
Defines functions chooseCN

Documented in chooseCN

# Function chooseCN

#' Function to choose a connection network
#' The function \code{chooseCN} is a simple interface to build a connection
#' network (CN) from xy coordinates. The user chooses from 6 types of graph and
#' one additional weighting scheme.  \code{chooseCN} calls functions from
#' appropriate packages, handles non-unique coordinates and returns a
#' connection network either with classe \code{nb} or \code{listw}. For graph
#' types 1-4, duplicated locations are not accepted and will issue an error.
#' There are 7 kinds of graphs proposed: \cr Delaunay triangulation (type 1)\cr
#' Gabriel graph (type 2)\cr Relative neighbours (type 3)\cr Minimum spanning
#' tree (type 4)\cr Neighbourhood by distance (type 5)\cr K nearests neighbours
#' (type 6)\cr Inverse distances (type 7)\cr
#' The last option (type=7) is not a true neighbouring graph: all sites are
#' neighbours, but the spatial weights are directly proportional to the
#' inversed spatial distances.\cr Also not that in this case, the output of the
#' function is always a \code{listw} object, even if \code{nb} was
#' requested.\cr
#' The choice of the connection network has been discuted on the adegenet
#' forum. Please search the archives from adegenet website (section 'contact')
#' using 'graph' as keyword.
#' @param xy an matrix or data.frame with two columns for x and y coordinates.
#' @param ask a logical stating whether graph should be chosen interactively
#' (TRUE,default) or not (FALSE). Set to FALSE if \code{type} is provided.
#' @param type an integer giving the type of graph (see details).
#' @param result.type a character giving the class of the returned object.
#' Either "nb" (default) or "listw", both from \code{spdep} package. See
#' details.
#' @param d1 the minimum distance between any two neighbours. Used if
#' \code{type=5.}
#' @param d2 the maximum distance between any two neighbours. Used if
#' \code{type=5}. Can also be a character: "dmin" for the minimum distance so
#' that each site has at least one connection, or "dmax" to have all sites
#' connected (despite the later has no sense).
#' @param k the number of neighbours per point. Used if \code{type=6}.
#' @param a the exponent of the inverse distance matrix. Used if \code{type=7}.
#' @param dmin the minimum distance between any two distinct points. Used to
#' avoid infinite spatial proximities (defined as the inversed spatial
#' distances). Used if \code{type=7}.
#' @param plot.nb a logical stating whether the resulting graph should be
#' plotted (TRUE, default) or not (FALSE).
#' @param edit.nb a logical stating whether the resulting graph should be
#' edited manually for corrections (TRUE) or not (FALSE, default).
#' @return Returns a connection network having the class \code{nb} or
#' \code{listw}. The xy coordinates are passed as attribute to the created
#' object.
#' @author Thibaut Jombart \email{t.jombart@@imperial.ac.uk}
#' @keywords spatial utilities
#' @examples
#' if(require("ade4", quietly = TRUE)){
#' data(mafragh)
#' oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
#' cn1 <- chooseCN(mafragh$xy,ask=FALSE,type=1)
#' cn2 <- chooseCN(mafragh$xy,ask=FALSE,type=2)
#' cn3 <- chooseCN(mafragh$xy,ask=FALSE,type=3)
#' cn4 <- chooseCN(mafragh$xy,ask=FALSE,type=4)
#' par(oldpar)
#' }
#' @export chooseCN
#' @importFrom ade4 mstree neig2nb
#' @importFrom spdep tri2nb gabrielneigh graph2nb relativeneigh dnearneigh knearneigh knn2nb nb2listw mat2listw listw2mat lag.listw card
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom utils edit
#' @importFrom grDevices xyTable

