
# source("../utilities/api-sketch.r")
# source("../utilities/axes.r")
# source("../utilities/helper.r")
# source("bprint.r")
# library(reshape2)
# library(plyr)
# library(plumbr)

#' Make dodge positions
#' @param breaks break positions
#' @param n number of items per break
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Barret Schloerke \email{}
#' @examples
#'  make_dodge_pos(c(1:5), 3)
make_dodge_pos <- function(breaks, n) {
  gap <- diff(breaks[1:2])
  breaks <- breaks[-length(breaks)]
  relPos <- seq(from = gap*.1, to = gap * .9, length.out = n+1)
  startRel <- relPos[-(n+1)]
  endRel <- relPos[-1]
  starts <- c(sapply(startRel, function(x) { 
    x + breaks
  ends <- c(sapply(endRel, function(x) { 
    x + breaks

  data.frame(start = starts, end = ends)  

#' Fill and Stroke by Color
#' Set the fill and stroke by the color if they are already not defined
#' @param color color to be used for (possibly) both the fill and stroke
#' @param fill fill to be used
#' @param color stroke to be used
#' @author Barret Schloerke \email{}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#'   fill_and_stroke(color = "red")
#'   fill_and_stroke(fill = "red", stroke = "black")
#'   fill_and_stroke(color = "red", stroke = "black")
#'   fill_and_stroke(color = "red", fill = "black")
fill_and_stroke <- function(color = NULL, fill = NULL, stroke = NULL) {  
  if (is.null(stroke)) stroke = color  
  if (is.null(fill)) fill = color
  list(fill = fill, stroke = stroke)

#' Divide by maximum.
#' Divides a vector by a maximum value of a vector
#' @param val value to be scaled
#' @param maxVal vector to be used for finding the maximum value
#' @author Barret Schloerke \email{}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples 
#'	divide_by_maximum(1:10)
#' 	divide_by_maximum(1:10, 1:20)
divide_by_maximum <- function(val, maxVal= val) {
  maxValue <- max(maxVal)
  if(maxValue != 0)
    val / maxValue

#' Collect 0 and ordered vector
#' @author Barret Schloerke \email{}
#' @keywords internal
#' @param vect vector to be used
#' @param vect_order order to be used (except for the last item)
zero_then_top_by_order <- function(vec) {
	vec_order <- order(vec)
  c(0, vec[vec_order[-length(vec_order)]])

percent_of_brushed <- function(left, right, dataValue, brushVal) {
	# print(left)
	# print(right)
	# print(dataValue)
	# print(brushVal)
	rows <- dataValue < left & dataValue >= right
	sum(brushVal[rows]) / length(rows)

#' Continuous items to bins
#' @param data data to be used
#' @param splitBy vect to split by
#' @param brushed vect to brush by
#' @param typeInfo typeInfo$type ENUM of "hist", "ash", "dot", "spine", "density"
#' @param position enum{"none", "stack", "dodge", "relative", "identity"}
#' @param color vect to color by
#' @param fill vect to fill by
#' @param stroke vect to outline by
#' @param ... other params passed to \code{\link[graphics]{hist}}
#' @author Barret Schloerke \email{}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' 	temp_breaks <- hist(mtcars$disp, plot=FALSE)$breaks[1:2]
#'	type <- list(type = "hist", binwidth = diff(temp_breaks), start = temp_breaks[1])
#' 	continuous_to_bars(mtcars$disp, mtcars$cyl, typeInfo = type, stroke = "black")
#' 	continuous_to_bars(mtcars$disp, mtcars$cyl, typeInfo = type, position = "dodge", stroke = "black")
#' 	continuous_to_bars(mtcars$disp, mtcars$cyl, typeInfo = type, position = "identity", stroke = "black")
#' 	continuous_to_bars(mtcars$disp, mtcars$cyl, typeInfo = type, position = "relative", stroke = "black")
#' 	continuous_to_bars(mtcars$disp, mtcars$cyl, typeInfo = type, position = "stack", stroke = "black")
continuous_to_bars <- function(data = NULL, splitBy = NULL, brushed = NULL, typeInfo = "hist", position = "none", color = NULL, fill = NULL, stroke = NULL, ...) {
	ignore <- substitute(...)
	original = list(
		data = data, 
		splitBy = splitBy,
		color = color,
		stroke = stroke,
		fill = fill,
		position = position
  if(identical(typeInfo$type, "hist"))
  	message("making a hist")
	else if(identical(typeInfo$type, "ash"))
		stop("ash not defined yet")
	else if(identical(typeInfo$type, "dot"))
		stop("dot not defined yet")
	else if(identical(typeInfo$type, "spine"))
		stop("spine-o-gram not defined yet")
	else if(identical(typeInfo$type, "dot"))
		stop("dot not defined yet")
		stop("Please make typeInfo$type one of the following: \"hist\", \"ash\", \"dot\", \"spine\", \"dot\"")
	print(data[brushed == TRUE])
	breaks <- calcBinPosition(typeInfo$start, typeInfo$binwidth, dataRange(data)[2], xMaxEndPos(data))
	break_len <- length(breaks)

	bar_top <- table(cut(data, breaks = breaks), splitBy)  
	data_pos <- melt(bar_top)
	names(data_pos) <- c("label", "group", "top")
	data_pos$count <- data_pos$top
	data_pos <- data_pos[, c(1,2,4,3)]
	label_names <- unique(data_pos$label)
	group_names <- unique(data_pos$group)
	data_pos$bottom <- rep(0, nrow(data_pos))
	if(is.null(color)) {
		if(length(group_names) == 1) {
			data_pos$color <- rep("grey20", nrow(data_pos))      
		} else {    
			data_pos$color <- rep(rainbow(length(group_names)), each = length(label_names))
	if (position == "dodge") {
		pos <- make_dodge_pos( breaks, length(group_names))
		data_pos$left <- pos$start
		data_pos$right <- pos$end
	} else  {
		# (position == "stack" || position == "relative")
		data_pos$left <- rep(breaks[1:(break_len-1)], length(group_names))
		data_pos$right <- rep(breaks[2:break_len] , length(group_names))
		if(position != "identity") {
			# make the bar_top be stacked (cumulative)
			for (i in 1:nrow(bar_top)) {
				bar_top[i,] <- cumsum(bar_top[i,])
			data_pos <- ddply(data_pos, c("label"), transform, top = cumsum(top))
		#make the bar_bottom "stack"
		data_pos <- data_pos[order(data_pos$top),]
		data_pos <- ddply(data_pos, "label", transform, bottom = zero_then_top_by_order(top))
		# relative      
		if (position == "relative") {
			data_pos <- ddply(data_pos, c("label"), transform, bottom = divide_by_maximum(bottom, top))
			data_pos <- ddply(data_pos, c("label"), transform, top = divide_by_maximum(top))
	# Color Management
	f_and_s <- fill_and_stroke(data_pos$color, fill = fill, stroke = stroke)
	data_pos$fill <- f_and_s$fill
	data_pos$stroke <- f_and_s$stroke
	data_pos$color <- NULL
	# Brushing
	data_pos$.brushed <- 0
	# data_pos <- ddply(data_pos, c("label", "group"), transform, .brushed = percent_of_brushed(left, right, original$data, brushed))
	for (i in NROW(data_pos)) {
		data_pos$.brushed[i] <- percent_of_brushed(data_pos[i,"left"], data_pos[i,"right"], data, brushed)
		data = data_pos,
		breaks = breaks,
		label_names = label_names,
		group_names = group_names#,
		# original = original
schloerke/cranvasOLD documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:39 p.m.