
Defines functions ExtractMsg

ExtractMsg <- function(infile, env = parent.frame(n = 2)) {
  if (env$exp$setup$tracker$model == "eyelink") {
    # remove non-message events
    dat <- infile[grep("MSG", infile, useBytes = T)]
    dat <- dat[(validUTF8(dat)) == T]
    # extract trials
    # ---------------
    tmp <- sapply(strsplit(dat[grep("TRIALID", dat)], "\t"), "[[", 2)
    time <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(tmp[grep("TRIALID", tmp)], " "), "[[", 1))
    trialnum <- 1:length(time)
    # EB
    if (env$exp$setup$tracker$software == "EB") {
      # itemid
      tmp <- dat[grep("TRIAL_VAR", dat, useBytes = T)]
      ind <- sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 4)
      itemid <- sapply(strsplit(tmp[ind == env$exp$setup$variable$id], " "), "[[", 5)
      # number of practice trials
      env$exp$setup$clean$practice <- env$exp$setup$item$pracnum
      # # condition
      # if (is.na(env$exp$setup$variable$cond) == FALSE) {
      #   tmp <- dat[grep("TRIAL_VAR", dat)]
      #   ind <- sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 4)
      #   condition <- sapply(strsplit(tmp[ind == env$exp$setup$variable$cond], " "), "[[", 5)
      # } else {
      #   condition <- rep(1, length(itemid))
      # }
      # condition
      if (sum(is.na(env$exp$setup$variable$cond) == TRUE) == 0) {
        if (length(env$exp$setup$variable$cond) == 1) {
          tmp <- dat[grep("TRIAL_VAR", dat)]
          ind <- sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 4)
          condition <- sapply(strsplit(tmp[ind == env$exp$setup$variable$cond], " "), "[[", 5)
        } else if (length(env$exp$setup$variable$cond) == 2) {
          tmp <- dat[grep("TRIAL_VAR", dat)]
          ind <- sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 4)
          cond1 <- sapply(strsplit(tmp[ind == env$exp$setup$variable$cond[1]], " "), "[[", 5)
          cond2 <- sapply(strsplit(tmp[ind == env$exp$setup$variable$cond[2]], " "), "[[", 5)
          condition <- paste(cond1, cond2, sep = ":")
      } else {
        condition <- rep(1, length(itemid))
      # dependency
      dependency <- as.numeric(rep(0, length(itemid)))
      # NOTE: does not make much sense; store to be parallel with ET
    # ET
    if (env$exp$setup$tracker$software == "ET") {
      # extract itemid
      itemtmp <- sapply(strsplit(tmp[grep("TRIALID", tmp)], " "), "[[", 3)
      # number of practice trials
      env$exp$setup$clean$practice <-itemtmp[grep(env$exp$setup$item$practice, itemtmp)]
      # remove letters from itemid
      tmp <- strsplit(itemtmp, "P|E|I|D")
      # itemid
      itemid <- itemtmp
      # condition
      if (is.na(env$exp$setup$stimulus$cond) == FALSE) {
        condition <- sapply(tmp, "[[", 2)
      } else {
        condition <- rep(1, length(itemid))
      # dependency
      dependency <- as.numeric(sapply(tmp, "[[", 4)) # save for later use (multiple-screen) texts
    # trial slot
    trial <- data.frame(time = time, trialnum = trialnum, itemid = itemid,
                        condition = condition, dependency = dependency,
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # driftcorrect
    # -------------
    if (sum(grepl("DRIFTCORRECT", dat)) > 0) {
      # extract driftcorrect elements
      tmp <- dat[grep("DRIFTCORRECT", dat)]
      tmp <- gsub("  ", " ", tmp)
      # remove repetitions
      if (sum(grepl("REPEATING", tmp)) > 0) {
        tmp <- tmp[-grep("REPEATING", tmp)]
      if (sum(grepl("FAILED", tmp)) > 0) {
        tmp <- tmp[-grep("FAILED", tmp)]
      # remove aborted trials
      if (sum(grepl("ABORTED", tmp)) > 0) {
        tmp <- tmp[-grep("ABORTED", tmp)]
      if (length(tmp) > 0) {
        drifttime <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(sapply(strsplit(
          tmp, " "), "[[", 1), "\t"), "[[", 2))
        drift <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 8))
        x <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 10), ","), "[[", 1))
        y <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 10), ","), "[[", 2))
