
Defines functions InitializeProgressionGraph is.DAG plot.ProgressionGraph AddNode.ProgressionGraph SetIsVisitNode.ProgressionGraph AddVisitSchedule.ProgressionGraph SetShape.ProgressionGraph SetIsResetEdge.ProgressionGraph GetResetEdges.ProgressionGraph AddEdge.ProgressionGraph AddArm.ProgressionGraph SimpleStudyProgressionGraph InsertRate.ProgressionGraph IsEmpty.ProgressionGraph IsEdge.ProgressionGraph GeneratRateMatrix.ProgressionGraph GetEdgeProperty.ProgressionGraph MaxOneInfPerRow EvaluateFormula.ProgressionGraph GetShapes.ProgressionGraph

Documented in AddArm.ProgressionGraph AddEdge.ProgressionGraph AddNode.ProgressionGraph AddVisitSchedule.ProgressionGraph EvaluateFormula.ProgressionGraph GeneratRateMatrix.ProgressionGraph GetEdgeProperty.ProgressionGraph GetResetEdges.ProgressionGraph GetShapes.ProgressionGraph InitializeProgressionGraph InsertRate.ProgressionGraph is.DAG IsEdge.ProgressionGraph IsEmpty.ProgressionGraph MaxOneInfPerRow plot.ProgressionGraph SetIsResetEdge.ProgressionGraph SetIsVisitNode.ProgressionGraph SetShape.ProgressionGraph SimpleStudyProgressionGraph

##' Creates an object of type \code{ProgressionGraph}
##' Creates an object of type \code{ProgressionGraph} which is used to 
##' described the possible state transitions of the event simulator 
##' @return An object of type \code{ProgressionGraph} with no nodes or edges
##' @export
InitializeProgressionGraph <- function(){
    graph <- graphNEL(edgemode="directed")
    edgeDataDefaults(graph,"hazard") <- 0 #all rates default to zero
    edgeDataDefaults(graph,"isVisitEdge") <- FALSE #should this be (false, first, every)?
    nodeDataDefaults(graph,"visitSchedule") <- NewVisitSchedule() #defaults to no visits
    nodeDataDefaults(graph,"isVisitNode") <- FALSE
    edgeDataDefaults(graph,"isResetEdge") <- FALSE 
    edgeDataDefaults(graph,"shape") <- 1 #default to exponential
    res <- list(graph=graph)
    class(res) <- c("ProgressionGraph")

##' Checks whether a graphNEL object is a DAG
##' Returns true if an graphNEL object is a directed acyclic graph. Specifically if
##' edgemode(graph) == "directed" and the graph contains no cycles.
##' @param graph An object of type \code{graphNEL}
##' @return True if DAG, false otherwise
is.DAG <- function(graph){
    if(edgemode(graph) != "directed") return(FALSE)
    #see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4168/graph-serialization/4577#4577
    #for algorithm
    #sorted elements
    L <- vector()
    #All nodes with no incoming edges
    Q <- setdiff(1:length(nodes(graph)),edgeMatrix(graph)[2,])
    while(length(Q) > 0){
        n <- tail(Q,1)
        Q <- head(Q,-1)
        L <- c(L,n)
        eM <- edgeMatrix(graph)
        #All nodes with edge coming from n
        from_n  <- eM[2,eM[1,]==n]
        for(m in from_n){
            graph <- removeEdge(from=nodes(graph)[n],to=nodes(graph)[m],graph)
            if(! m %in% edgeMatrix(graph)[2,] ) Q <- c(Q,m)
    if(length(edgeMatrix(graph)) == 0) return(TRUE)

##' Plot the \code{ProgressionGraph} DAG
##' @param x \code{ProgressionGraph} object
##' @param ... Ignored
##' @method plot ProgressionGraph 
##' @export
plot.ProgressionGraph <- function(x,...){
    y <- layoutGraph(x$graph)

