matrix(average_node_degree)[, 1],
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