        trial$drift <- NA
        trial$drift.x <- NA
        trial$drift.y <- NA
        for (i in 1:nrow(trial)) {
          sel <- abs(trial$time[i] - drifttime)
          if (min(sel) > 300) next
          if (abs(drift[which.min(sel)]) > 10) next
          trial$drift[i] <- drift[which.min(sel)]
          trial$drift.x[i] <- x[which.min(sel)]
          trial$drift.y[i] <- y[which.min(sel)]
    # write out trial to header
    env$header$trial <- trial
    # create message frame
    # ---------------------
    # FIX: if start message is empty
    if (env$exp$setup$message$start == "DRAW_LIST") {
      dat <- gsub("!V DRAW_LIST", "DRAW_LIST", dat)
    # FIX: if stop message is empty
    if (env$exp$setup$message$stop == "TRIAL_RESULT") {
      dat <- gsub("TRIAL_RESULT", "0 TRIAL_RESULT", dat) 
    start <- dat[grep(paste("\\b", env$exp$setup$message$start, "\\b", sep = ""), dat)]
    stop <- dat[grep(paste("\\b", env$exp$setup$message$stop, "\\b", sep = ""), dat)]
    if (env$exp$setup$type == "boundary") {
      boundary <- dat[grep(paste("\\b", env$exp$setup$message$boundary, "\\b", sep = ""), dat)]
      target <- dat[grep(paste("\\b", env$exp$setup$message$target, "\\b", sep = ""), dat)]
      tmp <- c(start, boundary, target, stop)
    } else if (env$exp$setup$type == "fast") {
      boundary <- dat[grep(paste("\\b", env$exp$setup$message$boundary, "\\b", sep = ""), dat)]
      prime <- dat[grep(paste("\\b", env$exp$setup$message$prime, "\\b", sep = ""), dat)]
      target <- dat[grep(paste("\\b", env$exp$setup$message$target, "\\b", sep = ""), dat)]
      tmp <- c(start, boundary, prime, target, stop)
    } else {
      tmp <- c(start, stop)
    # exclude variable statements for EB
    if (env$exp$setup$tracker$software == "EB" & length(grep("!V", tmp))) {
      tmp <- tmp[-grep("!V", tmp)]  
    # substract delay from timestamp
    if (env$exp$setup$tracker$software == "EB") {
      time <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 1), "\t"), "[[", 2)) -
        as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 2))
    } else if (env$exp$setup$tracker$software == "ET") {
      time <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 1), "\t"), "[[", 2))
    # extract messages
    if (env$exp$setup$tracker$software == "EB") {
      msg <- sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 3)  
    } else if (env$exp$setup$tracker$software == "ET") {
      msg <- sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 2)  
    # save as data frame
    msg <- data.frame(time = time, msg = msg, stringsAsFactors = F)
    # combine with trial-level variables
    msg$trialnum <- NA
    msg$itemid <- NA
    msg$condition <- NA
    msg$dependency <- NA
    for (i in 1:nrow(trial)){
      msg$trialnum[msg$time >= trial$time[i]] <- trial$trialnum[i]
      msg$itemid[msg$time >= trial$time[i]] <- trial$itemid[i]
      msg$condition[msg$time >= trial$time[i]] <- trial$condition[i]
      msg$dependency[msg$time >= trial$time[i]] <- trial$dependency[i]
    # write out
    names=c("trialnum", "itemid" , "condition", "dependency", "time", "msg")
    msg <- msg[, match(names, colnames(msg))]
    # exclude conditional msg (EB)
    if (length(grep("conditional", msg$msg)) > 0) {
      msg <- msg[-grep("conditional", msg$msg), ]
    # rename display change events (ET)  
    msg$ind <- paste(msg$itemid, msg$msg, sep = ":") 
    msg$msg[msg$msg == "DISPLAY" & duplicated(msg$ind) == FALSE] = env$exp$setup$message$boundary
    msg$msg[msg$msg == "DISPLAY" & duplicated(msg$ind) == TRUE] = env$exp$setup$message$target
    msg$ind <- NULL
    # sort by timestamp
    msg <- msg[order(msg$time), ]
  } else if (env$exp$setup$tracker$model == "gazepoint") {
    # extract message events
    dat = infile[["data_collection/events/experiment/MessageEvent"]]
    dat = dat[]
    # extract trials
    # ---------------
    tmp <- dat[grep("TRIALID", dat$text), ]
    time <- round(tmp$time*1000)
    trialnum <- 1:length(time)
    # itemid
    tmp <- dat[grep("ITEMID", dat$text), ]
    itemid <- sapply(strsplit(tmp$text, " "), "[[", 2)