##' Adds nodes to an object of type \code{ProgressionGraph}
##' Adds nodes to an object of type \code{ProgressionGraph}, will
##' throw an exception if attempting to add a new node with the same
##' name as an existing node
##' @param object the \code{ProgressionGraph} to add new nodes  
##' @param nodeNames a vector of strings to be added as nodes in the graph
##' @param visitSchedule Either a \code{VisitSchedule} object which is the visit schedule to
##' be used for the new nodes to be added or \code{NULL} if no visit schedule is being used (or visit Schedule is
##' to be added later)
##' @param isVisitNode A logical value. Is the new node a `visit' node, i.e. a node for which the transition into it is unknown
##' until the next visit
##' @return a new \code{ProgressionGraph} with the new nodes added
##' @export 
AddNode.ProgressionGraph <- function(object,nodeNames,visitSchedule=NULL,isVisitNode=FALSE){
    if(any(duplicated(nodeNames)) || any(nodeNames=="all")){
        stop(error="Node names must be unique and cannot be 'all'")
    if(!is.null(visitSchedule) && class(visitSchedule) != "VisitSchedule"){
        stop(error="visit schedule incorrect type")
    if(!is.logical(isVisitNode) || length(isVisitNode) != 1){
        stop(error="isVisitNode must be a single logical value")
    object$graph <- addNode(nodeNames,object$graph)
       object <- AddVisitSchedule.ProgressionGraph(object,visitSchedule,nodeNames)
    object <- SetIsVisitNode.ProgressionGraph(object,isVisitNode,nodeNames)

##' Set the isVisitNode variable for nodes in \code{ProgressionGraph}
##' @param object A \code{ProgressionGraph} object
##' @param isVisitNode A logical value as to value to set the isVisitNode property 
##' @param nodeNames A list of node names whose isVisitNode property is to be set
##' or \code{"all"} if all nodes currently in the Progression Graph are to have this property set
##' @return \code{object} with the isVisitNode properties updated. Previous isVisitNode values are overwritten 
##' @export
SetIsVisitNode.ProgressionGraph <- function(object,isVisitNode,nodeNames="all"){
  #TODO refactor with function AddVisitSchedule.ProgressionGraph?
  if(length(nodeNames)==1 && nodeNames =="all"){
    nodeNames <- nodes(object$graph) 
  if(!is.logical(isVisitNode) || length(isVisitNode) != 1){
    stop(error="Invalid isVisitNode value")
  for(x in nodeNames)
    nodeData(object$graph,x,"isVisitNode")[[1]] <- isVisitNode

##' Attach a visit schedule to nodes in \code{ProgressionGraph}
##' @param object A \code{ProgressionGraph} object
##' @param visitSchedule A \code{VisitSchedule} object describing the visit schedule for nodes on
##' the progression graph
##' @param nodeNames A list of node names for which the \code{visitSchedule} is applicable
##' or \code{"all"} if the visit schedule is to be used for all nodes currently in the Progression Graph
##' @return \code{object} with the visit schedules inserted. Previously inserted schedules are overwritten 
##' @export
AddVisitSchedule.ProgressionGraph <- function(object,visitSchedule,nodeNames="all"){
    if(class(visitSchedule) != "VisitSchedule"){
        stop(error="invalid visitSchedule")
    if(length(nodeNames)==1 && nodeNames =="all"){
        nodeNames <- nodes(object$graph) 
    for(x in nodeNames)
      nodeData(object$graph,x,"visitSchedule")[[1]] <- visitSchedule


##' Set the Weibull shape parameter for the hazard functions for
##' an edge of the progression graph
##' @param object \code{ProgressionGraph} object
##' @param from A list of nodes e.g. if \code{from = c("a","a","b")} and \code{to=c("c","d","a")}
##' then the edges \code{a} -> \code{c}, \code{a}-> \code{d} and \code{b}->\code{a} will have their 
##' isResetEdge properties set.
##' @param to See \code{from}
##' @param shape The shape parameter to be set
##' @return object with the appropriately changed Weibull shape parameters
##' @export
SetShape.ProgressionGraph <- function(object,from,to,shape){
    if(!is.numeric(shape) || length(shape) != 1 || shape <= 0){
        stop(error="Invalid shape value")
    edgeData(object$graph,from=from,to=to,"shape") <- shape