chooseCN <- function(xy,ask=TRUE, type=NULL, result.type="nb", d1=NULL, d2=NULL, k=NULL,
                     a=NULL, dmin=NULL, plot.nb=TRUE, edit.nb=FALSE){
    if(is.data.frame(xy)) xy <- as.matrix(xy)
    if(ncol(xy) != 2) stop("xy does not have two columns.")
    if(any(is.na(xy))) stop("NA entries in xy.")
    result.type <- tolower(result.type)
    if(is.null(type) & !ask) stop("Non-interactive mode but no graph chosen; please provide a value for 'type' argument.")
    ## if(!require(spdep, quietly=TRUE)) stop("spdep library is required.")
    res <- list()
            tempmat <- as.matrix(dist(xy))
            d2min <- max(apply(tempmat, 1, function(r) min(r[r>1e-12])))
            d2min <- d2min * 1.0001 # to avoid exact number problem
            d2 <- d2min
        } else if(d2=="dmax"){
            d2max <- max(dist(xy))
            d2max <- d2max * 1.0001 # to avoid exact number problem
            d2 <- d2max
    } # end handle d2
    d1.first <- d1
    d2.first <- d2
    k.first <- k
    ## handle type argument
        type <- as.integer(type)
        if(type < 1 |type > 7) stop("type must be between 1 and 7")
        ask <- FALSE
    ## check for uniqueness of coordinates
    if(any(xyTable(xy)$number>1)){ # if duplicate coords
    } else {
    ## if(is.null(type) & !ask) { type <- 1 }
    ### begin large while ###
    chooseAgain <- TRUE
        # re-initialisation of some variables
        d1 <- d1.first
        d2 <- d2.first
        k <- k.first
        ## read type from console
            temp <- TRUE
                cat("\nChoose a connection network:\n")
                cat("\t Delaunay triangulation (type 1)\n")
                cat("\t Gabriel graph (type 2)\n")
                cat("\t Relative neighbours (type 3)\n")
                cat("\t Minimum spanning tree (type 4)\n")
                cat("\t Neighbourhood by distance (type 5)\n")
                cat("\t K nearest neighbours (type 6)\n")
                cat("\t Inverse distances (type 7)\n")
                cat("Answer: ")
                type <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
                temp <- type < 1 |type > 7
                if(temp) cat("\nWrong answer\n")
                if(type %in% 1:4 & DUPLICATE.XY){
                    cat("\n\n== PROBLEM DETECTED ==")
                    cat("\nDuplicate locations detected\nPlease choose another graph (5-7) or add random noise to locations (see ?jitter).\n")
                    temp <- TRUE
            } # end while
        ## warning about duplicate xy coords
        if(type %in% 1:4 & DUPLICATE.XY){
            stop("Duplicate locations detected and incompatible with graph type 1-4.\nPlease choose another graph (5-7) or add random noise to locations (see ?jitter).")
        ## graph types
        ## type 1: Delaunay
            ## if(!require(tripack, quietly=TRUE)) stop("tripack library is required.")
            cn <- tri2nb(xy)
        # type 2: Gabriel
            cn <- gabrielneigh(xy)
            cn <- graph2nb(cn, sym=TRUE)
        ## type 3: Relative neighbours
            cn <- relativeneigh(xy)
            cn <- graph2nb(cn, sym=TRUE)
        ## type 4: Minimum spanning tree
            cn <- mstree(dist(xy)) # to be improved (remove neig object)
            cn <- neig2nb(cn)
        ## type 5: Neighbourhood by distance
            if(is.null(d1) |is.null(d2)){
                tempmat <- as.matrix(dist(xy))
                d2min <- max(apply(tempmat, 1, function(r) min(r[r>1e-12])))
                d2min <- d2min * 1.0001 # to avoid exact number problem
                d2max <- max(dist(xy))
                d2max <- d2max * 1.0001 # to avoid exact number problem
                dig <- options("digits")
                cat("\n Enter minimum distance: ")
                d1 <- as.numeric(readLines(n = 1))
                cat("\n Enter maximum distance \n(dmin=", d2min, ", dmax=", d2max, "): ")
                d2 <- readLines(n = 1)
                ## handle character
                if(d2=="dmin") {
                    d2 <- d2min
                } else if(d2=="dmax") {
                    d2 <- d2max
                } else {
                    d2 <- as.numeric(d2)
                ## restore initial digit option
            # avoid that a point is its neighbour
            dmin <- mean(dist(xy))/100000
            if(d1<dmin) d1 <- dmin
            if(d2<d1) stop("d2 < d1")
            cn <- dnearneigh(x=xy, d1=d1, d2=d2)
        ## type 6: K nearests
            if(is.null(k)) {
                cat("\n Enter the number of neighbours: ")
                k <- as.numeric(readLines(n = 1))
            cn <- knearneigh(x=xy, k=k)
            cn <- knn2nb(cn, sym=TRUE)
        ## type 7: inverse distances
            if(is.null(a)) {
                cat("\n Enter the exponent: ")
                a <- as.numeric(readLines(n = 1))
            cn <- as.matrix(dist(xy))
            if(is.null(dmin)) {
                cat("\n Enter the minimum distance \n(range = 0 -", max(cn),"): ")
                dmin <- as.numeric(readLines(n = 1))
            if(a<1) { a <- 1 }
            thres <- mean(cn)/1e8
            if(dmin > thres) dmin <- thres
            cn[cn < dmin] <- dmin
            cn <- 1/(cn^a)
            diag(cn) <- 0
            cn <- prop.table(cn,1)
            plot.nb <- FALSE
            edit.nb <- FALSE
            result.type <- "listw"
        } # end type 7
        ## end graph types
        if(ask & plot.nb) {
            cat("\nKeep this graph (y/n)? ")
            ans <- tolower(readLines(n=1))
            if(ans=="n") {chooseAgain <- TRUE} else {chooseAgain <- FALSE}
        else if(plot.nb){
            chooseAgain <- FALSE
        else {chooseAgain <- FALSE}
    ### end large while
    if(edit.nb) {cn <- edit.nb(cn,xy)}
    if(result.type == "listw") {
        if(type!=7) {
            cn <- nb2listw(cn, style="W", zero.policy=TRUE)
        } else {
            cn <-  mat2listw(cn, style = "W", zero.policy = TRUE)
    res <- cn
    attr(res,"xy") <- xy
    attr(res,"call") <- match.call()
} # end chooseCN
sdray/adespatial documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 4:36 p.m.