#' Report number of differences to make time series stationary (vectorized)
#' @param x List-like object with vectors of the series to be tested
#' @param test Type of unit root test to use, see forecast::ndiffs
#' @param term Specification of the deterministic component in the regression, see forecast::ndiffs
#' @param alpha Level of the test, possible values range from 0.01 to 0.1
#' @param na_rm Remove NAs from x?
#' @return Tibble with variable name from x and the number of differences found
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ts1 <- as.vector(arima.sim(list(order = c(1, 1, 0), ar = 0.7), n = 19))
#' ts2 <- rnorm(20)
#' report_ndiffs(data.frame(ts1 = ts1, ts2 = ts2))
report_ndiffs <- function (
test = c("kpss", "adf", "pp"),
term = c("level", "trend"),
alpha = 0.05,
na_rm = TRUE
) {
# All possible tests and terms
ndiffs_tests <- purrr::cross(list(test = test, type = term))
ndiffs_tests <- purrr::set_names(
x = ndiffs_tests,
nm = paste(
purrr::map_chr(ndiffs_tests, 1),
purrr::map_chr(ndiffs_tests, 2),
sep = "_"
# Nested for-loop
.x = if (na_rm) {stats::na.omit(x)} else x,
.f = ~purrr::map(
.x = ndiffs_tests,
.f = function (y) {
x = .x,
alpha = alpha,
test = y[[1]],
type = y[[2]]
) %>%
purrr::map_df(dplyr::bind_rows, .id = "variable") %>%
# Create column with most frequent value to differentiate
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
ndiffs = dplyr::c_across(!dplyr::any_of("variable")) %>%
table() %>%
sort(decreasing = TRUE) %>%
names() %>%
purrr::chuck(1) %>%
) %>%
#' Format x-axislabels (dates) as year/month in two lines
#' @param x Date vector, usually takes as input the output of `breaks` in `ggplot2::scale_x_date`
#' @return Character vetor
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dates <- seq.Date(Sys.Date(), Sys.Date() + 120, by = "month")
#' ym_label(dates)
ym_label <- function(x) {
x <- lubridate::as_date(x)
is.na(dplyr::lag(x)) | tsibble::yearmonth(dplyr::lag(x)) != tsibble::yearmonth(x),
paste(lubridate::month(x, label = TRUE), "\n", lubridate::year(x)),
paste(lubridate::month(x, label = TRUE))
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