
Defines functions modRisk

Documented in modRisk

# modRisk Function
# Calculates two disclosure risk measures with
# five possible log-linear models (standard, CE, PSE, weightedLLM, IPF)
# 1. estimates the number of sample uniques that are population unique
# 2. estimates the number of correct matches of sample uniques

#' Global risk using log-linear models.
#' The sample frequencies are assumed to be independent and following a Poisson
#' distribution. The parameters of the corresponding parameters are estimated
#' by a log-linear model including the main effects and possible interactions.
#' This measure aims to (1) calculate the number of sample uniques that are
#' population uniques with a probabilistic Poisson model and (2) to estimate
#' the expected number of correct matches for sample uniques.
#' ad 1) this risk measure is defined over all sample uniques as \deqn{ \tau_1
#' = \sum\limits_{j:f_j=1} P(F_j=1 | f_j=1) \quad , } i.e. the expected number
#' of sample uniques that are population uniques.
#' ad 2) this risk measure is defined over all sample uniques as \deqn{ \tau_2
#' = \sum\limits_{j:f_j=1} P(1 / F_j | f_j=1) \quad . }
#' Since population frequencies \eqn{F_k} are unknown, they need to be
#' estimated.
#' The iterative proportional fitting method is used to fit the parameters of
#' the Poisson distributed frequency counts related to the model specified to
#' fit the frequency counts. The obtained parameters are used to estimate a
#' global risk, defined in Skinner and Holmes (1998).
#' @name modRisk
#' @docType methods
#' @param obj An \code{\link{sdcMicroObj-class}}-object or a numeric matrix
#' or data.frame containing all variables required in the specified model.
#' @param method chose method for model-based risk-estimation. Currently, the
#' following methods can be selected:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "default": the standard log-linear model.
#' \item "CE": the Clogg Eliason method, additionally,  considers survey weights by using an offset term.
#' \item "PML": the pseudo maximum likelihood method.
#' \item "weightedLLM": the weighted maximum likelihood method, considers survey weights by including them as one of the predictors.
#' \item "IPF": iterative proportional fitting as used in deprecated method 'LLmodGlobalRisk'.
#' }
#' @param weights a variable name specifying sampling weights
#' @param formulaM A formula specifying the model.
#' @param bound a number specifying a threshold for 'risky' observations in the sample.
#' @param ... additional parameters passed through, currently ignored.
#' @return Two global risk measures and some model output given the specified model. If this method
#' is applied to an \code{\link{sdcMicroObj-class}}-object, the slot 'risk' in the object ist updated
#' with the result of the model-based risk-calculation.
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom MASS loglm
#' @author Matthias Templ, Marius Totter, Bernhard Meindl
#' @seealso \code{\link{loglm}}, \code{\link{measure_risk}}
#' @references Skinner, C.J. and Holmes, D.J. (1998) \emph{Estimating the
#' re-identification risk per record in microdata}. Journal of Official
#' Statistics, 14:361-372, 1998.
#' Rinott, Y. and Shlomo, N. (1998). \emph{A Generalized Negative Binomial
#' Smoothing Model for Sample Disclosure Risk Estimation}. Privacy in
#' Statistical Databases. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.  Springer-Verlag,
#' 82--93.
#' Clogg, C.C. and Eliasson, S.R. (1987). \emph{Some Common Problems in Log-Linear Analysis}. Sociological Methods and Research, 8-44.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## data.frame method
#' data(testdata2)
#' form <- ~sex+water+roof
#' w <- "sampling_weight"
#' \donttest{
#' (modRisk(testdata2, method = "default", formulaM = form, weights = w))
#' (modRisk(testdata2, method = "CE", formulaM = form, weights = w))
#' (modRisk(testdata2, method = "PML", formulaM = form, weights = w))
#' (modRisk(testdata2, method = "weightedLLM", formulaM = form, weights = w))
#' (modRisk(testdata2, method = "IPF", formulaM = form, weights = w))
#' ## application to a sdcMicroObj
#' data(testdata2)
#' sdc <- createSdcObj(testdata2,
#'  keyVars = c("urbrur", "roof", "walls", "electcon", "relat", "sex"),
#'  numVars = c("expend", "income", "savings"),
#'  w = "sampling_weight")
#' sdc <- modRisk(sdc, form = ~sex+water+roof)
#' slot(sdc, "risk")$model
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' # an example using data from the laeken-pkg
#' library(laeken)
#' data(eusilc)
#' f <- as.formula(paste(" ~ ", "db040 + hsize + rb090 +
#'              age + pb220a + age:rb090 + age:hsize +
#'              hsize:rb090"))
#' w <- "rb050"
#' (modRisk(eusilc, method = "default", weights = w, formulaM = f, bound = 5))
#' (modRisk(eusilc, method = "CE", weights =  w, formulaM = f, bound = 5))
#' (modRisk(eusilc, method = "PML", weights = w, formulaM = f, bound = 5))
#' (modRisk(eusilc, method = "weightedLLM", weights = w, formulaM = f, bound = 5))
#' }
modRisk <- function(obj, method="default", weights, formulaM, bound=Inf, ...) {
  modRiskX(obj=obj, method=method, weights=weights, formulaM=formulaM, bound=bound, ...)