##' Set the \code{isResetEdge} property of edges in the \code{ProgressionGraph}
##' If there is a patient switch time at time = 3 and the subject transitions from control.progressing 
##' to active.progressed at patient time = 2, then although patient time is unchanged, we would now like the 
##' patient switch time to be reset so it now occurs at 2 (time of transition) + 3 (original switch time) = 5
##' If this behaviour is required then set isResetEdge to be TRUE for the control.progressing -> active.progressed
##' edge. In  all other cases (as is the default) isResetEdge should be set to FALSE  
##' @param object A \code{ProgressionGraph} object
##' @param from A list of nodes e.g. if \code{from = c("a","a","b")} and \code{to=c("c","d","a")}
##' then the edges \code{a} -> \code{c}, \code{a}-> \code{d} and \code{b}->\code{a} will have their 
##' isResetEdge properties set.
##' @param to See \code{from}
##' @param isResetEdge Logical value of isResetEdge for 
##' @return \code{object} with the appropriate isResetEdge properties set
##' @export
SetIsResetEdge.ProgressionGraph <- function(object,from,to,isResetEdge){
  if(!is.logical(isResetEdge) || length(isResetEdge) != 1){
    stop(error="Invalid isResetEdge value")
  edgeData(object$graph,from=from,to=to,"isResetEdge") <- isResetEdge

##' Return a list of edges with isResetEdge True
##' @param object A \code{ProgressionGraph} object
##' @return A vector of the form \code{c(from_1,to_1,from_2,to_2,...)}
##' where the edges from node with index from_i to node with index to_i
##' has isResetEdge TRUE.
GetResetEdges.ProgressionGraph <- function(object){
  retVal <- vector()
  theNodes <- nodes(object$graph) 
  numNodes <- length(theNodes)
  em <- edgeMatrix(object$graph)
  for(y in 1:length(em[1,])){
    from <- theNodes[em[1,y]]
    to <- theNodes[em[2,y]]
      retVal <- c(retVal,em[1,y],em[2,y])
  names(retVal) <- NULL

##' Adds edges to an object of type \code{ProgressionGraph} 
##' Adds edges to an object of type \code{ProgressionGraph} ensuring
##' that the graph remains a DAG. An exception is thrown if a cycle is
##' introduced or an edge which already exists is attempted to be added
##' @param object the \code{ProgressionGraph} to add new edges
##' @param fromNodeNames a vector of starting nodes of edges
##' @param toNodeNames a vector of ending nodes of edges. For example An edge
##' is added between fromNodeNames[i] to toNodeNames[i] for all i
##' @param isResetEdge logical value for whether these edges are edges for
##' which patient time switches are reset (this wouldbe true, in case of crossing over onto
##' a different arm and then requiring a lag before the new treatment kicks in)
##' @return a new \code{ProgressionGraph} with the new edges added
##' If an edge is attempted to be added twice, e.g. 
##' AddEdge.ProgressionGraph <- (g,from=c("a","a"),to=c("b","b")) it will
##' only be added once. 
##' If an edge already exists then a warning message will be displayed
##' @export 
AddEdge.ProgressionGraph <- function(object,fromNodeNames,toNodeNames,isResetEdge=FALSE){
    if(length(fromNodeNames) != length(toNodeNames)){
        stop(error="Length mismatch of vectors fromNodeNames and toNodeName")
    wasDag <- is.DAG(object$graph)
    object$graph <- addEdge(fromNodeNames,toNodeNames,object$graph)
    if(wasDag && !is.DAG(object$graph)){ 
        warning("Progression graph is no longer a DAG. Are you sure this is what you want",immediate. = FALSE)
    object <- SetIsResetEdge.ProgressionGraph(object,fromNodeNames,toNodeNames,isResetEdge)

