
##' Select a subset of data through a GUI to be brushed.
##' We can either draw a ``text'' plot or use a gWidgets-based GUI to subset
##' the data based on the variable given. Specifically, we choose certain
##' values of the variable (using the mouse or keyboard) and all the observations
##' which have the same values on this variable will be brushed. This selector
##' can link to any plots based on a mutaframe.
##' @title Select a subset of data through a GUI to be brushed
##' @param data a mutaframe (ideally with a column \code{.brushed})
##' @param vars character or integer: the variable to be displayed in
##' the data selector (if not specified, the first non-numeric
##' variable will be used; if all columns are numeric, the first
##' column will be used)
##' @param gui.type the type of the GUI: \code{'qtpaint'} means a text
##' plot; other options will use a corresponding gWidgets GUI toolkit
##' @return NULL
##' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
##' @examples \dontrun{
##' ## old iris as the toy example
##' qiris = qmutaframe(iris)
##' qparallel(qiris)
##' data_selector(qiris, , 'RGtk2')
##' ## NRC rankings
##' data(nrcstat)
##' qnrc = qmutaframe(nrcstat)
##' qparallel(qnrc, vars = 10:13, main = 'Overview of Rankings', horizontal=FALSE)
##' data_selector(qnrc, 'Institution.Name', 'RGtk2')
##' qparallel(qnrc, vars = 14:19, main = 'Research, Student Support, Diversity')
##' qparallel(qnrc, vars = 20:26, main = 'Publication, Award, Time to Degree')
##' }
data_selector = function(data, vars, gui.type = c('RGtk2', 'Qt', 'qtpaint')) {
    if (missing(vars)) {
        vars = names(data)[!(sapply(as.data.frame(data), class)
               %in% c('numeric', 'integer'))][1]
        if (is.na(vars)) vars = names(data)[1]
    ## vars should be of length 1
    x = data[, vars[1]]
    xx = as.data.frame(data[!duplicated(x), vars[1], drop = FALSE])
    gui.type = match.arg(gui.type)
    if (gui.type == 'qtpaint') {

    } else {
        pkg = paste('gWidgets', gui.type, sep = '')
        if (!require(pkg, character.only = TRUE))
            stop("Please first install.packages('", pkg, "').")
        options('guiToolkit' = gui.type)
        gg = ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = gwindow('Data Selector'))
        gtbl = gtable(xx, multiple = TRUE, container = gg, expand = TRUE)
        addHandlerClicked(gtbl, handler = function(h, ...) {
                   data$.brushed = (x %in% svalue(h$obj))
        gtxt = gedit(container = gg)
        addHandlerChanged(gtxt, handler = function(h, ...) {
            idx = if (svalue(h$obj) != '') {
                grep(svalue(h$obj), as.character(x), ignore.case = TRUE)
            } else integer(0)
            svalue(gtbl) = x[idx]
            .brushed = logical(length(x))
            .brushed[idx] = TRUE
            data$.brushed = .brushed
schloerke/cranvasOLD documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:39 p.m.