setGeneric("modRiskX", function(obj, method="default", weights, formulaM, bound=Inf, ...) {

setMethod(f="modRiskX", signature=c("sdcMicroObj"),
definition=function(obj, method="default", weights, formulaM, bound=Inf) {
  vars <- labels(terms(formulaM))
  mk <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type = "manipKeyVars")
  mn <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type = "manipNumVars")
  orig <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type = "origData")
  cn <- colnames(orig)
  ok <- orig[, !colnames(orig) %in% c(colnames(mk), colnames(mn)), drop = FALSE]
  if (any(colnames(mk) %in% vars)) {
    x <- mk[, colnames(mk) %in% vars, drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    x <- NULL
  if ( any(colnames(mn) %in% vars) ) {
    if (is.null(x)) {
      x <- mn[, colnames(mn) %in% vars, drop=FALSE]
    } else {
      x <- data.frame(x, mn[, colnames(mn) %in% vars, drop=FALSE])
  if (any(colnames(ok) %in% vars)) {
    if (is.null(x)) {
      x <- ok[, colnames(ok) %in% vars, drop=FALSE]
    } else {
      x <- data.frame(x, ok[, colnames(ok) %in% vars, drop=FALSE])

  wV <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type = "weightVar")
  weightsVar <- cn[wV]
  if (is.null(wV)) {
    w <- c(
      "model-based risks are computed for data without defined sampling weights.",
      "weights are temporarily set to 1."
    warning(paste(w, collapse = "\n"))
    weightsVar <- paste0("tmpweights_", substr(runif(1), 3, 10))
    x[[weightsVar]] <- 1
  } else {
    x[[weightsVar]] <- orig[[wV]]

  risk <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="risk")
  risk$model <- modRisk(
    obj = x,
    method = method,
    weights = weightsVar,
    formulaM = formulaM,
    bound = bound
  obj <- set.sdcMicroObj(obj, type = "risk", input = list(risk))

setMethod(f="modRiskX", signature=c("data.frame"),
definition=function(obj, method="default", weights, formulaM, bound=Inf) {
  risk1 <- function(l, p) {
    v=(1 - p) * l
  risk2 <- function(l, p) {
    v=(1 - p) * l
    (1 - exp(-v))/v
  file_risk <- function(freq, risk) {
    sum(as.numeric(freq == 1) * risk)

  . <- inclProb <- counts <- id <- Fk <- NULL
  x <- obj
  if (!inherits(x, "data.frame")) {
    stop("input 'x' must inherit class `data.frame`", call. = FALSE)
  if (!method %in% c("default", "CE", "PML", "weightedLLM", "IPF")) {
    stop("Unknown value for 'method' was detected!", call. = FALSE)
  if (!weights %in% colnames(x)) {
    stop("Please provide a valid variable name that contains sampling weights!", call. = FALSE)
  if (length(bound) != 1 & bound[1] <= 0) {
    stop("Argument 'bound' must be numeric > 0!", call. = FALSE)

  form_info <- terms(formulaM)
  orders <- attributes(form_info)$order
  vars <- labels(form_info)[orders==1]

  if (method == "IPF" && any(orders > 1)) {
    stop("Sorry, but method 'IPF' cannot be used for models with interactions!", call. = FALSE)

  if (!all(vars %in% colnames(x))) {
    stop("all variables specified in the formula must exist in the input dataset!", call. = FALSE)

  x <- x[, c(vars, weights)]
  colnames(x) <- c(vars, "weights")
  y <- data.table(x, key = vars)
  y[, inclProb := 1 / weights]
  y <- y[, .(counts = .N, weights = sum(weights), inclProb = sum(inclProb)), by = key(y)]

  grid <- data.table(expand.grid(lapply(1:length(vars), function(t) unique((x[[vars[t]]])))))
  setnames(grid, vars)
  setkeyv(grid, vars)

  x <- merge(grid, y, all.x = TRUE)
  x[is.na(counts), counts := 0]
  x[is.na(weights), weights := 0]
  x[is.na(inclProb), inclProb := 0]