##' Allows an entire arm to be added to an object of type \code{ProgressionGraph}
##' Allows an entire arm to be added to an object of type \code{ProgressionGraph}
##' The Weibull shape parameter for the rates for each node will be 1, 
##' to change use \code{\link{SetShape.ProgressionGraph}} 
##' @param object the \code{ProgressionGraph} to add the new arm
##' @param armName the name of the arm, for example "control" 
##' @param armProgression a vector of states subjects experience
##' for example "progressing", "progressed". This vector should not include the "death" state  
##' @param deathNode the name of the death node in the graph, which should already exist 
##' @param edges determines which edges are to be added for arm
##' must be one of \code{"none","immediate","death","all"}. \code{none}: no edges added
##' \code{immediate}: must progress sequentially through all states \code{death}: must progress
##' sequentially through all states or go straight to death \code{all}: can jump straight to any
##' state (always progressing towards death)
##' @param visitSchedule Either a \code{VisitSchedule} object which is the visit schedule to
##' be used for the nodes of this arm or \code{NULL} if no visit schedule is being used (or visit Schedule is
##' to be added later)
##' @param isVisitNode A logical value: Are the new node `visit' nodes, i.e. nodes for which the transition into it is unknown
##' until the next visit
##' @return a new \code{ProgressionGraph} with the arm added. The new nodes will be of
##' the form armName.armProgression[i]
##' @export 
AddArm.ProgressionGraph <- function(object,armName,armProgression,deathNode="death",edges="immediate",
    if(!(deathNode %in% nodes(object$graph))){
        stop(error="Please ensure deathNode exists in the graph")
    if(length(armProgression)== 0){
        stop(error="armProgression cannot be empty")
    if(armName == "" || !is.character(armName)){
        stop(error="Invalid arm name")
    edgeOptions = c("none","immediate","death","all")
    if(!(edges %in% edgeOptions)){
        stop(error=paste("Invalid edges option. It must be one of",paste(edgeOptions,collapse=", ")))
    nodeNames <- sapply(armProgression,function(x){paste(armName,x,sep=".")})
    names(nodeNames) <- NULL 
    object <- AddNode.ProgressionGraph(object,nodeNames,visitSchedule=visitSchedule,isVisitNode=isVisitNode)
    fromNodes <- NULL
    toNodes <- NULL
    if(edges == "immediate"){
        fromNodes <- nodeNames
        toNodes <- c(tail(nodeNames,-1),deathNode)
    if(edges == "death"){
        fromNodes <- c(nodeNames,head(nodeNames,-1))
        toNodes <- c(tail(nodeNames,-1),rep(deathNode,length(nodeNames)))
    if(edges == "all"){
       for(x in 1:length(nodeNames)){
           fromNodes <- c(fromNodes,rep(nodeNames[x],1+length(nodeNames)-x))
           toNodes <- c(toNodes,tail(nodeNames,-x),deathNode)
    if(edges != "none"){
        object <- AddEdge.ProgressionGraph(object,fromNodes,toNodes)

