
Defines functions get_local_plotly


get_local_plotly <- function(graph, layout) {
  my_pal <- get_palette(graph)

  # initialize a newtork with the pallete
  tangled_web <- plot_ly(type = "scatter",
                         colors = my_pal)

  # create a layout
  the_layout <-
    layout# create_layout(graph, layout = "igraph", algorithm = "drl", options = igraph::drl_defaults$final)

  # get the edges
  edges <- graph %>% activate(edges) %>% as_tibble()

  n_edges <- edges %>% nrow

  # this loop does a couple of things, sadly
  # rip through the edges and creates a list of line
  # segments for each edge. Since I want to put annotations on the edges, I need to
  # synthesize a node in the middle of each edge. The Annotation goes on the synthetic node.

  #edge_shapes <- list()
  edge_annotation <- list()
  for (i in 1:n_edges) {
    v0 <- edges[i,]$from
    v1 <- edges[i,]$to

    edge_shape = list(
      type = "line",
      hover = edges[i,]$note,
      x0 = the_layout[v0,]$x,
      y0 = the_layout[v0,]$y,
      x1 = the_layout[v1,]$x,
      y1 = the_layout[v1,]$y,
      link_type = edges[i,]$e_type

    #  edge_shapes[[i]] <- edge_shape

    # Add the edges
    tangled_web <- tangled_web %>%
        x = c(edge_shape$x0, edge_shape$x1),
        y = c(edge_shape$y0, edge_shape$y1),
        mode = "lines",
        color = I("#aaaaaa"),
        #text = edge_shape$hover,
        #hoverinfo = "text",
        showlegend = FALSE

    # build the annotation. Some annotations are linkable, some are not
    the_text = if_else(
      paste0("<a href='", edges[i,]$source, "'>", edges[i,]$note, '</a>')

    edge_note = list(x = mean(c(edge_shape$x0, edge_shape$x1)),
                     y = mean(c(edge_shape$y0, edge_shape$y1)),
                     text = the_text)

    edge_annotation[[i]] <- edge_note

  # get all the annotations as a DF
  edge_notes <- edge_annotation %>% purrr::map_df(`[`)

  tangled_web <- tangled_web %>%
    #add the annotations
      data = edge_notes,
      x = ~ x,
      y = ~ y,
      text = ~ text,
      showarrow = FALSE,
      showlegend = FALSE
    )  %>%
    # add all the nodes with labels
      data = the_layout,
      x = ~ x,
      y = ~ y,
      mode = "markers+text",
      color = ~ group_label,
      name = ~ group_label,
      text = ~ name,
      textposition = 'middle right',
      textfont = list(size = 10),
      hoverinfo = "text",
      marker = list(symbols = "circle-dot", size = 10)

  axis <-
      title = "",
      showgrid = FALSE,
      showticklabels = FALSE,
      zeroline = FALSE

  p <- layout(#title = "The Tangled Web",
    #  shapes = edge_shapes,
    xaxis = axis,
    yaxis = axis)

schnee/tangler documentation built on Jan. 25, 2020, 11:55 p.m.