

# load all benchmark posets in digraph6 format
posets <- readLines("data-raw/posets.txt")

res_all <- data.frame(
    id = seq_len(length(posets)),
    n = NA,
    density = NA,
    runtime_exact = 0,
    runtime_mcmc = 0,
    err_approx_exp_lpom = 0,
    err_approx_exp_glpom = 0,
    err_approx_exp_loof1 = 0,
    err_approx_exp_loof2 = 0,
    err_approx_exp_mcmc = 0,
    err_approx_rel_it1 = 0,
    err_approx_rel_it5 = 0,
    err_approx_rel_it10 = 0,
    err_approx_rel_it15 = 0,
    err_approx_rel_mcmc = 0,
    rtime_approx_exp_lpom = 0,
    rtime_approx_exp_glpom = 0,
    rtime_approx_exp_loof1 = 0,
    rtime_approx_exp_loof2 = 0,
    rtime_approx_rel_it1 = 0,
    rtime_approx_rel_it5 = 0,
    rtime_approx_rel_it10 = 0,
    rtime_approx_rel_it15 = 0,
    dgraph6 = posets

total <- length(posets)

pb <- progress_bar$new(
    format = "[:bar] (:current/:total) eta: :eta",
    total = total, clear = FALSE, width = 100

for (k in 1:total) {
    po <- posets[k]
    A <- rgraph6::adjacency_from_digraph6(po)[[1]]
    res_all$n[k] <- nrow(A)
    res_all$density[k] <- comparable_pairs(A)
    if (res_all$density[k] == 1) {
    # exact
    res_all$runtime_exact[k] <- system.time(res_exact <- exact_rank_prob(A))[3]
    # mcmc
    res_all$runtime_mcmc[k] <- system.time(res_mcmc <- netrankr::mcmc_rank_prob(A, nrow(A)^5))[3]
    # approx expected
    res_all$rtime_approx_exp_lpom[k] <- system.time(lpom <- approx_rank_expected(A, method = "lpom"))[3]
    res_all$rtime_approx_exp_glpom[k] <- system.time(glpom <- approx_rank_expected(A, method = "glpom"))[3]
    res_all$rtime_approx_exp_loof1[k] <- system.time(loof1 <- approx_rank_expected(A, method = "loof1"))[3]
    res_all$rtime_approx_exp_loof2[k] <- system.time(loof2 <- approx_rank_expected(A, method = "loof2"))[3]
    # approx relative
    res_all$rtime_approx_rel_it1[k] <- system.time(rel_it1 <- approx_rank_relative(A, iterative = FALSE))[3]
    res_all$rtime_approx_rel_it5[k] <- system.time(rel_it5 <- approx_rank_relative(A, iterative = TRUE, num.iter = 5))[3]
    res_all$rtime_approx_rel_it10[k] <- system.time(rel_it10 <- approx_rank_relative(A, iterative = TRUE, num.iter = 10))[3]
    res_all$rtime_approx_rel_it15[k] <- system.time(rel_it15 <- approx_rank_relative(A, iterative = TRUE, num.iter = 15))[3]

    res_all$err_approx_exp_mcmc[k] <- mean(abs(res_exact$expected.rank - res_mcmc$expected.rank))
    res_all$err_approx_exp_lpom[k] <- mean(abs(res_exact$expected.rank - lpom))
    res_all$err_approx_exp_glpom[k] <- mean(abs(res_exact$expected.rank - glpom))
    res_all$err_approx_exp_loof1[k] <- mean(abs(res_exact$expected.rank - loof1))
    res_all$err_approx_exp_loof2[k] <- mean(abs(res_exact$expected.rank - loof2))
    res_all$err_approx_rel_mcmc[k] <- mean(abs(res_exact$relative.rank - res_mcmc$relative.rank))
    res_all$err_approx_rel_it1[k] <- mean(abs(res_exact$relative.rank - rel_it1))
    res_all$err_approx_rel_it5[k] <- mean(abs(res_exact$relative.rank - rel_it5))
    res_all$err_approx_rel_it10[k] <- mean(abs(res_exact$relative.rank - rel_it10))
    res_all$err_approx_rel_it15[k] <- mean(abs(res_exact$relative.rank - rel_it15))
write_csv(res_all, "data-raw/poset_results.csv")

df <- read_csv("data-raw/poset_results.csv")

# plot runtime of exact algorithm
ggplot(df, aes(x = 1 - density, y = runtime_exact, col = as.factor(n))) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("#1d3557", "#457b9d", "#432818"), name = "no. of elements") +
    scale_y_log10() +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    labs(x = "density of preorder", y = "runtime (in sec)")

ggsave("vignettes/runtimes_exact.png", width = 8, height = 6)