##' Create a \code{ProgressionGraph} describing a simple disease progression clinical trial 
##' This function creates the transition state graph for clinical trials with arbitrary number of 
##' arms, disease progression states and crossovers, returning an object of type \code{ProgressionGraph}.
##' The disease progression and possible transitions must be the same for each arm and no drop out state is included.
##' If more complicated disease progression transitions are required then this function can be used in conjunction 
##' with \code{\link{AddArm.ProgressionGraph}}, \code{\link{AddEdge.ProgressionGraph}}, \code{\link{AddNode.ProgressionGraph}}  
##' The Weibull shape parameter for the rates for each node will be 1, 
##' to change use \code{\link{SetShape.ProgressionGraph}}
##' The edges added by the crossOver argument default to having isResetEdge set to true (i.e. the 
##' patient switch times are reset when transitioning over this edge) This can be changed by calling
##' \code{\link{SetIsResetEdge.ProgressionGraph}}
##' @inheritParams AddArm.ProgressionGraph
##' @param arms a vector of arm names
##' @param crossOvers a vector containing additional transitions of the form \code{c("fromnode1","tonode1","fromnode2","tonode2")}
##' @param visitSchedule Either a \code{VisitSchedule} object which is the visit schedule to
##' be used for the nodes of this Progression Graph or \code{NULL} if no visit schedule is being used (or visit Schedule is
##' to be added later). Note the node 'death' will have the same visit schedule, which should not cause problems.
##' @param isVisitNode A logical value. Are the nodes `visit' nodes, i.e. node for which the transition into it is unknown
##' until the next visit. If TRUE then all nodes in the graph are visit nodes, if false then none are. The function
##' \code{\link{SetIsVisitNode.ProgressionGraph}} can be used to change the isVisitNode status of individual nodes
##' @return An object of type \code{ProgressionGraph} which details the transition
##' states of study
##' @examples 
##' crossOver <- c("control.progressed","active.progressed")
##' SimpleStudyProgressionGraph(arms=c("control","active"),
##'                             armProgression=c("progressing","progressed"),
##'                             edge="immediate",
##'                             crossOver=crossOver)
##' @export
SimpleStudyProgressionGraph <- function(arms,armProgression,edges="immediate",crossOvers=NULL,
    if(length(crossOvers) %% 2 == 1){
        stop(error="length of crossOvers must be even")
    res <- InitializeProgressionGraph()
    res <- AddNode.ProgressionGraph(res,"death",visitSchedule=visitSchedule,isVisitNode=isVisitNode)
    for(armName in arms){
        res <- AddArm.ProgressionGraph(res,armName,armProgression,deathNode="death",edges, 
        res <- AddEdge.ProgressionGraph(res,crossOvers[c(TRUE,FALSE)],crossOvers[c(FALSE,TRUE)],isResetEdge=TRUE)

##'Insert a rate value/function into a \code{ProgressionGraph}
##'See \code{\link{InsertRate.EventSim}} for further details. If a rate
##'already exists for this edge then it is overwritten
##'@param object An object of type \code{ProgressionGraph}
##'@param fromNode The node out of which this rate is describing 
##'@param toNode The node into which this rate describes the transition
##'@param rate The rate (a numeric value or a function) which is to be added to the
##' object
##'@param mustBeNumeric True if insisting \code{rate} is numeric, false if it can 
##'be numeric or function
##'@return \code{object} with the additional rate included
InsertRate.ProgressionGraph <- function(object,fromNode,toNode,rate,mustBeNumeric=FALSE){
    if(mustBeNumeric && !is.numeric(rate)){
        stop(error="rate must be numeric if mustbeNumeric is True")
    if(!mustBeNumeric && (class(rate) != "numeric" && class(rate) != "function")){
        stop(error="rate must be numeric or a function")
    if(class(rate)=="numeric" && rate <0){
      stop(error="rates must be non-negative")
    edgeData(object$graph,from=fromNode,to=toNode,attr="hazard") <- rate

##' True iff \code{ProgressionGraph} has no nodes
##' @param object A \code{ProgressionGraph} object
##' @return True iff \code{ProgressionGraph} has no nodes 
IsEmpty.ProgressionGraph <- function(object){

##' Returns True if edges are on DAG
##' @param object \code{ProgressionGraph} object
##' @param from A vector of 'from' nodes \code{c("from_1","from_2",...)}
##' @param to A 'to' nodes \code{c("to_1","to_2",...)}
##' @return True if all nodes are in graph and from_i -> to_i is an edge in graph
##' for all i 
IsEdge.ProgressionGraph <- function(object,from,to){
    if(length(from)!= length(to)){
        stop(error="length mismatch in IsEdge.ProgressionGraph")
    if (any(!(from %in% nodes(object$graph))) || any(!(to %in% nodes(object$graph))) ){
    retVal <- sapply(seq_along(from),function(x){
       return(to[x] %in% (edges(object$graph,which=from[x])[[1]]))

