
Defines functions convert_wp max_points_flex max_points_position evaluate_projections evaluate_tiers evaluate_team_accuracy evaluate_brier evaluate_model evaluate_lineup

#' @export
evaluate_lineup <- function(team_df,
                            qb = 1,
                            rb = 2,
                            wr = 3,
                            te = 1,
                            dst = 1,
                            k = 1,
                            flex = 1,
                            rb_wr = 1,
                            dl = 1,
                            db = 1,
                            fa = NULL,
                            transactions = NULL,
                            plot = FALSE) {

  teams <- unique(team_df$team)

  weeks <- unique(team_df$week)

  team_df <- team_df %>%
    mutate(position = case_when(
      position %in% c("DB", "CB", "S") ~ "DB",
      position %in% c("DL", "DE", "DT", "LB") ~ "DL",
      position %in% c("DST", "D/ST", "DEF") ~ "DST",
      TRUE ~ position

  if(!is.null(fa)) {
    team_df <- bind_rows(team_df, fa)

  if(!is.null(transactions)) {
    team_df <- bind_rows(team_df, transactions)

  positions <- tibble(qb, rb, wr, te,
                      dst, k, dl, db) %>%
    gather(position, roster_spots) %>%
    filter(roster_spots > 0) %>%
    mutate(position = toupper(position))

  best_lineup <- crossing(team = teams, week = weeks, positions) %>%
    mutate(data = list(team_df),
           tmp = pmap(list(data, team, week,
                           position, roster_spots),
                      max_points_position)) %>%
    unnest(tmp) %>%
    select(team, week, position, max_points, player) %>%
    nest(player = player)

  crossing(team = teams, week = weeks) %>%
    mutate(best_lineup = list(best_lineup),
           team_df = list(team_df),
           rb_wr = rb_wr,
           flex = flex,
           tmp = pmap(list(best_lineup, team_df,
                           team, week, rb_wr, flex),
                      max_points_flex)) %>%
    unnest(tmp) %>%
    select(team, week, optimal = max_points) %>%
              by = c("team", "week"))


#' @export
evaluate_model <- function(fit_team_season_df, schedule = NULL) {

  scores <- slice_tail(fit_team_season_df, n = 1)$scores_filtered[[1]]

  sims <- fit_team_season_df %>%
    filter(week < max(fit_team_season_df$week)) %>%
    mutate(week = week + 1L,
           sims = map(model,
                      ~ fit_team_season_df$scores_filtered[[1]][,c('team', 'week')] %>%
                        mutate(week = week + 1) %>%
                        tidybayes::add_predicted_draws(.x, seed = 42, value = "score") %>%
                        ungroup() %>%
                        nest(data = -team))) %>%
    select(week, sims) %>%

  if(!is.null(schedule)) {

    tmp <-  schedule %>%
      filter(week > 1) %>%
      inner_join(scores, by = c("week", "team")) %>%
      left_join(rename(scores, opponent = team, opp_score = score), by = c("week", "opponent")) %>%
      left_join(sims, by = c("week", "team")) %>%
      left_join(rename(sims, opponent = team, opp_data = data), by = c("week", "opponent"))

  } else {

    tmp <- crossing(week = 2:max(sims$week),
                    team = unique(sims$team),
                    opponent = unique(sims$team)) %>%
      filter(team != opponent) %>%
      left_join(scores, by = c("week", "team")) %>%
      left_join(rename(scores, opponent = team, opp_score = score), by = c("week", "opponent")) %>%
      left_join(sims, by = c("week", "team")) %>%
      left_join(rename(sims, opponent = team, opp_data = data), by = c("week", "opponent"))


  tmp %>%
    mutate(margin = score - opp_score,
           sims = map2(data, opp_data, ~.x - .y),
           win_prob = map_dbl(sims, ~convert_wp(.$score)),
           lower50 = map_dbl(sims, ~ quantile(.$score, 0.25)),
           upper50 = map_dbl(sims, ~ quantile(.$score, 0.75)),
           lower80 = map_dbl(sims, ~ quantile(.$score, 0.1)),
           upper80 = map_dbl(sims, ~ quantile(.$score, 0.9)),
           lower95 = map_dbl(sims, ~ quantile(.$score, 0.025)),
           upper95 = map_dbl(sims, ~ quantile(.$score, 0.975)),
           pred_outcome = if_else(win_prob > 50, 1L, 0L),
           act_outcome = if_else(score - opp_score > 0, 1L, 0L),
           correct = if_else(pred_outcome == act_outcome, 1L, 0L),
           range50 = pmap_int(list(margin, lower50, upper50),
                              ~if_else(between(..1, ..2, ..3), 1L, 0L)),
           range80 = pmap_int(list(margin, lower80, upper80),
                              ~if_else(between(..1, ..2, ..3), 1L, 0L)),
           range95 = pmap_int(list(margin, lower95, upper95),
                              ~if_else(between(..1, ..2, ..3), 1L, 0L)),
           sim = case_when(
             win_prob == 0 & correct == 1 ~ 1000,
             win_prob == 0 & correct == 0 ~ -1000,
             correct == 1 ~ win_prob,
             TRUE ~ -win_prob)) %>%
    select(week, team, opp = opponent, margin, act_outcome,
           win_prob, pred_outcome, correct, sim,
           lower50, upper50, range50,
           lower80, upper80, range80,
           lower95, upper95, range95)