  # model selection
  if (method == "default") {
    form <- as.formula(paste(c("counts", as.character(formulaM)), collapse = ""))
  if (method == "CE") {
    EC <- x$counts / x$weights  #offset term
    EC[EC == "NaN"] <- 0
    EC <- log(EC + 0.1)
    form <- as.formula(paste(c("counts", c(as.character(formulaM)), "+ offset(EC)"), collapse = ""))
  if (method == "PML") {
    f <- sum(x$counts) / sum(x$weights)
    weights_t <- round(x$weights * f)  #round
    x <- data.frame(x, weights_t)
    form <- as.formula(paste(c("weights_t", as.character(formulaM)), collapse = ""))
  if (method == "weightedLLM") {
    form_zw <- as.formula(paste(c(formulaM, "weights"), collapse = "+"))
    form <- as.formula(paste(c("counts", as.character(form_zw)), collapse = ""))
  if (method == "IPF") {
    form <- as.formula(paste(c("counts", as.character(formulaM)), collapse = ""))
    form2 <- as.formula(paste(c("inclProb", as.character(formulaM)), collapse = ""))
    tab <- stats::xtabs(form, x)
    tabP <- stats::xtabs(form2, x)

  # running the model with the chosen formula
  if (method == "IPF") {
    mod <- loglm(form, data = tab, fitted = TRUE)
  } else {
    mod <- glm(form, data = x, family = stats::poisson())
  lambda <- stats::fitted(mod)

  # calculate risk and estimate
  # 1. the number of sample uniques that are population unique
  # 2. the number of correct matches of sample uniques
  if (method != "IPF") {
    x <- data.table(x)
    x[, id := 1:nrow(x)]
    setkey(x, id)
    lambda <- data.table(Fk = as.numeric(lambda), id = as.numeric(attributes(lambda)$names))
    setkey(lambda, id)
  } else {
    x <- data.table(x, key = vars)
    lambda <- as.data.frame.table(lambda, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(lambda)[ncol(lambda)] <- "Fk"
    lambda <- data.table(lambda, key = vars)
    #lambda <- lambda[,lapply(.SD, as.numeric)]
    # suggestion by Ying Chen:
    lambda <- data.table(lambda, key = vars)
    for (v in vars) {
      if (class(x[[v]]) != class(lambda[[v]])) {
        if (is.character(x[[v]])) {
          lambda[[v]] <- as.character(lambda[[v]])
        } else if (is.integer(x[[v]])) {
          lambda[[v]] <- as.integer(lambda[[v]])
        } else if (is.numeric(x[[v]])) {
          lambda[[v]] <- as.numeric(lambda[[v]])
        } else if (is.factor(x[[v]])) {
          lambda[[v]] <- as.factor(lambda[[v]])

  x <- merge(x, lambda, all.x = TRUE)
  x[is.na(Fk), Fk := 0]
  x <- x[0 < x$counts & x$counts <= bound]
  x <- x[!(x$Fk == 0 & x$counts > 0)]
  r1 <- risk1(x$Fk, x$inclProb) / nrow(x)
  r2 <- risk2(x$Fk, x$inclProb) / nrow(x)
  gr1 <- file_risk(x$counts, r1)
  gr2 <- file_risk(x$counts, r2)

  res <- list(
    gr1 = gr1,
    gr2 = gr2,
    gr1perc = gr1 * 100,
    gr2perc = gr2 * 100,
    method = method,
    model = formulaM,
    fitted = stats::fitted(mod),
    inclProb = x$inclProb
  class(res) <- "modrisk"

#' Print method for objects from class modrisk
#' Print method for objects from class modrisk
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{modrisk}}
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed through.
#' @return Output of model-based risk estimation
#' @author Bernhard Meindl
#' @seealso \code{\link{modRisk}}
#' @aliases modrisk
#' @keywords print
#' @method print modrisk
#' @export
print.modrisk <- function(x, ...) {
  message(paste0("The estimated model (using method '",x$method,"') was:"))
  message(paste0("\t",paste(as.character(x$model), collapse=" "),"\n"))
  message("global risk-measures:")
  message(paste0("\tRisk-Measure 1: ", prettyF(x$gr1, digits = 3)," (", prettyF(x$gr1perc, digits = 3), " %)"))
  message(paste0("\tRisk-Measure 2: ", prettyF(x$gr2, digits = 3)," (", prettyF(x$gr2perc, digits = 3), " %)"))
sdcTools/sdcMicro documentation built on May 20, 2024, 10:22 p.m.