# plot error of expected rank approximations
df %>%
    select(n, density, contains("err_approx_exp")) %>%
    pivot_longer(err_approx_exp_lpom:err_approx_exp_mcmc) %>%
    mutate(name = str_remove_all(name, "err_approx_exp_")) %>%
    mutate(name = factor(name, levels = c("lpom", "glpom", "loof1", "loof2", "mcmc"))) %>%
    mutate(n = paste0("n = ", n)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = density, y = value, col = name)) +
    # geom_point(alpha=0.1)+ otherwise too big file size
    geom_smooth(method = "loess", se = FALSE) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("#1d3557", "#457b9d", "#432818", "#99582a", "#e63946"), name = "") +
    facet_wrap(~n, ncol = 3) +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    labs(x = "density of preorder", y = "mean absolute error")

ggsave("vignettes/quality_expected_mse.png", width = 8, height = 6)

# plot error of relative rank approximations
df %>%
    select(n, density, contains("err_approx_rel")) %>%
    pivot_longer(err_approx_rel_it1:err_approx_rel_mcmc) %>%
    mutate(n = paste0("n = ", n)) %>%
    mutate(name = str_remove_all(name, "err_approx_rel_")) %>%
    mutate(name = case_when(
        name == "it1" ~ "no iteration",
        name == "it5" ~ "5 iterations",
        name == "it10" ~ "10 iterations",
        name == "it15" ~ "15 iterations",
        name == "mcmc" ~ "mcmc"
    )) %>%
    mutate(name = factor(name, levels = c("no iteration", "5 iterations", "10 iterations", "15 iterations", "mcmc"))) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = density, y = value, col = name)) +
    # geom_point(alpha=0.1)+ otherwise too big file size
    geom_smooth(method = "loess", se = FALSE) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("#1d3557", "#457b9d", "#a8dadc", "#d8e1d6", "#e63946"), name = "") +
    facet_wrap(~n, ncol = 3) +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    labs(x = "density of preorder", y = "mean absolute error")

ggsave("vignettes/quality_relative_mse.png", width = 8, height = 6)

# benchmarking the infuence of the number of samples for the mcmc method
exp_rks <- rep(5.5, 10)
rel_rk <- 0.5
mcmc_mae_exp <- data.frame(
    mae = c(
        replicate(100, mean(abs((mcmc_rank_prob(P = matrix(0, 10, 10), rp = 10)$expected.rank - exp_rks)))),
        replicate(100, mean(abs((mcmc_rank_prob(P = matrix(0, 10, 10), rp = 100)$expected.rank - exp_rks)))),
        replicate(100, mean(abs((mcmc_rank_prob(P = matrix(0, 10, 10), rp = 1000)$expected.rank - exp_rks)))),
        replicate(100, mean(abs((mcmc_rank_prob(P = matrix(0, 10, 10), rp = 10000)$expected.rank - exp_rks)))),
        replicate(100, mean(abs((mcmc_rank_prob(P = matrix(0, 10, 10), rp = 100000)$expected.rank - exp_rks))))
    samples = rep(c(10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000), each = 100)

ggplot(mcmc_mae_exp, aes(x = format(samples, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE), y = mae)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    theme_minimal() +
    labs(x = "no. of samples", y = "mean absolute error")

ggsave("vignettes/mcmc_samples_exp.png", width = 8, height = 6)

mcmc_mae_rel <- data.frame(
    mae = c(
        replicate(100, mean(abs((mcmc_rank_prob(P = matrix(0, 10, 10), rp = 10)$relative.rank - rel_rk)))),
        replicate(100, mean(abs((mcmc_rank_prob(P = matrix(0, 10, 10), rp = 100)$relative.rank - rel_rk)))),
        replicate(100, mean(abs((mcmc_rank_prob(P = matrix(0, 10, 10), rp = 1000)$relative.rank - rel_rk)))),
        replicate(100, mean(abs((mcmc_rank_prob(P = matrix(0, 10, 10), rp = 10000)$relative.rank - rel_rk)))),
        replicate(100, mean(abs((mcmc_rank_prob(P = matrix(0, 10, 10), rp = 100000)$relative.rank - rel_rk))))
    samples = rep(c(10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000), each = 100)

ggplot(mcmc_mae_rel, aes(x = format(samples, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE), y = mae)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    theme_minimal() +
    labs(x = "no. of samples", y = "mean absolute error")

ggsave("vignettes/mcmc_samples_rel.png", width = 8, height = 6)
schochastics/netrankr documentation built on Jan. 10, 2024, 2 p.m.