##' Outputs a matrix of rates from the edge Data of a \code{ProgressionGraph}
##' object
##' The matrix that is produced is such that M[i,j] = the rate
##' from node i to node j, where the nodes are numbered in creation 
##' order (\code{nodes(object$graph))}. If the transition rates are 
##' formula then these should be evaluated before calling this function
##' @param object A \code{ProgressionGraph} object
##' @return A Matrix of transition rates
GeneratRateMatrix.ProgressionGraph <- function(object){

##' Returns a matrix of values from edge properties
##' @param object A \code{ProgressionGraph} object
##' @param propertyName Either \code{"hazard"} or \code{"shape"}
##' @return A matrix. See \code{GeneratRateMatrix.ProgressionGraph} and
##' \code{GetShapes.ProgressionGraph} for further details
GetEdgeProperty.ProgressionGraph <- function(object,propertyName)  
    theNodes <- nodes(object$graph) 
    numNodes <- length(theNodes)
    ans <- matrix(rep(0,numNodes*numNodes),nrow=numNodes)
    em <- edgeMatrix(object$graph)

    for(y in 1:length(em[1,])){
        from <- theNodes[em[1,y]]
        to <- theNodes[em[2,y]]
            stop(error="Cannot create rate matrix, please call EvaluateFormula first")
        #put rate into matrix
        ans[em[1,y],em[2,y]] <- edgeData(object$graph,from=from,to=to,attr=propertyName)[[1]] 

      stop(error="Only one rate transitioning out of a node can be Inf at any time")  

##' Return TRUE if the given matrix contains at most one Inf per row
##' @param mat the matrix
##' @return TRUE iff the given matrix contains at most one Inf per row
MaxOneInfPerRow <- function(mat){
    temp <- sapply(1:nrow(mat),function(y){if(!is.infinite(max(mat[y,]))) 0 else table(mat[y,])[["Inf"]]})
    if(max(temp) > 1){

##' Evaluate the formulae of a \code{ProgressionGraph} object
##' using the parameter values \code{params}
##' See \code{\link{EvaluateFormula.EventSim}}for further details
##' @param object A \code{ProgressionGraph} whose rate formuale are to
##' be evaluated
##' @param params A named vector of parameter values to be used when 
##' evaluating the formulae
##' @return \code{object} with the rate formulae evaluated
EvaluateFormula.ProgressionGraph <- function(object,params){

    theNodes <- nodes(object$graph)
    eM <- (edgeMatrix(object$graph))

    newObject <- object
    for(y in 1:length(eM[1,])){
        from <- theNodes[eM[1,y]]
        to <- theNodes[eM[2,y]]
        if (class(edgeData(object$graph,from=from,to=to,attr="hazard")[[1]])=="function"){
            f <- edgeData(object$graph,from=from,to=to,attr="hazard")[[1]] 
            rate <-tryCatch({
            },error = function(err) {
            stop(error="Error evaluating formula, are the correctly named parameters used?")})
            newObject <- InsertRate.ProgressionGraph(newObject,from,to,rate,mustBeNumeric=TRUE)

##' Outputs a matrix of shapes from the edge Data of a \code{ProgressionGraph}
##' object
##' The matrix that is produced is such that M[i,j] = the shape
##' from node i to node j, where the nodes are numbered in creation 
##' order (\code{nodes(object$graph))}.
##' @param object A \code{ProgressionGraph} object
##' @return A Matrix of Weibull shape parameters, note that if no edge exists 
##' between two nodes then M[i,j] = 0
GetShapes.ProgressionGraph <- function(object){
scientific-computing-solutions/badminton documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:43 p.m.