    # number of practice trials
    env$exp$setup$clean$practice <- env$exp$setup$item$pracnum
    # condition

    if (is.na(env$exp$setup$variable$cond) == FALSE) {

      if (length(env$exp$setup$variable$cond) == 1) {

        tmp <- dat[grep("TRIAL_VAR", dat)]
        ind <- sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 4)
        condition <- sapply(strsplit(tmp[ind == env$exp$setup$variable$cond], " "), "[[", 5)

      } else if (length(env$exp$setup$variable$cond) == 2) {

        tmp <- dat[grep("TRIAL_VAR", dat)]

        ind <- sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 4)
        cond1 <- sapply(strsplit(tmp[ind == env$exp$setup$variable$cond[1]], " "), "[[", 5)
        cond2 <- sapply(strsplit(tmp[ind == env$exp$setup$variable$cond[2]], " "), "[[", 5)
        condition <- paste(cond1, cond2, sep = ":")


    } else {

      condition <- rep(1, length(itemid))
    # dependency
    dependency <- as.numeric(rep(0, length(itemid)))
    # NOTE: does not make much sense; store to be parallel with ET
    # trial slot
    trial <- data.frame(time = time, trialnum = trialnum, itemid = itemid,
                        condition = condition, dependency = dependency,
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # # driftcorrect
    # # -------------
    # if (sum(grepl("DRIFTCORRECT", dat)) > 0) {
    #   # extract driftcorrect elements
    #   tmp <- dat[grep("DRIFTCORRECT", dat)]
    #   tmp <- gsub("  ", " ", tmp)
    #   # remove repetitions
    #   if (sum(grepl("REPEATING", tmp)) > 0) {
    #     tmp <- tmp[-grep("REPEATING", tmp)]
    #   }
    #   if (sum(grepl("FAILED", tmp)) > 0) {
    #     tmp <- tmp[-grep("FAILED", tmp)]
    #   }
    #   # remove aborted trials
    #   if (sum(grepl("ABORTED", tmp)) > 0) {
    #     tmp <- tmp[-grep("ABORTED", tmp)]
    #   }
    #   if (length(tmp) > 0) {
    #     drifttime <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(sapply(strsplit(
    #       tmp, " "), "[[", 1), "\t"), "[[", 2))
    #     drift <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 8))
    #     x <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 10), ","), "[[", 1))
    #     y <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(sapply(strsplit(tmp, " "), "[[", 10), ","), "[[", 2))
    #     trial$drift <- NA
    #     trial$drift.x <- NA
    #     trial$drift.y <- NA
    #     for (i in 1:nrow(trial)) {
    #       sel <- abs(trial$time[i] - drifttime)
    #       if (min(sel) > 300) next
    #       if (abs(drift[which.min(sel)]) > 10) next
    #       trial$drift[i] <- drift[which.min(sel)]
    #       trial$drift.x[i] <- x[which.min(sel)]
    #       trial$drift.y[i] <- y[which.min(sel)]
    #     }  
    #   }
    # }
    # write out trial to header
    env$header$trial <- trial
    # create message frame
    # ---------------------
    start <- dat[grep(paste("\\b", env$exp$setup$message$start, sep = ""), dat$text), ]
    stop <- dat[grep(paste("\\b", env$exp$setup$message$stop, sep = ""), dat$text), ]
    tmp <- rbind(start, stop)
    # if (env$exp$setup$type == "boundary") {
    #   boundary <- dat[grep(paste("\\b", env$exp$setup$message$boundary, "\\b", sep = ""), dat)]
    #   target <- dat[grep(paste("\\b", env$exp$setup$message$target, "\\b", sep = ""), dat)]
    #   tmp <- c(start, boundary, target, stop)
    # } else if (env$exp$setup$type == "fast") {
    #   boundary <- dat[grep(paste("\\b", env$exp$setup$message$boundary, "\\b", sep = ""), dat)]
    #   prime <- dat[grep(paste("\\b", env$exp$setup$message$prime, "\\b", sep = ""), dat)]
    #   target <- dat[grep(paste("\\b", env$exp$setup$message$target, "\\b", sep = ""), dat)]
    #   tmp <- c(start, boundary, prime, target, stop)
    # } else {
    #   tmp <- c(start, stop)
    # }
    time <- round(tmp$time*1000)
    msg <-tmp$text
    # save as data frame
    msg <- data.frame(time = time, msg = msg, stringsAsFactors = F)
    # combine with trial-level variables
    msg$trialnum <- NA
    msg$itemid <- NA
    msg$condition <- NA
    msg$dependency <- NA
    for (i in 1:nrow(trial)){
      msg$trialnum[msg$time >= trial$time[i]] <- trial$trialnum[i]
      msg$itemid[msg$time >= trial$time[i]] <- trial$itemid[i]
      msg$condition[msg$time >= trial$time[i]] <- trial$condition[i]
      msg$dependency[msg$time >= trial$time[i]] <- trial$dependency[i]
    # write out
    names=c("trialnum", "itemid" , "condition", "dependency", "time", "msg")
    msg <- msg[, match(names, colnames(msg))]
    # sort by timestamp
    msg <- msg[order(msg$time), ]
sascha2schroeder/popEye documentation built on Jan. 19, 2024, 4:46 a.m.