
Defines functions wpp_age

Documented in wpp_age

#' Get age-specific population data according to the World Population Prospects 2017 edition
#' This uses data from the `wpp2017` package but combines male and female,
#' and converts age groups to lower age limits. If the requested year is not present
#' in the historical data, wpp projections are used.
#' @return data frame of age-specific population data
#' @import wpp2017
#' @importFrom data.table dcast melt fread
#' @importFrom countrycode countrycode
#' @param countries countries, will return all if not given
#' @param years years, will return all if not given
#' @autoglobal
#' @examples
#' wpp_age("Italy", c(1990, 2000))
#' @export
wpp_age <- function(countries, years) {
  popM <- fread(system.file("data", "popM.txt", package = "wpp2017"))
  popF <- fread(system.file("data", "popF.txt", package = "wpp2017"))

  # wpp2017 is limited to 2015, so add wpp projections is e.g. 2020 data is requested
  years_included <- max(as.numeric(names(popM)[-(1:3)]))
  if (!missing(years) && any(years > years_included)) {
    popMprojMed <- fread(system.file("data", "popMprojMed.txt", package = "wpp2017"))
    popFprojMed <- fread(system.file("data", "popFprojMed.txt", package = "wpp2017"))

    popM <- merge(popM, popMprojMed)
    popF <- merge(popF, popFprojMed)
    warning("Don't have historial population data available after ", years_included, ". Will make use of the median projection of population counts from the WPP2017 package.")

  popM <- popM[, sex := "male"]
  popF <- popF[, sex := "female"]

  pop <- rbind(popM, popF)

  # change column names to remain compatible with the 2015 package
  pop[, country := name]
  pop[, name := NULL]

  if (!missing(countries)) {
    ## match by UN country code
    pop <- suppressWarnings(pop[country_code %in% countrycode(countries, "country.name", "un")])

  if (nrow(pop) > 0) {
    pop <- melt(pop, id.vars = c("country", "country_code", "age", "sex"), variable.name = "year")
    pop <- dcast(pop, country + country_code + age + year ~ sex, value.var = "value")

    pop[, year := as.integer(as.character(year))]

    if (!missing(years)) {
      if (any(pop$year %in% years)) {
        pop <- pop[year %in% years]
      } else {
        available.years <- unique(pop$year)
        nearest.year <- available.years[which.min(abs(available.years - years))]
        warning("Don't have population data available for ", years, ". Will return nearest year (", nearest.year, ").")
        pop <- pop[year %in% nearest.year]

    pop <- pop[, lower.age.limit := as.integer(sub("[-+].*$", "", age))]
    pop <- pop[, list(country, lower.age.limit, year, population = (female + male) * 1000)] # reorder columns
    pop <- pop[order(lower.age.limit), ] # sort by lower.age.limit

sbfnk/socialmixr documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 4:32 p.m.