#' @export
evaluate_brier <- function(evaluation_df) {

  team_col <- names(select(evaluation_df, starts_with("team")))

  evaluation_df %>%
    select(team = starts_with("team"),
           win_prob, sim, act_outcome) %>%
    mutate(sim = if_else(abs(sim) == 1000, 0, sim),
           pred = win_prob / 100,
           brier = (0.25 - (pred - act_outcome)^2) * 100) %>%
    group_by(team) %>%
    summarise(brier = round(mean(brier), 2),
              .groups = "drop") %>%
    select(team, brier) %>%
    set_names(team_col, "brier")


#' @export
evaluate_team_accuracy <- function(evaluation_df, .latest = TRUE) {

  team_col <- names(select(evaluation_df, starts_with("team")))

  if(.latest) filter(evaluation_df, week == max(week))

  evaluation_df %>%
    select(team = starts_with("team"), correct) %>%
    group_by(team) %>%
    summarise(correct = sum(correct),
              .groups = "drop") %>%
    arrange(-correct) %>%
    set_names(team_col, "correct")


#' @export
evaluate_tiers <- function(evaluation_df) {

  evaluation_df %>%
    select(sim, correct) %>%
    mutate(tier = case_when(
      abs(sim) == 100 | abs(sim) == 1000 ~ 100,
      abs(sim) >= 90 | abs(sim) <= 10 ~ 90,
      abs(sim) >= 80 | abs(sim) <= 20 ~ 80,
      abs(sim) >= 70 | abs(sim) <= 30 ~ 70,
      abs(sim) >= 60 | abs(sim) <= 40 ~ 60,
      abs(sim) >= 50 | abs(sim) <= 50 ~ 50)) %>%
    group_by(tier) %>%
    mutate(n = n(),
           correct = sum(correct),
           perc_correct = round(correct / n, 2)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    select(tier, n, correct, perc_correct) %>%
    arrange(-tier) %>%


# TO-DO:
# Combine league and FVOA projections into evaluate_projections
# Inputs: schedule, fit, projections
# Include: week, scheduled flag, team1, team2,
#          actual scores, actual outcome, actual margin,
#          league/FVOA projected scores, pred outcomes,
#          pred margins, correct, win prob, error,
#          50% range (lower50, upper50, range50),
#          80% range, 95% range
# Visualize: weekly % correct and MAE faceted by scheduled; per team

#' @export
evaluate_projections <- function(projections,
                                 schedule = NULL,
                                 .summary = FALSE) {

  if (!is.null(schedule)) {

    out <- schedule %>%
      inner_join(projections, by = c("week", "team")) %>%
      left_join(rename(projections, opponent = 2,
                       opp_proj = 3, opp_act = 4),
                by = c("week", "opponent")) %>%
      mutate(proj_win = projected > opp_proj,
             act_win = actual > opp_act,
             correct = proj_win == act_win) %>%
      group_by(week) %>%
      summarize(correct = mean(correct),
                .groups = 'drop')

  } else {

    out <- crossing(team = unique(projections$team),
             opponent = unique(projections$team)) %>%
      filter(team != opponent) %>%
      inner_join(projections, by = "team") %>%
      left_join(rename(projections, opponent = 2,
                       opp_proj = 3, opp_act = 4),
                by = c("week", "opponent")) %>%
      mutate(proj_win = projected > opp_proj,
             act_win = actual > opp_act,
             correct = proj_win == act_win)


  if (.summary) {

    out <- out %>%
      group_by(week) %>%
      summarize(correct = mean(correct),
                .groups = "drop")




# Helper Functions --------------------------------------------------------

max_points_position <- function(team_df, .team, .week,
                                .position, roster_spots) {

  team_df %>%
    filter(team == .team,
           week == .week,
           position == .position) %>%
    top_n(roster_spots, points) %>%
    mutate(max_points = sum(points)) %>%
    select(max_points, player)


max_points_flex <- function(best_lineup, team_df, .team, .week,
                            rb_wr = 1, flex = 1) {

  best_lineup <- best_lineup %>%
    filter(team == .team,
           week == .week)

  team_df <- team_df %>%
    filter(team %in% c(.team, NA),
           week == .week)

  if(rb_wr > 0) {

    chosen_players <- best_lineup %>%
      unnest(player) %>%

    best_rb_wr <- team_df %>%
      anti_join(chosen_players, by = "player") %>%
      filter(position %in% c("RB", "WR")) %>%
      top_n(rb_wr, points) %>%
      mutate(max_points = sum(points),
             position = "RB_WR") %>%
      nest(player = player) %>%
      select(team, week, position, max_points, player)

    best_lineup <- bind_rows(best_lineup,


  if(flex > 0) {

    chosen_players <- best_lineup %>%
      unnest(player) %>%

    best_flex <- team_df %>%
      anti_join(chosen_players, by = "player") %>%
      filter(position %in% c("RB", "WR", "TE")) %>%
      top_n(flex, points) %>%
      mutate(max_points = sum(points),
             position = "Flex") %>%
      nest(player = player) %>%
      select(team, week, position, max_points, player)

    best_lineup <- bind_rows(best_lineup,


  best_lineup %>%
    select(-player) %>%
    summarise(max_points = sum(max_points))


convert_wp <- function(sim) {

  round(pnorm(0, mean(sim), sd(sim), lower.tail=FALSE) * 100 -
          round(dnorm(0, mean(sim), sd(sim)) * 100, 2)/2, 2)

scottfrechette/fvoa documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 3:44 p.m.