

test_that("error if no arguments", {
  expect_error(recode(1:5), "No replacements provided")
  expect_error(recode("a"), "No replacements provided")
  expect_error(recode(factor("a")), "No replacements provided")

test_that("positional substitution works", {
  expect_equal(recode(1:2, "a", "b"), c("a", "b"))

test_that("names override positions", {
  expect_equal(recode(1:2, `2` = "b", `1` = "a"), c("a", "b"))

test_that("numeric vals must be all named or not named at all", {
    recode(1:2, "b", `1` = "a"),
    "Either all values must be named, or none must be named"

test_that("named substitution works", {
  x1 <- letters[1:3]
  x2 <- factor(x1)

  expect_equal(recode(x1, a = "apple", .default = NA_character_), c("apple", NA, NA))
  expect_equal(recode(x2, a = "apple", .default = NA_character_), factor(c("apple", NA, NA)))

test_that("missing values replaced by missing argument", {
  expect_equal(recode(c(1, NA), "a"), c("a", NA))
  expect_equal(recode(c(1, NA), "a", .missing = "b"), c("a", "b"))

test_that("unmatched value replaced by default argument", {
  expect_warning(expect_equal(recode(c(1, 2), "a"), c("a", NA)))
  expect_equal(recode(c(1, 2), "a", .default = "b"), c("a", "b"))

test_that("missing and default place nicely together", {
    recode(c(1, 2, NA), "a", .default = "b", .missing = "c"),
    c("a", "b", "c")

test_that("can give name x", {
  expect_equal(recode("x", x = "a"), "a")

test_that(".default works when not all values are named", {
  x <- rep(1:3, 3)
  expect_equal(recode(x, `3` = 10L, .default = x), rep(c(1L, 2L, 10L), 3))

test_that(".default is aliased to .x when missing and compatible", {
  x <- letters[1:3]
  expect_equal(recode(x, a = "A"), c("A", "b", "c"))

  n <- 1:3
  expect_equal(recode(n, `1` = 10L), c(10L, 2L, 3L))

test_that(".default is not aliased to .x when missing and not compatible", {
  x <- letters[1:3]
  expect_warning(expect_equal(recode(x, a = 1), c(1L, NA, NA)))

  n <- 1:3
  expect_warning(expect_equal(recode(n, `1` = "a"), c("a", NA, NA)))

test_that("default .default works with factors", {
  expect_equal(recode(factor(letters[1:3]), a = "A"), factor(c("A", "b", "c")))

test_that("recode_factor() handles .missing and .default levels", {
  x <- c(1:3, NA)
  expect_warning(expect_equal(recode_factor(x, `1` = "z", `2` = "y"), factor(c("z", "y", NA, NA), levels = c("z", "y"))))
  expect_equal(recode_factor(x, `1` = "z", `2` = "y", .default = "D"), factor(c("z", "y", "D", NA), levels = c("z", "y", "D")))
  expect_equal(recode_factor(x, `1` = "z", `2` = "y", .default = "D", .missing = "M"), factor(c("z", "y", "D", "M"), c("z", "y", "D", "M")))

test_that("recode_factor() handles vector .default", {
  character_default <- recode_factor(factor(letters[1:3]), b = "z", c = "y", .default = letters[1:3])
  implicit_factor_default <- recode_factor(factor(letters[1:3]), b = "z", c = "y")
  implicit_character_default <- recode_factor(letters[1:3], b = "z", c = "y")

  expected <- factor(c("a", "z", "y"), levels = c("z", "y", "a"))
  expect_equal(character_default, expected)
  expect_equal(implicit_factor_default, expected)
  expect_equal(implicit_character_default, expected)

test_that("can recode factor with redundant levels", {
  expect_equal(recode(factor(letters[1:4]), d = "c", b = "a"), factor(c("a", "a", "c", "c"), levels = c("a", "c")))
  expect_equal(recode_factor(letters[1:4], d = "c", b = "a"), factor(c("a", "a", "c", "c"), levels = c("c", "a")))

test_that("conversion of unreplaced values to NA gives warning", {
  expect_warning(recode(1:3, `1` = "a"), "treated as NA")
  expect_warning(recode_factor(letters[1:3], b = 1, c = 2))
sctyner/dplyr050 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:22 p.m.